Camera Hacker


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Android 4.2.1 Camera is a Huge Downgrade!

I have been using the Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus for photography for a while now. In fact, it's so good that the "Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus Has Replaced My Canon Elph Jr." But I just recently got a Android 4.2.1 upgraded on my Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone. And now the camera app is practically unusable!

The interface is changed some what, but that's no big deal. The biggest problem is the fact that the viewfinder no longer shows you "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" (WYSIWYG). Instead, you get a lot more in the final photograph that you don't see in the viewfinder.

Looks like what happened is that the camera sensor is different aspect ratio than the camera app's viewfinder. So instead of fitting the sensor into the viewfinder and leave the extra screen estate blank (black), the developer decided to fill the viewfinder with the camera sensor and leave the extra data you'll capture out of the viewfinder. Currently, there is no setting to change that behavior.

The impact is that a photographer, such as myself can no longer capture the photo I wanted. Any photographer would know that composition and framing is important, most decent photographers compose the shot in the camera, not in Photoshop.

So the Google Samsung Galaxy Nexus has just went from being a great digital camera replacement to barely useable by a photographer. I hope the Google Android team fixes that problem real soon.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 06 Dec 2012 01:37:55 +0300

try using a photographic APP like CAMERA FV-5

Mon, 14 Jan 2013 20:58:07 +0300

... or CAMERA PRO (even better i think)

Wed, 16 Jan 2013 20:06:36 +0300

Totally aggre! When I upgraded the Galaxy Nexus the camera desapointed me SO MUCH! It's take me down, was a great camera, now I can't frame de pictures right!

Nicolas Lopes
Wed, 23 Jan 2013 04:53:48 +0300

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