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When Cyber-Shot Viewer starts up, the program seems to work (it displays my pictures) but a gray rectangular box appears in the lower right of my computer screen. There is no text but there is an X in the top right corner. About 3 seconds after this gray box appears, the Cyber-Shot Viewer program simply disappears.
Mon, 12 Jun 2006 23:06:32 -0700
Exactly the same thing is happening to me and it's really annoying, it looks like a really good programme - if only i could use it!!!!!!!!!!
Thu, 22 Jun 2006 11:54:41 -0700
I have searched the users guide and went into all of the icons. How do you delete a picture from a Cyber-shot folder?
Sat, 16 Sep 2006 20:22:21 -0700
you can't! Use Windows Explorer to delete from "My pctures"
Bryan L
Sun, 24 Sep 2006 13:21:49 -0700
i uploaded my pictures into the cyber-shot and i have nooo idea how to delete them, i deleted them from my computer but now when i open my cyber-shot the folder is still there with blank pictures and i can't re-upload the same pictures cause it says 'no new pictures to import' HOW DO YOU DELETE FROM CYBER SHOT??
Sat, 14 Oct 2006 22:53:41 -0700
You cannot delete pictures from the software itself (Cybershot viewer) you would to go to your MyPictures folder which is found under Local disk drive under my document. you should find DCIM folder or the date of the pictures. there you'll be able to delete pictures... try going to Cyber-shot Viewer FAQ & Troubleshooting for more info. hope this helps
Donald SEL
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 16:36:20 -0700
I was able to delete pictures from My pictures folder, but now I still have empty boxes left in my Cyber-Shot picture viewer? I restarted the Cyber-Shot picture viewer and it still has the empty boxes with a little question mark in the center of it? How do I get rid of that box in the picture viewer??
Sat, 04 Nov 2006 06:06:25 -0800
I have the same problem as ..........
"I have empty boxes in my Cyber-Shot picture viewer? I restarted the Cyber-Shot picture viewer and it still has the empty boxes with a little question mark in the center of it? How do I get rid of that box in the picture viewer?? "
Please see my attachet file
Attached File: Bel1.doc (78 KB)
Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:53:08 -0800
Cyber-shot Viewer shuts down after 3 seconds on my Windows XP Pro.
Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:58:45 -0800
Omg, the same exact thing happened to me! i have these little white boxes with red question marks in them....its rlii annoying!!!
Wed, 22 Nov 2006 18:23:44 -0800
I found the solution!!! Go to the following website: Software Update for Cyber-shot Viewer Ver.1.0 I purchased a Sony Cybershot yesterday and found I couldn't delete files from the viewer and when I deleted them from Windows it left a blank square with a question mark in it. I logged onto the internet to query whether others had run into the same problem and was beginning to get worried when I found the number that had. After a little searching I found this website from Sony that updates the Sony Cybershot Viewer 1.0 and adds a load of additional features. After downloading it and opening the program back up, I simply right clicked on the empty squares and selected delete. A dialogue box appeared informing me that it could not find the files (they were already deleted using Windows) but asked if I wanted it to delete all association with the file and after selecting 'yes' they magically disappeared. I never post comments and am only doing this to pass on what I have found in hopes it will help you guys out, so do me a favor, please pass the info on to any other websites devoted to this problem.
Sat, 25 Nov 2006 20:22:14 -0800
Thank you are a god send
Wed, 20 Dec 2006 17:44:56 -0800
Really helpful site. Sony's User Guide just as well be printed in\japanese! And thankyou Seth, this was what I wanted to know.
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:56:06 -0800
OK I've installed the 1101 update, now I have lost the Cyber-shot icon on the main screen. I am a total novice at this lark. Can anybody help?
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 06:21:07 -0800
Are you talking about the Cyber-shot short-cut on the desktop? You can create one by dragging the icon from the start menu to the desktop. But before you let go of the mouse button, hold down Ctrl-Shift. Then let go of the button. It will create a short-cut.
Chieh Cheng
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:49:35 -0800
Thanks Chieh. I managed that OK.
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:17:13 -0800
Thank you so much! I am very particular about the pictures that I want in my viewer, yet I am fairly new to photography and want to experiment lots. This means that I end up with lots of pics that need to be deleted. I was so amazed that all I was able to do was hide them! Bothered me to no end, 'cause they were still there! This update seems to have cured the problem! Thank you for sharing the info!
Sun, 28 Jan 2007 18:26:31 -0800
Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:08:51 -0800
hey, thanks for the info for the upgrade. looks like this program is going to work a whole lot better. no more empty box files. thanks again
Fri, 09 Feb 2007 22:06:58 -0800
question, after i downloaded the new program from sony, i now have a icon on my desktop (psb) with a folder emblem next to it. is this required to run the program or can i delete it?
Fri, 09 Feb 2007 22:26:10 -0800
so, with this new update, do you need to still go in through my documents to delete the pictures? or can you do this directly in cybershot viewer? because i HATE the fact that I can´t delete pictures (i took over 100 pictures in 7 minutes this afternoon - i´ll probabbly only keep 10 of them) but i don´t want to have to switch between cyber shot viewer and windows explorer.
let me know
Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:38:35 -0800
I have empty boxes in my Cyber-Shot picture viewer? I restarted the Cyber-Shot picture viewer and it still has the empty boxes with a little question mark in the center of it? How do I get rid of that box in the picture viewer?? "
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:06:54 -0800
Go back about 12 comments and read what Seth wrote there. I'm sure if you follow his advice, you shouldn't have any more problems.
Tue, 08 May 2007 15:18:52 -0700
Hi .. I was having the same problem as a lot of you in that my photos had question marks over them even though I could view them normally under my pictures. I downloaded the software as suggested by seth which was easy to do but my photos still have a question mark over them so it means that I cannot even view them! Is there an easy solution for this or does anyone know a free software program that would be a good alternative!?
Sun, 20 May 2007 07:11:42 -0700
I worked it out!! This might help anyone with the same issue as me. Once you have downloaded the new update (link up above from seth) all you need to do is 'register'your images - There should be an icon that is called 'register your photos to view'. Then you browse to find all the folders you want it to upload and it 'registers'them and hey presto you can now view them. no more annoying question marks!!
Sun, 20 May 2007 07:23:21 -0700
I know this comment is in response to a year old question, but the update at Software Update for "Cyber-shot Viewer Ver.1.0" will correct the grey box & 3 second shut-down problem.
Fri, 08 Jun 2007 22:55:28 -0700
okay so i am trying to get songs to my camera but everytime i try to upload them onto my camera and when i do it says i have to delete some files and how do i do that
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 19:55:12 -0700
You can delete everything on the format by "reformatting your memory stick" of the menu. but the bad thing is, that deletes everything in your camera!
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 21:19:03 -0700
Great update - I was having problems when tryiong to updatethe database at 58% itwould chuck me out. Now this update has solved it!! Thanks
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 03:00:51 -0700
I am having the same problem with my cyber-shot viewer can't delete photos. I gound this web page and followed the instructions and when I finished installing it I was told I don't have the cyber-shot viewer installed on my computer. That was the first thing I did once buying the camera. Can you help me figure this out.
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 13:24:19 -0700
Wow- a year old question..........I've been struggling with this problem for a while and still am. I've done most of what I understood already: I had these red circles with question marks, no picture visible ALL OVER, rather randomly. I could find no way to delete them and how do you know you WANT to, if you can't see it?
So I installed the update (correctly had I hoped). It was a new and improved (read unfamiliar) layout, when the other had been fine BUT THE RED CIRCLES ARE NOW GREY BOXES(with question marks)! Thanks to the person who pointed out right clicking gives you that option- but STILL, how do you know you want to delete it, if you can't see it? Now it's called 'picture motion browser'- if you have Picassa and HP also installed, do you need to have the camera's software at all? Seriously thinking of just deleting it.......
thanks this is a great format,
felix omai
Mon, 09 Jul 2007 18:34:44 -0500
thank god, leaving my work and needed to delete my photos and was having terrible trouble, thank you so much seth, huge help.
Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:56:47 -0500
WOW. That link rocked!! I am so so happy I can delete picutes now with that update. Thank you thank you!!!
Thu, 23 Aug 2007 02:40:51 +0000
OK, So I tried downloading the update because I was having the same problems with the void question mark boxes but...after I hit run,or even save file I have a box that says Windows cannot download file until it knows what program created it. Has anybody had the same problem? It's a big headache!
Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:33:25 +0000
Greetings All,
I was searching the net and found this infomration on the SONY CyberShot issue that you were having. I hope this helps.
Submitted by: Ben Keough(DeadWolfBones)9827 pts
First of all, I'd recommend not using the software Sony packages with the camera. Like most manufacturer-created software packages, it's pretty mediocre. There are lots of alternatives for photo management. For example, Google's Picasa software is free and superior to any camera-included software I've ever used.
Second, according to this FAQ on Sony's European site, you cannot delete photos from Cybershot Viewer. Instead, use Windows Explorer to delete the file.
Finally, I can't find any information on how to keep CyberShot Viewer from importing images other than the ones you've taken. This is likely one of the failings of the software, but you might want to search the software's help to double check.
Good luck!
Raymond Wright
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:10:33 +0000
Why is the upgrade file so big. Plus how do you send the pictures in cyber shot by email using outlook express. Keep getting and error.
Timothy Kamalu
Sun, 06 Jan 2008 17:11:45 +0000
At last! Thanks for the fix - brilliant.
Sat, 27 Mar 2010 21:05:41 +0000
I like to use CyberShot Viewer because of the good "calendar view" for organizing pix. True, you can't delete images so I just delete them using Windows or another program. Then it's aasy to delete those little question mark boxes. In Cybershot Viewer, just click on Tools - Update Database. It takes a while and will ask if you're sure (just say 'yes to all') and then presto, they're gone! You'll need to do this each time you delete a bunch, or wait and do more, all at once.
Hope this helps. :-)
Thu, 03 Jun 2010 21:24:41 +0000
I have Sony Cybershot version 1.0 and saw all of the comments regarding question marks and grey boxes. I downloaded the update as per above and registered my pictures(which were alreasy registered) and I still have the grey boxes with question marks. My concern is those boxes have pictures that I want to see and don't want to delete them just yet. How do I open the boxes and see the picture? My thanks to anyone with an answer.
Wed, 24 Nov 2010 17:49:06 +0000
hi there.the only way to remove the boxes with question mark cyber shot viewer.go to update yes.problem solved
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 09:58:46 +0000
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