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Well, I just purchased this camera last night, and I already want to take it back. It makes this horribly annoying beeping sound every time you hit any of the buttons, and considering that I bought this as a replacement for my missing HP camera for a camping trip, I'm going to end up scaring away all the wildlife I'm trying to take pictures of. Sure, you can turn it off in the settings menu, but it will not retain those settings after powering off. According to the guy from their call center in India (who could barely understand what I was asking about, and it took 2 calls to get this far) none of their cameras will retain settings. That's absolutely pathetic.
Christopher Cooper
Fri, 03 Aug 2007 22:08:14 +0000
i got a 7.1 megapixel from my wife and I'm scared to open it b/c it even looks cheap. Anyone opened one to tell me about how theirs works?
Wed, 26 Dec 2007 21:33:45 +0000
Amazingly, I bought the $59 7.1 megapixel camera 2 days ago. First, it won't save any of the settings you change. Second, the camera user interface is riddled with bugs and glitches. Sometimes the camera will lock up so that you can't even turn it off. You will be forced to remove the batteries to force a shutdown. Third, picture quality leaves a lot to be desired. Also, this cheap ass camera dosen't even have a focus feature nor an optical lens to allow for optical zoom. This thing only offers digital zoom. Focus features are NECESSARY on a camera.
I was happy to find out that WAL MART took it back without a fuss today and I gladly exchanged it for a $79 SANYO VPC-S670 and simply paid the difference in price.
The SANYO VPC-S670 is a much better product for the price.
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 23:24:58 +0000
The Camera is ok for its money, but you need to change so many settings around in order to get good pictures, it doesnt capture good lighting, I am often using the flash in lighted areas just to see what I am photographing, but the biggest problem of all is the batteries.
This god forsaken thing cant be used more then 5 mins on AAA batteries before the batteries go dead in it, which leaves me to wonder how the hell you suppose to actually use a camera where the battery life in it is so short you need to spend about $500 in batteries a month for maybe 2 hours of use.
Tue, 22 Apr 2008 04:37:38 +0000
Similar problems to those cited with the Digital Solutions/Sakar unit. I had put in new batteries in a dark place and got them in backwards - that killed the camera. 30 minutes yesterday (Memorial Day) waiting for a response on their phone line (probably to Pakistan) ended in "If you want to place a call....." Walmart gave me credit when I returned it today - good for Walmart - and by the way there's an insert in the package that says to call the (Pakistan) number not to take the product back to the store.
I was advised by a friend to get a decent Nikon or Canon.
Tue, 27 May 2008 15:19:01 +0000
Well I just bought this camera for my husband for father's day and I am now worried to give it to him with everything I just read.. I bought it off ebay and was just looking for an instuction booklet when I came across this board..
Amy Barnes
Thu, 29 May 2008 02:23:44 +0000
WOW. I bought the $30 digital slide cam and took it back because the pictures were very low quality even in sunlight. I decided they cant all be bad so I took it back and bought the best camera Digital Concepts makes-7.1 megapixel optical zoom, figuring that it should at least compare to some my other cheap camera, Aiptek 6.0 megapixel camera which I bought at Target 2 yrs ago for the same price. BOY was I wrong! The screen is generously proportioned but unless you are outside in daylight,the quality of the picture is not good. The Zoom feature is pretty useless even in Macro setting because the details are still fuzzy. And the damn thing froze on me while I was pressing the flash button-I had to take the batteries out to get it working again. And I had no problem getting the SD card out-once I jammed it in with a pen. Who wants to go through that just to get the card in and out? I wont get on a soapbox about the good old days when Walmart placed much emphasis on selling goods made in America. Let's face it, the only thing made in America is Americans. But the least they could do is be a little better informed about what they are putting on their shelves. obviously no one is listening to us. some of these posts are two years old! well im done bitching. Thanks for reading and BEWARE!
Tue, 03 Jun 2008 22:54:03 +0000
The amount of asshole behavior that occurs in this forum in sickening. The quality of these products is not equatable with the amount of time spent reading a manual. I'm sure the more erudite of the posters know how to operate a point-and-click camera, else they would be posting "Why no camera work?" instead of legitimate complaints about the quality of the product.
Most of us would return a car to a dealership if they sold us one with a busted radiator or leaking gas tank. It doesn't matter if it's a used Dodge or new Mercedes. The consumer expects a baseline of functionality. Quite simply, these cameras are garbage and Sakar should be taken to task for what they are fostering upon the consumer.
I purchased the 7.1 MP Digital Concepts camera from my local Wal-Mart. Like another poster said, I didn't expect Nikon, or Canon quality. But I did expect it to meet my needs which was simply a good image quality. Instead, for my $110 investment, I got dark, blurry pictures and a slew of peripherals that I have yet to find any use for. The video quality, which honestly wasn't a concern, is sub-par compared to an S-VHS system.
Since my local Wal-Mart has rather draconian return policies, I now have a $110 paperweight and some proprietary USB cables that I could possibly use to hang myself. Avoid Digital Concepts only go with names you know whne it comes to budget cameras. Polaroid, Kodak, and HP all have affordable "economy" models that make them look like Canon EOS Rebels when compared to this crap.
Wed, 01 Oct 2008 00:10:02 +0000
i bought the mega7.1 pixel optical zoom digital concepts camera and it sucks i have used it maybe 3times all pictures are blurrie and now it wont take a pic at all it says lens errer....DONT BUY THIS MODEL EITHER IT SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amber TAYLOR
Thu, 06 Nov 2008 15:01:29 +0000
I bought this camera from radio shack for $50.00.....It takes horrible pictures....this camera is a piece of shit.....and radio shack won't even give me my money back.....I'm going to go smash it with a hammer right now. What a waste of 50 bucks!
Kevin B
Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:08:02 +0000
Me and my cousin just got these 7.1 mp cameras for Christmas and they are a piece of shit. When I first opened mine I was excited to see that it had 7 mps. Because I used to own a 5mp Kodak which worked very well. I wasnt expecting a lot from the pictures without flash, but at least a clear one with it on. With the flash all I got was an empty face and my hair. All white. But without flash all I got was a dark blurry i don't even know what.
I would not suggest buying this at all. When you can get a cheaper WAY better one.
Im gonna go tomorrow and see if I can exchange it for a new one. and just pay the difference.
Thu, 25 Dec 2008 23:39:17 +0000
Just got it today. I can't even get it to come on. I've put brand new batteries in and could'nt figure out why it is not working. So, I though I would go online to see if I could find anything and came across this forum. Maybe it is a good thing it isn't working. Maybe I can still get a decent camera after returning it.
Sat, 27 Dec 2008 00:14:05 +0000
They work for me.
I have had one of my students in "Intro to Photography" use one.
Yeah its a cheap crappy camera, and when I bought it, I knew I was taking a risk because it was Chinese made, looks like it and came with so little documentation. I went into it knowing it was a gamble.
For this particular, introductory photo class, I have a number of students who don't even OWN a camera. This one has been useful as it has been passed around, forcing the students to really learn how to dig in to the menu's and familiarize themselves with how to do so.
As a camera for fine photography I heartily agree with you all : this is NOT the camera.
Since I don't have a camera phone, I toss this one in my purse when students aren't using it. It is about the same quality and irritation level. (Maybe less irritation.)
Any thats my two cents:
As an every day camera? 2 Thumbs down.
As a teaching tool to novice students? 1 Thumb up.
Mih Pehr
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:53:50 +0000
yeah this camera sucks......probably have to spend $100 a month in batteries just to use it, and on top of that the quality is not very good. you get what you pay for!
Tue, 17 Feb 2009 18:29:30 +0000
This may be the problem if your pictures are blurry. Try holding down the button until the screen turns black. After that the quality will be WAY better.(nice quality,actually.)
I still wouldn't buy these though. I tried to upload my pictures onto my computer, and
it turned out that not only did the upload fail, but also my camera has completely stopped working. It won't hold ANY memory with or WITHOUT the memory card in, not even a single picture. And I only had it for around 3 MONTHS! So I do agree, these things are pieces of CRAP (unless it's just MY camera). And that's the the 7.1 MP optical zoom. DON"T buy one.
Sat, 09 May 2009 23:36:03 +0000
I am glad that I read these reviews. I just bought one of these Digital Concepts 7.1 MP at Kohl's. Their sticker price was $114.99 and it was on special sale for $49.99. Obviously, this camera wouldn't be a good deal at $19.99. Thanks. It's going back to Kohl's today.
Doc Hughes
Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:31:13 +0000
i bought this bull shit camera and now the shit dont work!!!!! it is a sorry ass camera and i know you get what you payed for but damn i feel it should have lasted longer then a month!! please stick with brands you know!! this camera sucks pakistanian balls!!!
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:25:18 +0000
I bought one of these little cameras from Wal Mart to get a few photos of my wedding, and possibly use for a snapshot every now and then. I would have done better to just buy a sketch pad and a charcoal pencil. The few pictures I managed to take turned out blurry, and no amount of switching from macro to standard, tweaking the settings, or anything else can resolve this. About the only decent pictures you get are in bright sunlight, and then they are still not as good as even a Polaroid instant picture. This thing EATS batteries. You can spend about $3.00 and buy a childs camera, or one of those small ballpoint shaped digital cameras and get superior quality. Sakar should be in inplicated a class action suit for putting this garbage on the market.
Lucky for me, at my wedding, some of my friends and relatives had their cameras and cellphone cams, or I wouldn't have anything but blurred, faded, vague images to remember my wedding. In a word how would I describe this camera? Pitiful!!
Thu, 10 Sep 2009 14:02:30 +0000
This camera is not bad for the price, but you had better own a Battery Factory to use! You can get 10-20 mins use out of 3 AAA batteries, so buy at your own risk, if I can find my recipt, this pig is going back to Walmart!
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 13:46:12 +0000
Who tested and approved the release of these cameras??? They had to know that most if not all of them dont work properly. If you see a camera that says Digital Concepts, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Haase
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 18:50:41 +0000
I bought this camera recently. But whilst waiting for it to be delivered, I discovered this page and soon found myself regretting my decision to buy the Digital Concepts 7.1 MP. However, on receiving the camera, I am thoroughly satisfied with it. I am a firm believer of 'you get what you pay for' and as I only paid �12 for this camera (new) from eBay, I cannot find much fault with it. Yes, it isn't of the quality you would expect of more expensive cameras but it is more than satisfactory considering the price.
Sat, 09 Jan 2010 12:13:12 +0000
I don't really have a problem with the camera other than it EATS batteries and won't save picture! Can anyone help because I cannot take it back(since it was a gift 2 years ago)?
Thu, 05 Aug 2010 20:51:26 +0000
Best cam around? No....but if you don't want to spend the money....?
These are ID-10-T errors or P-I5-ID-10-T-BCam usual. LOL
Except for the one that stated hold the button down until screen turns black and obviously the Motorcycle person :thumbsup:
Sat, 25 Jun 2011 15:06:23 +0000
I just got the digital concepts 7.1 megapixel camera today. and I like the photos, but my question is.. can the video record audio? I'm not getting audio in my videos
Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:51:25 +0300
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