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software for Digital Concept 89379 digital camera

By the way, I also downloaded drivers from this site and they worked perfectly well with XP, I have not tested with other operating systems
I looked for the drivers using the number under it (89379).

Philip (not in the US, do not send spam)
Wed, 10 May 2006 17:59:26 -0700

Also, the link listed for the drivers is broken. "Page can not be found"

Sat, 02 Sep 2006 18:48:37 -0700

ill try the sight above for a download but as the other person said it is closed down if anyone knows where i can get the download for this cam it would be great. [email protected]

Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:24:20 -0700

Come on people - if the link doesnt work EXACTLY as someone puts it, then try going to the main website... drop off everything after the .com/.net/.whatever -- in this case, I went to SAKAR.COM, then clicked on SUPPORT and then DRIVERS, and then picked the camera model (#89379 - printed in small numbers on the bottom) and BAM - there they were... I almost hate to list these links, because if it changes anytime in the future, I don't want people freaking out... But here is what they were today:



Daniel Goad
Mon, 02 Oct 2006 18:18:58 -0700

GOd I dont use the camera for moveable pictures just for online video chat. But god am I having trouble finding the way to make it work. I try using the driver download website but it just dont work. I dont know what to do.

Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:58:14 -0700

I just purchased a Digital Concepts 3.1 Mega Pixels Camara (used) but it did not come with the installation software. I have searched the web trying to find a site to download the info. Can anyone help me???

Sun, 10 Dec 2006 17:32:13 -0800

i have the digital concepts 3.1 mp camera 89379-z how can i get the software download for this camera i lost my disk

darnell townsend
Thu, 21 Dec 2006 14:40:47 -0800

hey. I got this camera for christmas.
And the cd does not work.
and the sites that were listed.
none of them had the webcam driver...
so can someone plz send me it.
a download or a link to a download.

Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:05:45 -0800

I just got this camera and the cd does not work. I think this is gonna suck.

Mon, 25 Dec 2006 07:57:17 -0800

I downloaded that driver and it doesn't work.

Sun, 27 May 2007 14:16:28 -0700

3 years ago, I bought a Digital Concepts 3.1 MP Model 89379. I lost my installation CD. Does anyone have this CD? where can i download it?

Mon, 15 Jun 2009 04:30:49 +0000

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