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Process RAW Windows Drag & Drop Batch Script

Lately, I have been processing RAW files captured on my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1. I've been using the dcraw utility, which only has a command-line interface. It gets tiresome having to change directories by hand, etc. So I wrote this Windows batch script that works with Windows drag & drop interface.

Save the attached batch script to your Windows Desktop (or where-ever else you like). Then when you want to process all of the RAW files in a certain directory, just drag the directory (from Windows Explorer) onto the batch file icon. A window will open and you will see dcraw start it's action.

I've tested this script on Windows XP. You might want to make slight modifications on other Windows versions, such as removing the "pause" statement at the end of the script.

Oh yah . . . dcraw has to be in your path or in the same directory as the batch file.

Attached File: DMC-LX1 Process RAW.bat

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 02 Jul 2006 08:42:21 -0700

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