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Are there lenses for my Kodak EasyShare DX6340?

I have a Kodak EasyShare DX6340. Can I attach lenses to this digital camera to make it zoom closer?

I want a camera that I can use for regular shots...which this camera can do. On top of that, I want to be able to take some closer shots of things that are far a way.

Tue Sep 7 10:11:48 PDT 2004

By the way, is this camera any good? It's still in the box. I'm not sure if I should get accessories for it.

Tue Sep 7 10:15:44 PDT 2004

Yes. You can attach teleconverters to your DX6340. But before you can do that, you need to get a lens adapter for it.

Kodak has it for $20: link

Amazon has it for $17: link

You'll be able to attach teleconverters with 37mm threads to it. I have a Sima 2x teleconverter. It will probably work with your camera. It works pretty well with mine, and it is dirty cheap: read article

Chieh Cheng
Wed Sep 8 17:11:04 PDT 2004

I am reading your article and I'll have to print it out to read it more carefully because I don't understand a lot of what the mm or other terms mean.

But I should get this one? My camera is 4x optical. does that mean it'll make it 8x?

Are there other more than 2x? Like 4x or more? You indicated that it'll be able to attach more teleconverter on top of this one right?

Thu Sep 9 09:35:37 PDT 2004

Yes, a 2x teleconverter will make the 4x optical lens on your camera 8x.

Higher power teleconverters, greater than 2x, are rare and harder to find than low power teleconverters. But they do exist. They may not always work with your camera. Only experimentation can tell you if they are suitable. Here are a few high power teleconverters:

Nikon TC-E3ED 3X Teleconverter Lens for Nikon 4300, 4500 & 5000 Digital Cameras
EagleEye 5x Teleconverter
Kenko KUT-500 5x Teleconverter
Kenko KDT-60 6x Teleconverter

I have had good experience stacking multiple converters to get higher power. For example, the Olympus 1.45x and Sima 2x stacked gave me a 3.45x teleconverter.

All the mm's are a bit confusing. "mm" stands for millimeter and is an unite of measurement for length. In this case, it is confusing, because there are two different lengths that we are measuring described by the same unit.

Mounting Thread

Generally, we'll say a teleconverter lens have a 37mm rear mounting thread. The 37mm measurement means that the rear mounting thread of the lens is 37mm in diameter. Rear mounting thread is the screw thread, at the rear of the lens, used to mount the lens to the camera.

The same lens with a 52mm front mounting thread means that the lens has a screw thread in front of the lens that is 52mm in diameter. You can use this to mount other lenses with 52mm rear mounting threads or 52mm filters.

Focal Length

Millimeters are also used to measure the lens' focal length. Focal length is simply the distance between the focal point on the lens and the film (or sensor) plane. So a 50mm lens is a lens where the focal point is 50mm away from the film/sensor plane.

The focal length and film (or sensor) size combined determines the depth of field, magnification, and field of view. They are too much to cover here, maybe in a future article. Search for the "Lens FAQ" for now if you want to have a technical understanding of lenses.

Chieh Cheng
Thu Sep 9 14:59:29 PDT 2004

A recent related thread: Kodak wide angle for dx6340 question

Chieh Cheng
Tue Sep 14 23:21:54 PDT 2004

I recently had a chance to play with the KODAK DX6340/6440 Lens Adapter on a Kodak EasyShare DX6340. The front of the lens adapter is flush with the lens barrel when the digital camera is on (see photo below). This means that you have to be very careful when you pick a teleconverter.

I've found that my Sima 2x teleconverter would prevent the lens barrel from extending fully, causing the camera to shut down. Although I could keep the teleconverter loose, it's better to choose a teleconverter that works with the lens adapter.

Attached Image:

lens adapter flush with lens.jpg

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 02 Jan 2007 02:15:46 -0800

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