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Sigma SD15 - An Eminent Digital Camera

The Sigma Corporation has unveiled a new Sigma SD15 Digital SLR camera this February. This is the latest model camera in the Sigma's SD series. Three digital SLR cameras namely the SD9, SD10 and SD14 have been introduced by Sigma ever since the year 2002. In the year 2008 Sigma introduced the DP1 which is a high-end compact digital camera that uses the same large image sensor which is a feature of Sigma's digital SLR cameras. This new SD15 digital camera has been developed with an intention to produce images with superior quality, much improved processing speed, operation and performance. This camera makes these stated features possible with its special accessories such as the View Finder VF-21, Hood Adapter HA-21 and Electronic Flash EF-140 DG.

This camera includes several sophisticated features that make it more special. It has an X3 Full-color image sensor namely the Foveon X3 direct image sensor, which helps in capturing all the primary RGB colors at every single pixel location. This feature ensures the capture of complete color of the object being shot. It also has a TRUE II image processing engine which is a Three-layer Responsive Ultimate Engine that helps in improving the processing speed and overall image quality. The image processing technique follows a unique algorithm that provides high resolution power and helps in reproducing high definition images.

The Sigma SD15 enables the photographers to decide the exposure setting in variable light conditions with the help of four metering modes namely, 77-segment Evaluative Metering, Center Weighted Average Metering, Center Area Metering and Spot Metering. There is also a Auto Bracketing function which facilitates the photographer to capture sequence of images of a same object at three or five different exposure levels by setting the shift value in 1/3EV increments up to ±3EV(3 stops)/±1.7EV(5 stops).

There are also many additional functions found in this camera such as Improved Auto Bracketing function, that helps the users to get a complete and precise exposure of the subject, Built-in flash with 17mm angle of coverage, which offers a coverage angle of 17mm lens along with a guide number of 11 and a S-TTL automatic exposure that helps the photographers to ensure the controls of advanced flash photography.

This camera offers a Resolution of 4.69 Megapixels and it features an Optical / LCD View Finder. It comes with a LCD screen of Size 3.0 inch. It also has a long life Custom Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery for power. The dimension of this camera is 5.7 x 4.2 x 3.2 inches. The weight of this camera is around 680 grams. With all its enriched features this camera is sure to rock the market in the coming days.

Sun, 21 Mar 2010 06:10:11 +0000

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