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Leica M9 -- An Amazing Full Frame Digital Camera

Leica is a German company producing cameras, geosurvey equipment and microscopes. Leica M9 is the current model of the Leica M (rangefinder) series and this is the first full frame digital camera of this series. Leica M9 is also the world's first full frame digital camera.

Leica M9 has an 18 Megapixel full frame (36 x 24mm) sensor. The LCD monitor has a 2.5 inch, 230,000 pixels brighter output. The ISO speed ranges from 160 to 2500. The sensitivity ranges from ISO 80 for wide apertures on bright days to ISO 2500. The new microlens layouts with increased offset at the corners keep the effect of shading at minimum level. The M9 sensor has a 0.8mm UV/IR filter, which is thicker than the M8 model and also made from a new material having improved IR cut-off properties.

The Leica rangefinders provide fast and sharp focusing through a bright, oversized viewfinder regardless of which lens is attached. The focus system of Leica M9 uses no battery power. The metal electronic shutter is quiet in M9. The shutter gets triggered only when the photographer's finger is removed from the shutter release. The soft release mode limits the vibration for sharp photos of 2 frames per second.

Leica M9 provides four way controllers and it includes a dial that provides easy navigation of menus and custom functions. ISO, playback and information are available at the touch of a button. It has bright line frames of 35 and 135mm, 28 and 90mm, 50 and 75mm. The frameline optimization will be 1.0m. Leica M9 has a dual processor.

The shutter speed will be 1/4000 to 32 sec. The flash synchronization is 1/180 sec. It provides continuous shooting of 2 frames per second to a maximum of eight images. If the shooting mode selector gets switched to self-timer accidentally, Leica recovers it with the help of 0 sec self-timer menu setting.

Leica M9 has a solid brass top, base plate, magnesium alloy body and other structural features which ensure long, reliable working life of this camera. The body finishes of Leica M9 are black or steel gray metallic lacquer. It offers a manual sensor cleaning option which gets selected from appropriate menu and pressing the shutter release makes the shutter open. This allows to gain access the sensor for sensor cleaning.

The rechargeable battery and SD card slots are protected from dust and even from moisture also. It weighs 20.9 ounces (593g). Leica M9 uses a Li-Ion rechargeable battery. With a gorgeous Leica M glass, Leica M9 is a compact and a high quality camera.

Wed, 16 Dec 2009 09:42:54 +0000

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