Camera Hacker

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how to use the Gear To Go CyberPix webcam feature?

Does anyone know how to work the web cam feature?

Mr. E
Tue Oct 14 17:37:44 PDT 2003

does ne 1 now wehter this cam is gud for video conferencing? (webcam)

Fri Feb 20 21:28:17 PST 2004

I've had my camera for about a year and haven't had any problems, however, when I try to use it as a webcam I get the following message:

You cannot change your camera settings because either your camera is not plugged in (which it is) or you are using it in a video conversation (which Im not) with another program.

Does anyone know how to fix this, or even what could be wrong.

Natalie Garcia
Sat May 1 21:07:03 PDT 2004

I have the disk and just loaded it onto my computer but its version is newer than the one in the manual.I can't figure how to do webcam since its the newer version.Will someone please help me. If you can answer my question email me at [email protected]

Thu Feb 3 15:18:05 PST 2005

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