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Fast Draw Camera Phone

SmartPhone has taken over the world by storm. There are probably more photographs taken with cameras on SmartPhones than anything else. Even myself, a die-hard SLR photographer, have been shooting have been shooting photos with my Android phone. It is just too convenient. Old school hardcore photographers always carries a camera on them at all times. Today, that is just too easy with camera phones.

But starting the camera app is not always easy, painless, nor fast. You may have to turn on the phone, tap the app launcher, swipe to the camera app, and then launch it. Many camera app now even allows you to switch between camera and camcorder. Launching the app in the wrong mode may be devastating as most photographers know that the moment may be fleeing. So here are some tips for you to fast draw your SmartPhone for instant camera action.

- Many SmartPhones, like Android, have home or desktop pages that you customize with your favorite apps. Place the camera/camcorder app on the home page will increase your fast draw.

- Most Android phones has multiple home pages. It takes a long time to swipe through your home pages to find the camera/camcorder app. Therefore place the same camera/camcorder onto the same location of each and every home page will increase your fast draw greatly.

- Don't like cluttering all your home pages with the camera/camcorder apps? Many Android phones has a main home page. You can automatically switch to the main home page by tapping the "home" button twice. If your SmartPhone has that capability, just put the camera/camcorder app onto the main home page.

- The functionality that lets you switch between camera and camcorder is cumbersome. The app laumcher can also put you in the wrong mode based on last use. It is better to launch the camera and camcorder apps separately from the desktop so that you ensure you are in the right mode. Of your Android SmartPhone doesn't have separate camera and camcorder launchers, well, there are apps for that. Download QSC Camera and QSC Camercorder apps (see "Related Links" below) and place them on your home pages. Then switching between modes becomes a consistent tapping home, then launching the right app.

Do you have any tips that can help other photographers increase their fast draw? Share your tips with us.

Thu, 02 Jan 2014 01:58:34 +0300

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