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Photosmart 320-has hidden settings (.RAW file save,ISO,aperture set,etc)

I found some interesting hidden settings on my Photosmart 320 in "Admistration" mode (hold shutter & flash when turning on).

"Admistration" mode is normally used to update the firmware but also gives you a menu with a option named "IQA setting" which brings up a submenu with the following options:
-ISO setting interesting HP hid this and aperture setting/exposure time in a "service mode" rather than through the regular interface
-RAW mode (interlaced/two field RAW image)-this isn't a "camera RAW" type raw mode but rather is a standard raw image format mode.
-Aperture setting
-Exposure time

I found it very interesting HP hid ISO and aperture setting/exposure time in a "service mode" rather than through the regular interface.

A.A. Fussy
Tue, 19 Jan 2010 15:55:56 +0000

The RAW files produced by the 320 bring up a "Photoshop RAW import" dialog.

A.A. Fussy
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 21:54:17 +0000

This menu and its RAW settings also work on the 3x zoom lens version of the 320-the Photosmart 620.

A.A. Fussy
Wed, 10 Feb 2010 07:37:00 +0000

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