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The D-LUX 5 - A Hefty Price Tag, But is it Worth It?

Before plunging into a review of the Leica D-LUX 5 camera, it is imperative to give some background about this brand. There was a time when the Leica name implied quality. Their cameras were considered some of the best made picture-taking instruments in the world with their precision German engineering and superb optics. Leica cameras were popular, desirable and expensive. They were also the choice of many professionals during the early to mid-20th Century, including noted street photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. Over the years, the quality of Leica has remained high, even though the Japanese camera industry has blossomed and currently holds the top spot in producing digital imaging equipment. That being said, Leica continues to remain a contender and when you take a look at the D-LUX 5 compact digital camera, you can clearly see why.

The Leica D-LUX 5 is a well-engineered and well-made point-and-shoot camera, with a respectable 10.1 megapixels, but a rather puny 3.8 optical zoom. In today's age of mega zoom cameras, a 3.8 zoom is not particularly useful in most shooting situations. But if you figure that its useful focal length ranges from about 24mm to 90 mm (compared to 35mm lingo), then this should suit most photographers well who are looking for everyday snapshots, such as landscapes, portraits and candids. And coupled with a large sensor, this Leica yields stunningly beautiful results. And aren't the end results what a camera is all about?

This small, compact camera comes with a full complement of features, but beware: It does carry a hefty price tag. With an average online price hovering between $700 and $800, you would have to ask yourself if it's worth it. $800 could buy you a nice DSLR starter kit with at least one and maybe two auxiliary lenses and a host of features that a point-and-shoot will never have. But the one reason you might consider dropping $800 on a point-and-shoot is this: it's a Leica.

The Leica D-LUX 5 has everything that you would expect in a pricey point-and-shoot. It has fully automatic modes, plus the ability to be totally creative with complete manual override. As with almost all digital cameras, this little beauty also shoots HD video, but what makes it different is that you can shoot continuously and have the autofocus fully available, as well as the zoom function. This is one feature that puts the Leica in a class by itself.

This is a very good camera. This is a very expensive camera. It has the legendary Leica optics that you would expect from any product from this manufacturer and you won't be disappointed in the results you'll get from its quality lens. However, unless you are a photographer who can discern the subtle differences between an $800 Leica and a $200 Canon, you may not want to pour your last dollars into the D-LUX 5. It is a hefty price to pay, and yes, you get an excellent camera with awesome results. But you might be served just as well with one of the less expensive models that do just as much (or maybe a tad more) than the Leica.

Jean from Virginia
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 01:30:00 +0000

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