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While on vacation the shutter release button fell off our Sony DSC-H2 camera. Unfortunately it happen while my wife was leaning over the edge of the boat taking pictures of dolphins and it fell into the ocean.
Does anyone know the correct repair procedure??? Sony says the button is on $18.00, but they want $177.00 to repair it. They will sell me the button though.
Does it just click into place or does the camera have to be taken apart to repair it???
glenn gorman
Fri, 10 Aug 2007 04:54:01 +0000
My camera just lost its shutter release button yesterday. This sounds like a common malfunction among the H2. Do you have a part number for this item? Or better yet, a location other than Sony to get it (quicker)?
Thanks for posting your info.
Sun, 12 Aug 2007 22:28:41 +0000
The fix is real easy. No need to take the camera apart.
Order the Shutter Button Release Assembly from Sony. Cost was around $18.00 + tax + Shipping. I received the new assembly in one week.
Note the angle of the old assembly before removing it so that you can line up the new one correctly.
To remove the old button assembly, use a rubber bottle opener to get a good grip. Turn slightly counter clockwise. Then use your fingernail to lift it up. Look inside using a magnifing (sp) glass and find the pieces that broke off, a spring, a small plastic tip and a small snap ring.
Look at the opening and you'll notice two slots, that's where the two little feet will line up. Again using the rubber bottle opener and pressing down slightly, turn the new assembly clockwise. You'll feel it.
Make sure to clean out the pieces that broke off. I couldn't find the spring, now I can't use that little wheel to bring the viewfinder into focus for my eye. LCD is still sharp as are the pictures. Just the viewfinder.
Good luck.
glenn gorman
Sat, 18 Aug 2007 18:50:55 +0000
Whoops: x21083252
glenn gorman
Sun, 19 Aug 2007 01:16:17 +0000
Please let me know how can you order shutter button from sony.
Thanks in advance.
Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:08:28 +0000
Siva, just click on the link above: Sony Direct and on the right side of your screen check the box for part number and type in the part number: x21083252
glenn gorman
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 21:18:56 +0000
Is there a repair manual available for the Sony DSC H@2. The shutter button flew off. Sony wants $180 to fix. Also need to replace a small metal piece under the button.
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 14:59:25 +0000
For the DSCH1 DSC-H1 DSC H-1 you need to order the Front Case Assy to get the shutter button AND the spring, part number X-2055-951-1. It is available at TigerDirect Partsearch or from Sony DAPC. If you just need the shutter release button - you managed to salvage the spring, you need the Release Assy, part number X-2149-056-1.
Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:32:30 +0000
I just had my shutter release button on my Sony DSC-H2 pop off. I found the spring but NOT the button. Please advise!!
Dawn Schneider
Mon, 24 Mar 2008 17:20:17 +0000
I hate this camera! My shutter button broke 4 times! The first time happened when I had the camera only for 3 Months!- at my twin's 8th grade graduation. Then it happened 4 months later and I sent it back for the 2nd time to Sony Repair. This time they sent me a refurbished camera. Then I went on a European vacation to visit my relatives in Germany. We climbed a Swiss Alp and guess what?...!!!!it broke there. Boy was I frustrated and so very angry. As I write this, my camera is back to SONY repair and they say for sure they'll fix it and it won't happen again. Time will tell! I will never buy another SONY product again!
Tue, 25 Mar 2008 17:56:59 +0000
This shutter button seems to be a common problem. I was wondering what is the point of replacing a part prone to breaking with the same thing?
Is it possible to replace it with a better, more durable button?
I imagine that if someone was handy with electronics they might be able to come up with something.
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 18:10:14 +0000
It happened to me too! Man, I hate that. I looked on ebay and I cannot find one. Anyone have any tips on a cheap way to get one? I found this is this it?
It's listed as
Button, FB
Model #:
Google it and you'll see what it is. I have no idea.. :((
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:57:37 +0000
The links above still work. Follow them and search for the part numbers provided.
The button itself is available from Sony Direct for about $18 (be sure to tick the 'parts and accessories' box when you search for the part #)
and the entire front assembly is available fro Tiger's Direct for around $55
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:00:12 +0000
i took my camera for the same thing to the camera store to get fixed not knowing sony is the only one to fix sony cameras.however for a uick fix they told me to either put apaper clip or a saftey thumb tack in ang guess what it works........lisa
Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:11:38 +0000
This is the SECOND time I have had one of these shutter buttons break off on two DIFFERENT H5 cameras. Once in Budpest, and now in Egypt. Expensive desitantions to have no photos to show for it. The first one, Sony fixed in a week. This last one, they want $180 to fix. Started reading your Website, and have now ordered THREE of the $18 repair kits - and sent emails to 6 other people that I know who have these cameras. Sony (after an hour holding) says they are unaware of any problems with this. If you own one, you already are - or will soon be AWARE OF THIS PROBLEM. Carry a repair kit with you the same as batteries. A dead camera is a DEAD CAMERA. When Sony is good, they are very, very good. But when they are bad, THEY ARE HORRID!
Sun, 04 May 2008 14:34:30 +0000
I guess i'm another victim of this camera. It just happend to me and i was blamming my daughter but she says I didnt do it lol. now I belived her. I just paid $27.10 for the part at
Mon, 19 May 2008 04:30:29 +0000
Me Too! I will never, ever buy another Sony product! The evidence is obvious, it is design flaw.
Fri, 23 May 2008 01:16:29 +0000
It happened to me too ... and I'm waiting for that part for tree weeks here in Portugal!
I�m really pissed of with sony. (the button cost here in Portugal is 15 euros)
Fri, 23 May 2008 15:56:38 +0000
Mine fell off in the middle of a photo session I was doing about one week ago. My Camera is currently at Digitechcamerarepair. Here is the email I received from them:
"We need to replace the shutter release button assembly clean adjust three months warranty. Labor $85.00 Parts $35.00. As per our website offer you will get 10% off the labor charge if the repair is approved within two working days. To approve please reply to this e-mail and we will send you all the necessary information. We need 7 to 10 working days. Thank you.
Digitech Camera Repair
John B.
Tel: 626-359-0429"
They are a little cheaper then Sony and Precision Camera whom Sony uses to do a good bit of there repair work.
Wed, 28 May 2008 04:38:11 +0000
Mine just popped off yesterday for the first time, and I've had this camera for 3 years. I kind of freaked out.
I'm going to buy the part and hope I can fix this myself. So do I pry off the entire fixture? It seems so easy to break now, I was trying to put the button back on and pieces of it just snapped off.
Thu, 29 May 2008 18:26:32 +0000
My shutter button fell off my Sony DSC-H2 as well. I read the comments in this form and then bought a button from the TigetDirect Partseach web site listed below in this form for $18.00. When the part arrived, I could not get it to go into the hole that was left after I had removed the old silver plastic rim that surrounded the old shutter button. I found a company called V-Photo of Atlanta. Phone 678-714-6900. I shipped them my camera and the new "button" I had received from TigerDirect. They fixed my camera and shipped it back to me for $76.75. I now seems to work just fine.
Steve Izant
Fri, 30 May 2008 18:31:42 +0000
Steve you deal sounds sweeter than the one I got with Digitechcamera repair. I'll use V-Photo next time becuz Im sure it'll happen again. Or, maybe I should have bought the part and then sent it Digitechcamerarepair. Here's the information for anyone that want to use it:
Hi. Your camera is ready and the total is $121.50. We accept visa/mastercard checks and money orders. For card payments please call us at 626-359-0429. Please e-mail us your shipping and billing address. Thank you. John B.
DigiTech Camera Repair
Proud Member of the Better Business Bureau
Sat, 31 May 2008 00:38:40 +0000
I have the H5 and my AF button stopped working...
Didn't pop off yet but now that I know this could happen it probably will.
I'm not sure what I will do. But I'm very frustrated. Got my cam in 10/06
Cost almost $600. I'm pissed!
No more Sonys for me. I'm calling to complain tomorrow. Not that this will
do any good...
Glad to know I'm not the only one. This site as well as many other sites
including the same complaint. It's time for a recall don't you think?
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:34:40 +0000
ha ha this is hilarious! can't believe its so common! Mine popped off on the weekend at Brighton Pier and fell down into the sea, right before we were about to take some shots of us on a ride. also so annoying cos i'm going to Venice this weekend! I'm going to go with Lisa's advice and try the thumbtack! that failing, anyone know where to get the repair kit in UK?
Tue, 03 Jun 2008 15:35:46 +0000
Happened right on Hollywood BLVD trying to take a picture of my son with his hands in Shirley Temple's. SO upset. I can still take pics if I use a safety pin, so I would suggest packing one with you if you are going on vacation with the camera. Just pin it to the lens cap tether.
Sat, 07 Jun 2008 19:04:41 +0000
I have the same problem, popping shutter button on my H1. I have contacted Sony Switzerland but they refuse to recognize their error in the design. They only propose an exchange with the H10 camera for $300 (a camera which cost $327). That's really a joke !!!!!
Sony refuse to give a part number to repair like in US. Who knows how to order the spare part and where to order in Europe ? Thanks.
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 14:24:17 +0000
Me too, on my DCS-H2.
I just orderd part # x21083252 at on-line for $18.61 for a total of $26.96 with taxes & shipping. Thank you for this website & Glenn Gorman (entry #2).
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:51:35 +0000
Yes this happen to me right in the middle of a photo shot, I was so upset not knowing what it would cost to be repaired, I looked at the site and it said around 300 to fix, I couldnt believe it.
Im happy I came upon this site before sending my camera in for the repairs.
Part Cost me 18.61 and 15 to ship, Alot better than the 300$!
Mon, 09 Jun 2008 19:35:19 +0000
I thought it was me until I read this forum!
I had never had any problems with ANY of my Sony cameras in the past. I have had this one for 18 months without a glitch. I have taken thousands of wonderful shots with it, this one being just a sample.
I had this issue just yesterday with my sony Dsc-H2. I was out, so I improvised and carved a makeshift button using a pen knife and the plunger of an insulin syringe(don't I was determined to take pictures! Unfortunately, I didn't have the control that I would normally have had if the dern button didn't break off.
I ordered the part for myself, but not before contacting the company directly. I told them that they REALLY need to examine the issue with the H1 and H2 shutter button breaking off. I made sure that I told the operator to have someone from the company call me directly, or I would call them back every single
I am one of those people who doesn't let up until I see results. I paid for my replacement part to be delivered express. If they do a recall, I *WILL* make sure that I get reimbursed for my aggravation!
Normally, Sony is a very good company. Every company has something go wrong every now and then. I understand the frustration of having to work with a defective product as much as anyone else does. It doesn't mean that everything from sony is crap, it just means they need to address the problem. Unfortunately, everyone needs to learn how to force companies to do that. You know the old saying, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Call them, my shutterbug friends!
Sony Customer Service (US ONLY)1-800-222-7669
International Support 1-239-768-7669
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM-10:00PM / Sat-Sun 10:30AM-7:15PM EST
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:20:23 +0000
Along with contacting the company earlier today, I also just sent them this email:
Product Information
Please enter the model number and, if available, the accessory or part number below.
Model Number: Sony Dsc-H2
Part Number: x21083252
I recently had an issue with this camera. The shutter button popped off for no reason. While I ordered the part I needed, I found a whole lot of other people with the same exact issue. I can point you to several forums discussing this problem, and how to resolve it.
You must understand, I have had no other problems in the 18 months I have used this camera. In fact, I LOVE this camera. Which is why I ordered the part to replace it. However, with so many other consumers having the SAME issue with the H1's and H2's, I would imagine that it is time for the company to seriously look into the problem. There are so many others who have been soured on Sony cameras for this reason. As a consumer of your products myself, it would be wise to consider a recall on these particular models. I was fortunate enough to have 18 months without a glitch, but others were not so fortunate. Not to mention, Spending my hard earned money on what I consider an expensive camera, I should get more for my money than just a camera. It should remain in good WORKING condition, sparing any problems that *I* might have caused. Having said that, I know I did not cause this problem. The part failed internally. That had nothing to do with my operational abilities. I am willing to bet it is the same for many others.
I sincerely hope that this is taken seriously, and not passed off as a one time incedent. From my research, I know there are far to many others having the same EXACT problem. Which says to me that it is a defect in the part.
Along with this email, I have already contacted customer service by phone. I plan on using as many resources as it takes for this company to take notice and do something about a defective part.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
I will give the company 5 business days to respond. If I hear nothing, I have a few other ideas up my sleeve, and I am sure they won't like any of
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 02:03:27 +0000
I'm still waiting on my shutter button 'repair kit' to come in, but I was wondering..since so many of you have had this problem over and over again with the H-2, does anyone have or have dealt with the H-10? I'm wondering if it's just time to upgrade...
I really love the H-2 though, I don't want to spend all the money for a higher model if it's not going above and beyond what I already have.
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 01:08:40 +0000
I just had my H2 release button pop off as well....It is strange how this is occuring....
Mark V
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 03:55:34 +0000
Hi there, I've sony Cyberr Shot DSC-H5. The shutter fell off last month. So I found this web very useful. Thank You !!!!!!!!!
Message from SONY,
Model: DSCH5
The items you requested are listed below.
Item - ( RELEASE ASSY (420) ), X21083262, $22.31 ea.
You may place your order using the link below or call 1-800-488-7669.
Shipping charges and local taxes will be added to your order at checkout.
Sony Direct Accessories & Parts Center web site - . . .
For parts inquiries by Email, please use our parts research form at this link
Then I try take the old broken shutter off and order new one from sony cost me $31.00 with shipping fee Instead of $180.00 to send to Sony. The part came in today and I fixed it. It work fine now.
Note : when you try turn the part have to be careful the 2legs are so tiny !
Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:16:21 +0000
sony direct sales
^this part mentioned at the top of the page-is this JUST the button? my whole assembly popped off. I was able to save the spring so I don't need that, but will this part get me where I'm going or no? It seems like the cheapest one I've found so far.
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:10:12 +0000
Same thing happened here. I can't believe Sony wouldn't offer to repair this for people to avoid the bad PR (I sure as heck won't buy another Sony and will actively discourage everyone I know from buying one.) Is there anything that can be done from a consumer protection perspective--group complaint, recall etc?
Sat, 21 Jun 2008 18:45:02 +0000
Hey all,
Guess what just happened to 1520 hrs(3:20/P)during Grandson party..... whole shabang popped off ....found button and spring only!! Just order assembly from Sony-Direct...hope this works...very frustrated at present. Good Web Help site!!!
Sat, 21 Jun 2008 19:30:24 +0000
This recently happened to me... yay :( but I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get this for within Canada because all the linsk are for the States...
Thanks in Advance
Dustin Botelho
Sun, 22 Jun 2008 23:21:12 +0000
FIrst off, I want to thay a hearty THANK YOU to glenn gorman for posting the instructions for replacing the assembly on my Sony. It does NOT come with instructions, and i would have been so LOST without this information. THANK YOU GLENN! Replacing the assembly took me only a few seconds. I did have to improvise a bit, since I didn't have any kind of rubber I could use to grip the broken assembly with. I used a piece of good old duct tape that I wrapped up on itself, so the sticky side was out. I placed it on the broken assemble, and then trimmed off any excess, so it wouldn't stick to the rest of the camera. I took the same piece of duct tape and places the new assemble on it, and it went right into place. The only thing I regret was not buying a
I still love my Sony. It works as good as new now.
For those of you still waiting, the assembly is the entire piece, not just the button and spring that popped off. Please refer to Glenn's instructions as to how to remove the old and replace it with the new.
Dustin, I found a site that might help you. Sony Global. I don't know what it has to offer, since it keeps giving me the US site as I try to navage it. It apparently knows whatr country I am But try here:
If worse comes to worse, find a friend in the states willing to ship it to you and have them order it. I suggest the same for people in other countries as well. I know it isn't right to have to do it this way, but there are always ways around beaurocratic BS!
And P.S.
No one has gotten back to me from Sony about my complaint. I have been calling them nearly every day, too.
Mon, 23 Jun 2008 13:50:17 +0000
Hi there.... from last post. I've tried Sony DSCH5 with squeaky new shutter button on last Saturday night...kind of worked delay on shutter speed.
Thank you to Glenn to guide at the beginning !
Mon, 23 Jun 2008 21:17:59 +0000
Me too!! Can't believe that with this many complaints for the exact same problem, Sony hasn't stepped up to the plate to fix it. Anyway, as a temporary fix, we were at a birthday party and my wife used the end of her ear ring. I've also snipped the end of a big paper clip and used that. So, you don't have to be stranded when this happens. I'm glad I found this forum with al the great info. Thanks.
Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:44:34 +0000
My dsc-h2 button broke off too.
Tue, 24 Jun 2008 22:09:39 +0000
This is the second time the shutter button on my H2 has spontaneously popped off. The first time, I was within my one year warranty and Sony did repair it cost free. I have had the camera for almost two years now when it popped off at a ballet recital last week, right as my daughter walked onto the stage. I have used a thumb tack for the past week but plan on buying the replacement part to save myself to save the huge labor fee. This is the last Sony I'm going to buy.
Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:39:24 +0000
Thanks for all the helpful information. You've been much more helpful than Sony. I've had my Sony DSC-H1 for 2 1/2 years and in the middle of my daughter's soccer game, the shutter button popped off. Up until the button popped off, I loved my camera. Now, after reading all the other comments about people having problems with this camera, I don't think I will chose a Sony next time.
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 21:26:07 +0000
Does anyone know how to replace the front case assembly on the Sony DSC-H1? I received the part, but no instructions. Please advise.
Wed, 09 Jul 2008 23:04:01 +0000
My shutter button also popped off my camera. I was so happy to find this web site. I used the advice and ordered the replacement part from Sony and it worked perfectly. Thanks to all of you who gave such great advice. I have copied the information I used to order my part. Finding it on Sony's website is impossible, but with this information, I ordered it in minutes and had it within in 3 days.
Model: DSCH5
Item - ( RELEASE ASSY (420) ), X21083262, $22.31 ea.
You may place your order using the link below or call 1-800-488-7669.
Shipping charges and local taxes will be added to your order at checkout.
Sun, 20 Jul 2008 18:44:31 +0000
just a note. i have over 10k pictures on my H1 and no problems. i bought a refurbished H2 from Sony for $2000 and have about 600 shots on it, keeping my fingers crossed.
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 04:09:52 +0000
Um that should say I bought the H2 for Two Hundred dollars, not two thousand...LOL
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 04:11:50 +0000
Just found a home made fix for the mechanically deft people out there. Complete with pictures
Better than original. . . .
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 04:32:38 +0000
The shutter button on my DSC-H2 popped off about six months ago and I'm finally getting around to complaining about it. I submitted a formal online complaint to the BBB after speaking to Sony on the phone. I just found out today after Google searching the model number you all have the same problem. I had a problem with Sony in the past and sent a complaint to the BBB...with satisfying results. I will let you know how it goes.
Mike Schreckengost
Wed, 30 Jul 2008 23:15:50 +0000
hi guys,I'm amazed tt so many people have this similar problem of the damn button dropping off!Sony should do better..thanks to the people who have contributed.=)
Sat, 09 Aug 2008 07:43:38 +0000
We'll I'm glad to see that I am not the only one. I thought my 17 month old had gotten a hold of the camera. In getting the crome piece which the button sits on, one of the tabs cracked. Is this include in this assemby? If not does any body know the part number?
James Lovingood
Mon, 11 Aug 2008 02:28:52 +0000
Hi everyone, I am amazed at how many people are having problems with the shutter release for the dsc-h2. I was browsing to find a part number for replacement. I believe Sony should recall the part and replaced it at no cost. I will also write to them and inquire about a recall for this part. I looked today at the website and it stated that the camera was not available for purchase.
Mon, 11 Aug 2008 02:51:19 +0000
Does anybody know where I can find in Europe Release Assembly part #: X21083262 from Sony DSC-H2
Mon, 11 Aug 2008 18:01:23 +0000
just wanted everyone to know that this didnt just happen on the H model sonys. my moms dsc-v3 has the same problem. she reached into her bag and there they where sitting in the bottom of the bag, her shutter button and spring. 3 years and no probs till now.thats how I found this site looking for parts and how to repair it. too bad sony is dropping the ball . I dont think i will ever buy anything sony again.
Tue, 12 Aug 2008 04:02:46 +0000
Same thing happened to me. I didn't understand what happened and why. I had my spring and what I thought was my button but now that I replaced it I see the spring goes between the button and the bottom piece, which must have fallen when it broke. Thank GOD for this forum. I got my part in less than a week for $32.00. I even went to my local camera sales and repair shop to see if they might have the button so I wouldn't have to wait a week for it and was told "With a digital camera it is usually much cheaper to just replace the camera than to try and fix it." Well I let him know I had already been on the Sony website and contacted them through e-mail to make sure of the part number needed for my model camera and $30.00 was alot cheaper than $500.00+ for a new camera. I believe a couple customers may have decided they didn't want to do business with someone that would try and cheat them. Now with that being said, Sony, should acknowledge and fix this problem, it shouldn't cost that much for a button and they should include instructions on how to repair when they send the replacement parts. Again, Thanks Glenn:) My husband says he should have bought the Canon now...I do like how my Sony takes great pics. I am just worried that button problem will happen again. Fingers crossed!!!
Betty Swanson
Wed, 13 Aug 2008 23:43:32 +0000
Well it happened to me too!!! My shutter button fell of my DSC-H2. I lost the spring! Anyway as Glen suggested I took the button off and am going to order another button BUT I was suprised that while the button is off, I can can still take pictures by pressing down my index finger over the opening!!!! So now my camera is not out of commission while I wait for the part to arrive!! Thanks for all the good suggestions!!! They saved me alot of money since I would have took it to a repair shop!
Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:51:57 +0000
How far does the old assembly have to turn to come off? Is it a few millimeters, a quarter turn, something in between? I feel it turing but just a hair and it does not seem like enough since it will not come off.
Sun, 17 Aug 2008 21:08:41 +0000
Well, I guess I didn't get it turned far enough, one of the legs broke while tyring to pry the assembly off. Now my question is does the part mentioned above (#x21083252) come with the assembly (silver ring) that I just broke, or is it just the button?
Sun, 17 Aug 2008 21:30:05 +0000
Does anyone know how I can get this part in the UK? I emailed Sony and they expect me to send the camera off for repair and to pay for it, and being a poor student there's no chance! Thanks everyone for posting all their advice, very helpful!
Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:11:17 +0000
I am so relieved that my experience is not unique. My shutter button fell off in May and I sent it to a "certified" repair store in Illinois which charged $100 labor charge and $21 for the part. However, when returned to me the autofocus did not work. I sent it a 2nd time and they only charged me $55 for the part--"switch button control". However, when returned to me the 2nd time, now the flash does not work at all. I am frustrated beyond belief. I spoke about 25 minutes with a Sony customer service man named Luis, who would not give his last name and refused to allow me to speak to a supervisor. Now I am angry, but don't know how to contact Sony to send a letter to a person who might respond. Has anyone else had such repair problems?
Does anyone know a name of Sony executive and address to send a complaint? I, too, have decided to tell all my friends and family NOT TO BUY ANYTHING SONY.
Thu, 04 Sep 2008 13:18:50 +0000
My shutter button broke when I was in Swiss. Swiss is so irresistible to keep your hands off the camera. So i used a toothpick to click my shots in Swiss. I am planning to order and fix the button myself. Hope it works.
Can someone explain to be how to fix my DSC H2 camera with detailed pictures and better explanations? glenn gorman, I think you can help us here!
Thanks so much for this fantastic forum.
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 13:27:13 +0000
Does anyone know if this part(x21083252) will also work for the H1?
I love this camera and have had it for about 2yrs and its been wonderful till now!!!
Mon, 15 Sep 2008 08:02:46 +0000
Just to let those that have asked if the ring which is explained on how to remove is included, the answer is yes.
James Lovingood
Tue, 16 Sep 2008 03:46:17 +0000
This thread saved my $150. I got my camera fixed with the part that i have ordered from Sony. Delivery was quick.. Ordered the part on Tuesday and received it on Saturday...
Thanks for the information and instructions... To remove the button to get a good grip on it� I used rubber gloves.
Sun, 21 Sep 2008 03:20:53 +0000
People need to READ the thread! I see many questions being asked that have already been answered.
I was wondering, did anyone try the home made repair I linked to (above) on the dpreview forum?
for those who don't want to craft their own, the parts can be ordered here; . . .
under search select 'part or accessory number and enter these
RELEASE ASSY (420) can be ordered here
auto focus
Mon, 22 Sep 2008 15:25:25 +0000
My H2 lost it's second button and, like others before have said, Sony denies this is a problem however they now have a new replacement part number, X-2108-325-2. Not sure if it is a new and improved part though. The instructions given at the beginning do work, easy to do and will save you money. Just press down firmly with your thumb and index finger on the new button assembly and rotate less that 1/16" clockwise to set it in place.
After my experience with this camaera and Sony's customer service denials, I have been and will continue to replace all digital imaging products with Canon.
Tue, 23 Sep 2008 06:04:05 +0000
I had this happen to me also. Luckily It happened at the END of a wonderful music festival. I called Sony and this lovely lady in India said it would cost $180.
I then went to Precision Camera and wanted $172.00. I'm so glad I googled this site. I just ordered the part and hopefully will be able to repair it. Sony should be sending these parts out for free since it is obviously a defect in their product.
I keep you updated and thanks for the info!
Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:28:24 +0000
My button recently popped-off, I assume since one minute it was there and next gone, while on vacation in Italy & Austria. It lays somewhere in the cobblestones of Balzano. I was able to continue to take pictures with make-shift arrangements of paper-clips or toothpicks. I'm now awaiting the rpeplacement assembly.
Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:53:44 +0000
Thanx this place.
I ordered assembly part over the phone, it came in a week in a huge box size of a xerox cartridge. Cost $30.
I warmed up! an assembly (button thing) to make it more flexible, and using rubber! gloves installed it, slightly turning clockwise to match the groove. Work like before.
Good luck everyone.
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 03:56:26 +0000
My button escaped while I was taking pictures in a park. Late fall, many leaves. I never found the button.
I made it work with a paper clip for a bit, but that failed eventually.
I will order the replacement part and try that.
Other than that I really like the camera!
Alan Hansen Begg
Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:33:10 +0000
same problem. was in romania on a film shoot and wanted to take some stills.
button and spring gone now- just fell off. If anyone knows where to get these
parts in the UK i need to know. US wont ship the parts out.
So annoyed with SONY because it is otherwise a great camera.
Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:43:35 +0000
I was not on am exotic location however the shutter button broke off as well at Storyland with my toddlers. I was able to stick my earring in and continue to take photos. This appears to be a huge problem for Sony. My family and I we have about 6 SONY digital camera and camcorders that we have been pleased with we have product loyalty...what about there loyalty to their customers????
Katherine T
Wed, 29 Oct 2008 17:50:24 +0000
I also suffered the same fate, thank God for this website. I was able to order the part yesterday through Sony direct, overnight, received it today and with a hard push down and a quick turn clockwise, it's as good as new. Thank you all for your posts.
Josh C
Wed, 12 Nov 2008 18:40:35 +0000
I posted close-up pics of the DSC H2 interior showing the cause of the focus problem on my blog:
Tue, 18 Nov 2008 03:19:41 +0000
You can get the part directly from Sony, though it can be a little tricky to install. If you need any help with digital camera repair please let us know, we are an actual AFFORDABLE digital camera repair business! If we can help please let us know.
Thomas D.
Wed, 26 Nov 2008 17:53:33 +0000
this is a load BS... well i am a Photografer, not professional but this camera(DSC-H1) always got the job done and i was doing a wedding and this same issue with the frickin button. it just popped off, i dunno, maybe cuz i have taken over 50,000 pictures but i have an upcoming wedding wich i need my camera for, any suggestions......dont got no money
CJ Henriquez
Tue, 02 Dec 2008 20:51:37 +0000
Taking the suggestions from this forum and other boards I've researched on this issue, I fixed my camera!!! I have the Sony DSC-H2 and experienced the dreaded MIA shutter button. I ordered the shutter release assembly, and fixed it myself at home. For a grand total of $26. I will never purchase another Sony product again, but at least the camera will work for awhile until it (inevitably) happens again. Thanks for all the suggestions and help!!
Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:58:45 +0000
My DSC-H2 also lost its button. i just ordered a repair kit.
too bad there isn't a lawsuit... obiviously they know there is a problem by how many repair kits they are selling....
Sun, 07 Dec 2008 02:56:36 +0000
Is the same shutter for dsc-h2 and dsc-h5 models?
Sat, 20 Dec 2008 05:04:36 +0000
Christmas eve and my H5 loses the button. We lost the spring, but found the button. Going to try to order the part, but wanted people to know of another instance. Its still unclear after reading the thread whether the spring comes with it. I guess I will find out.
Thu, 25 Dec 2008 04:45:17 +0000
Lost my H1 shutter release button about two weeks ago, as my wife was handing the camera to me before my daughter's high school basketball game, and of course right before the holidays! Thank goodness for this website - followed the link to Sony parts and Tigerdirect parts, and ended up buying the assembly thru Sony's site. It included everything I needed: the spring, button and small silver housing, and was about 22.00 plus about 8.00 shipping. Took almost a week for shipping to NJ. Followed the instructions entered by several of the previous posters. On my H1, it took about 1/16 turn in the clockwise direction to get the two small fingers in position to lift the assembly off the camera, carefully dumped the broken-off piece out of the small cavity. Used a twisted piece of tape to get enough grip to turn it. Aligned the new assembly, used the tape sticky side out to turn the new part into place. Now the camera works fine, and I will give it to my son as it is still serviceable. The newer Sony and Canons are so much quicker regarding shutter lag. Got my daughter the W150 for Christmas, secretly used it at her game before putting it under the tree (while waiting for the part) -- and even the indoor BBall photos are terrific, markedly better than the H1's 3-4 yr old technology. It is a relatively easy repair, especially if you read through this forum, and as long as you are careful. Takes no more than a couple of minutes. It is not worth spending over 50 bucks to repair an H1 or H2 with the leaps that the new cameras have made, so this was perfect for saving my camera. Much appreciation to all contributors here!!!
Mon, 29 Dec 2008 05:57:08 +0000
ditto on the shutter button failure; at least my dsc-h2 was error free for 3+ years; much help on the replacement part and sony accessories site - THX!
Tue, 30 Dec 2008 16:51:57 +0000
A week ago I ordered the shutter button assembly and asked for a diagram from the service manual. The folks at Sony said OK, they took my order for the part and my credit card info and told me that they would email the diagram the next day (the dept. that sent emails were gone for the day). The part arrived after a week but the email did not. When I called to get them to send the email, the fellow from Sony explained that was not their policy and tried to get me to buy the whole service manual. I gave him as much Hell as I could without getting too distasteful (I have to give the manager credit, he stayed on the phone while I went through my tirade). Bottom line, I put my button back on without any problem, and now the camera works great again. I have no problem saying that this is my last Sony product!
Tom from Clarksville Tn
Sat, 03 Jan 2009 03:45:53 +0000
rec'd the assembly from Sony direct accessories, as promised; used the directions from above post - simple clock-wise turn and its fixed; biggest problem was finding my rubber bottle opener LOL; why bother w/ customer-no-service about diagram??? THX Glenn
Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:54:58 +0000
Hi Can some one tell me where i can get this part in the uk ,i need the button and spring,Very Dissapointed in sony was in paris for new year and my 2 sony cameras decided to fail ,other camera was dsc-t100 which just deceided to freeze.
Thanks Craig
craig mccluskey
Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:12:15 +0000
Thank you!! Just fixed my camera. I am so excited! I used a little needle nose pliars to take the broken one off, new one snapped into place pretty easily.Much cheaper than a new camera. I was able to still use my camera before replacing the part by pushing a tack down into the hole, which was good because I was able to take pictures of my son's first school dance while waiting for the new part.
Sat, 17 Jan 2009 18:32:19 +0000
I have received the part from Sony. I cannot get the old part off.
Tosha - I see you used pliers. How? I am reluctant to bust the old part for fear of damaging the camera.
Glenn - I see you used rubber bottler opener. I cannot find what you are talking about. A soft opener?
Any information on this would be appreciated.
BTW - great job on this thread. Very helpful, many thanks.
Brad Hiscock
Fri, 23 Jan 2009 00:39:25 +0000
I used needle nose pliers to grab the edge of the ring (since the button had already fallen off) and turned counterclock wise. The button turned and popped. After the ring was off, I turned the camera upside down to use gravity to my advantage and metal tweezers to remove the broken stem of the button. Got the button from Sony, they ship it in a box big enough for 2 whole cameras. Took 5 minutes to fix. Just be patient, do not force anything.
Sun, 08 Feb 2009 03:07:45 +0000
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to add my name to the growing list of people who have lost their shutter buttons. Mine was lost on a ski trip last night (but unlike normal consumers, I work for the associated press and mine was lost while on assignment) we NEVER take larger cameras on teh mountains and i would love to bill sony for this as it cost me lots of good photos. One thing was i thought i had broken it but i couldnt for the life of me figure out how, i am rough with my gear but on this night had done nothing out of the ordinary.
I am guessing sony (like all other companys) is letting the japs or ostrich lovers make the parts nowadays. This would explain the crappy performance of the zoom in video mode, lousy focus in and out during hd videos (our camera has an hd converter custom built in with a wifi that reaches up to a mile so images can be offloaded once taken immediately) and now the button. Dont even get me started on the lousy battery life.
Well i am off to try the thumbtack option, i am not giving sony (or its foreign incompetent slave workers) any more of my money.
I am not saying not to buy sony btw, just beware what you are getting, obviously someone screwed up on the design.
Good camera otherwise though, nice clear pictures overall!
NCR Media
AP Photographer
Mon, 09 Feb 2009 03:32:58 +0000
DSC-H2 on a sightseeing trip. Button popped off, lost spring. sad. bought because it wasn't really too expensive. I will try to get the parts and fix myself. I'm nervous but what the heck. This has been the nicest group of upset people I've ever read. Take care and take good pictures.
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 03:46:46 +0000
The button on my H5 fell off for the second time. This time however I cannot find the button or the spring. Is the button for the H2 the same as the H5? I am having trouble finding the replacement for the H5.
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:10:41 +0000
Thanks for all the help... I was able to get my button housing off with just my fingernail, and the part came today and snapped right back in. Total cost with shipping was $36.75, Thanks everyone!
The Dom
Tue, 03 Mar 2009 22:31:00 +0000
I have the same issue with the shutter button pop out on my DSC-H2. I appreciate all your guys comments. Sony wanted $141 to fix it, and I asked their technical team how I could change it myself and was told "NOT TO". Well comments above are great - use rubber gloves and simply use your nails to remove the metal enclosure (Shutter Button Assembly). Buy the new part X....from Sony for $27 inclusive shipping and push it down. I did a trial with the broken one, and it should work. Thanks guys and best of luck!!!
Thu, 05 Mar 2009 00:30:46 +0000
Hi, I have the DSCH2 and what do you know, the button has popped off. I found both the button and spring, but there is something else missing. I'm not sure what part I need in order to fix this. I think it may be that small ring that is used to zoom in/out?? Anyone know? and if so, where I could purchase one? Thank you
Thu, 05 Mar 2009 01:50:20 +0000
Believe me, its really easy!!
I just replaced my H5 shutter release button..the rubber gloves idea worked for me..Thanks a lot Glenn..
The guy at a local camera store asked for $100 to replace it as he has to pull the camera apart..what a liar ;)
Sat, 07 Mar 2009 03:59:52 +0000
Just wanted to comment on repairing the shutter release. I received my replacement part and our course tried to fix it without using the helpful hints. Couldn't do it. I did not have the rubber can opener so tried the tape and it works like a charm. Thank-You for the hints and order number. I am not a fixer at all and I did it so just order the part and fix it yourself... Save a lot of money. I do like my camera and am not ready to update yet.
Sat, 07 Mar 2009 21:34:20 +0000
Hey Guys!
I am so glad I found this site! My button popped off and I knew it would be too expensive to send it out for repairs. I was able to order the part with no problem with the help of this site. TO CLARIFY: part #x21083252 that Glen suggests and part #x21083262 that also appears on this page are the same. I called customer service to see what the difference is and the Rep told me they are the same, but #x21083262 is the "newer, updated part" that is supposedly more compatable with the camera. After reading this page and seeing that this button popping off is an OBVIOUS DESIGN FLAW, I decided to go with the "newer" part. Hopefully they've updated it so this will not happen again, like it did to some customers. I just ordered the part, and I will update if there are any problems. THANKS GUYS!
Jacquie K
Sun, 15 Mar 2009 16:55:14 +0000
Thank you so much for this site. A few weeks ago at a birthday party the button on my camera popped off. (What a coincidence, right) I found the spring and the button. I called Sony and like others that have commented they wanted like $180.00.
I got a cheaper estimate at a camera place. It was like that guy was doing me a favor to fix it for $100.
I called Sony and ordered the part. It came it a huge box. We were confused at first but then realized we had to take off the remnants of the shutter. We used a fingernail and it popped right off. Then it looked like a huge gapping hole. Then we just played around with the button we orderd and it popped right into place.
So, Thanks for starting this site. It saved us over $160. Big thanks....
Craig Wright
Sun, 15 Mar 2009 23:32:51 +0000
Hi everybody, here is my problem. I have a SONY dsc-H5 and suddenly my half-way-down part of the button stopped working. I have done some research and this page seems to be the most useful one. My button is still fine, if I press it all the way down it'll focus and take the photo directly but I cannot use the half-way-down property, it simply doesn't do a thing. I tried to open it why turning the button counter clockwise using a thick rubber band but it doesn't seem to twist a single inch. I'm not sure if it's because this is H5 and not H2? Anyway as my button didn't actually pop out (yet) maybe a new button wouldn't really solve my problem?
Please help, this is so annoying!!!
Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:28:41 +0000
I have an H5 also and this weekend while taking photos it popped off. I spent a good 30 minutes looking for it and no where to be found. I just ordered it by calling Sony before I found this page. I've had this camera over 2 years and I had a cybershot before that also. This is my first complaint about that camera, hopefully it will only be a one time loss for me. It is making me think again before buying another Sony product though.
My total was 24.03 with tax, they offered me free shipping which I'm assuming is because it's such a common problem. But I still have to wait 7-10 days. I'm going out of town this weekend and will try the paperclip trick for in the mean time.
Does anyone else have the same problem as me with it being a huge power hog? I noticed on a site today it claims you can take over 1,000 photos on the same batteries. I'm lucky to get 50, and if I take a video, they are drained in 10 minutes, all without the flash. I guess that is my second complaint about it.
Thanks for all the comments, I'm glad it wasn't a one time fluke with mine.
Tue, 24 Mar 2009 21:57:10 +0000
Hi lisa, If your camera is set to continuous auto focus it uses up more juice
Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:10:33 +0000
It's good to know the world wide web is good for something other than porn! I blamed my wife for breaking the button because she keeps the camera in her purse instead of the case...
I ordered the button on-line from Sony at 7pm on March 26th and got the part today and quickly installed it using the directions above.
Total cost $27.95 (incl. $6.95 in S&H). Total time to repair 5 min. I got a quote at a local Ritz for $250!!
Tue, 31 Mar 2009 02:05:26 +0000
hey guys
After using two years, my dsc - h5 shutter release button gone away. I bought the camera in the states, but now i am staying in Turkey. Does anyone have suggestions? Will I be able to fix it on my own if I get the necessary parts? By the way, the part number you suggested applies for dsc h2. It is also suitable for dsc h5?
Thanks for your shares!
Sat, 04 Apr 2009 13:02:31 +0000
Wow, with the internet, one is never truly alone. The button on my H2 popped off yesterday while at the playground with the kids. Luckily I was mainly just playing around, taking a few action shots here and there. I ordered the replacement part (X21083262 RELEASE ASSY) and paid about $30 for it. I realize now that the half-pressure focus has never really worked and, upon further digging, it's probably because of shoddy materials. I contacted Sony repair service using chat and was told they weren't aware of a problem and got the standard put-off. I then found the BBB site and logged a complaint. There aren't that many complaints for Sony - it's in the hundreds - so if even 10-20 people who read this site log a complaint with BBB I'd bet that it would be noticed. It only took me about 5 minutes, here's the url:
Happy complaint filing!!
Thu, 16 Apr 2009 15:59:20 +0000
Thanks a lot to everyone who posted here, esp Glen for the really useful info. Just had to post here & give a big shout out to all! Button on my DSC-H2 popped off a few months ago, but luckily had fallen into the bag - called Sony & they told me it would cost 150$. Was wondering if I shd just chuck the camera as the cost of a new one was marginally more than the repair cost & wouldnt you know it, our warranty had just got over(!)...the button works 50% of the time & is completely detached...till last week when I saw this blog. Decided to try your suggestions & just got my assembly today & it worked!!! This is really cool - spent 27$ with S&H & its as good as new. Thanks again to all.
Sat, 18 Apr 2009 19:59:55 +0000
With my DSC-H2 it happend after approximately 18 months after I bought camera. The button is really a bad engineering result from Sony.
Well, first, I managed to adjust the broken button with scotch tape. It was OK for several more months. Second, when it didn't work any longer, I used a staple to release shutter :) . Third, I bought a Lumix camera from Panasonic ;)
But, I think I'll order the button to fix my Sony camera as suggestred in this forum.
Thanks to everybody!
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:17:30 +0000
Removed the old assembly and pressed down with my index finger to see if it would take a picture now that the broken parts are gone. The red light came on and there was ringing sound like a telephone. Has anyone else experienced that? Does it indicate a worse problem than the replacement assemble would fix?
Sat, 25 Apr 2009 00:54:00 +0000
I have an DSC-H2 and my camera has lost it's button also. It happened while hubby was on a cruise, so I didn't find out about it til he returned. I am not sure exactly what "PART NUMBER" I need to order, I have seen several listed in the above comments. I too, chatted with a SONY rep, and she wanted me to send it off to be repaired.
I think Sony is fully aware of this ongoing issue, they have absolutely no intentions of doing a recall, and were possibly aware of issue when these products were released, that they would have these problems.
That is what keep their service department in business. We just jump thru the hoops like good little monkeys, and play the game.. Because $30, is far cheaper than fighting corporate America. No one has the time or the resources.
Please let me know the correct part number to order, , I am taking my kids to DISNEY WORLD and need it fixed before we leave.
Thanks Glenn.......
Rhonda Mayfield
Wed, 29 Apr 2009 03:04:46 +0000
I have the same problem with my camera. while looking for website were i could purchase the shurtter button i found the website on the link below. . . .
Wed, 29 Apr 2009 20:06:12 +0000
Hello Everybody, I also have a sony DSC-H2, same problem with all of you, Shutter pop off the camera by itself, i just found out as soon I opened my camera bag, wandering how it pop out by itself. now for me im just going to buy a new camera instead of buying the shutter parts or bringing it to a shop for repair, USE UR COMMON SENSE, just buy a new camera, cameras are cheaper now unlike before. a lot of competition and also what is going on with the economy. just an advice PLEASE DONT BUY A SONY DSC-H2. its a waste of money !!!
Mon, 04 May 2009 07:05:01 +0000
It's me again, thank you for this forum and now I know that it is a common problem now that Sony is not good in manufacturing cameras, I will aslo make sure to myself and tell my friends not to buy any cameras with Sony. I will switch to Canon probably. And please don't buy parts from them (SONY) again, meaning you're giving away your money again for SONY to replace the parts, think of this, you are making them more richer. You just not bought the camera, but you are also buying the parts for the same company, come on. You are just making them rich, why not report it so we can get a recall right? and BAN ANY CAMERA PRODUCT FROM SONY. thats the best way to do it or else many people will be victimized with this scam. they have to learn from their mistakes.
Mon, 04 May 2009 07:47:11 +0000
I've shared the experience of the 'flying shutter button' -- Badlands vacation this past summer. Reading all of this was discouraging, as I'd really researched (I thought!) the camera before purchasing and was very pleased with it -- until the button went AWOL! Disappointing to read of Sony's lack of response!!! Have ordered the part & will hopefully get it fixed! Thanks to all who gave input & instructions!
Fri, 08 May 2009 01:57:24 +0000
Don't listen to Allan about just buying a new camera. If you are like me, I can't afford a new camera right now with the economy the way it is or even afford the cost to get my camera fixed by Sony. I did Glenn's easy fix at the top with a new shutter button ($47.22 w/ shipping considering I ordered a backup in case it happened again). That is much cheaper than anything else out there. It is not that hard. I did end up using a pair of pliers to get my button off and the new one on but hey, I'm not worried as much about the few scratches on the side of the button as I am that I've got a wonderful camera that works now. Save your money for when you have a real problem and do have to buy a new camera.
Thu, 14 May 2009 21:00:51 +0000
Thank you Glenn Gorman for posting the info above. I too had the issue, and I received the part and fixed the camera today. I did not have a rubber bottle opener, but I improvised. As I am taking my family to Disney tomorrow, I am glad it is fixed.
Thu, 14 May 2009 22:09:22 +0000
I just had the button pop off of my H2(which is now my second camera). I just got the button from Sony. I had a hard time turning it at first. I put on one of those latex free medical gloves and it turned and popped in right away.
dan wheeler
Thu, 21 May 2009 03:18:00 +0000
Okay, I also had the shutter button pop off and I have the button only - will I have to order the "repair kit"? If so does this come with the instructions? Sounds like I would need a spring to repair myself. So very frustrating! Never again will I purchase a Sony camera! Canon all the way!
Tue, 26 May 2009 18:32:47 +0000
Oh great! Just had the damn button fly off my H5. I bought it brand new at Ritz Camera in downtown Chicago in Nov 2006, have never dropped it, have taken about 1200 photos, and just went to pack it for a trip to DC, great photo op you know, White House and stuff? I went to do a test photo and was like, what the heck? No button? My cat was looking at something on the floor... It was the button.
Called Sony support and they quoted $185 to fix it....
Looks like to me it might be time for a class action lawsuit...
Greg D
Wed, 27 May 2009 03:31:07 +0000
Is there anyone interested in approaching Sony as a group of consumers to seek relief from this obvious design flaw? I mean, this is uncalled for.
I am going to call this law firm tomorrow (they handled the battery fire recall);
Like the many message above, I have also been unable to reach anyone from Sony in the United States. All calls go to India, I can't understand those
people, nor can they understand me, and this is just plain not fair.
I had a Cybershot 707 that was recalled when it went dead. Sony fixed it no problem, and there were no where near the amount of complaints on the Internet
about that problem.
This is obviously a huge problem.
We need to make Sony accept responsibility for all of these thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands of faulty H1, H2 and H5 models (and possibly others).
I've book marked this page and will report what the Washington DC law firm that has already sued Sony, will suggest to all of us victims.
Greg D
Wed, 27 May 2009 04:36:41 +0000
Thanks Glenn for instructions. I have owned my DSC-H2 since October 2006, My button popped off last weekend...on a dock, while we were fishing....plop into the water, gone! Been trying to figure out how to get this fixed. I will be orgering my replacement assembly today. Imagine how many people who don't know about forums like this are having there shutter assy's falling apart.
I believe everyone on this forum/blog would be willing to participate in a mass complaint. Lets do it!
Debora Y
Fri, 29 May 2009 19:25:28 +0000
Glad to see there are people getting the information out that they do not have to pay Sony $180 to fix this problem with their camera! I own a actual AFFORDABLE digital camera repair business, and can repair your H2 or H5 button for $45 + $5 return shipping if you don't wish to do it yourself! That includes the part and labor!
I am also working with a manufacturer in China to see if I can get the shutter button and post assembly made out of metal instead of plastic so that when you replace it, it will NEVER BREAK AGAIN! Won't that be nice? =) Hopefully I will have some information on that in the near future.
In the meantime, if you can use our services, our website is: Just search for H2 or H5 and you will see the options available to you.
Thomas D.
Thu, 04 Jun 2009 06:14:51 +0000
Thanks to Glen for the instructions. I have had H2 for almost 3 years now & the button went missing. I took it to best buy and they said Sony will charge close to 200$ so better trash it. I searched online and found this page. Ordered the part, got it within a week and was able to replace the part in minutes.
Sun, 07 Jun 2009 20:25:50 +0000
Same problem as everyone, shutter button came off my DSC h2, ordered and got new one but for the life of me i cannot get it on. I'm going nuts. some people say its easy, some says press hard and turn but it's just not going on. HELP !
Fri, 12 Jun 2009 02:20:26 +0000
After a good nights sleep I decided to try again. It took about 5 tries but I managed to get it on. I couldn't believe it ! I didn't do anything different from last night. I think it's pure luck. I am so happy because I am going to Disneyland and now I can take pictures !
Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:00:35 +0000
P.S. I'm putting a small piece of scotch tape over button to keep it in place.
Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:02:47 +0000
my shutter button broke, I bought the part from sony... was going to take it in for repairs and my dad said google. This site saved me lots of money sounds like :) I love my camera to death! I've had it for 3 years now and I've only had this happen once ( knock on wood)
Fri, 26 Jun 2009 22:10:11 +0000
Yeah - I opened my camera case a few weeks ago, put my camera on my desk... and watched the shutter button spring off on the floor. So I searched the net, found this site and ordered the replacement button as described above. I ordered mine from J.S. Electronics in Surrey British Columbia (604) 599-8780. They knew exactly what I needed when I gave them the part number and I had it in my hands a few days later. I just got around to fixing it because I had quickly replaced the H2 with a Canon (see below). My son gets the Sony to abuse until it explodes again. The old housing was a little harder to get out than I expected but when I finally managed to get grip on it... it popped right out. I was lucky and the little broken bits left inside dropped right out. No lost springs or anything like that. The new button went in like butter and a little twist locked it in.
I contacted Sony and told them what I was experiencing. They had the nerve to say "we've never heard of this issue before" and they were even unable to direct me to a repair centre. I found that on my own later.
After years of being a loyal Sony consumer, I have come to believe that they are quickly becoming an "off-brand". I have some to trust Panasonic for things like plasma TV, surround sound, and other gadgets. My Sony MP3 player was a waste of money as it was orphaned by Sony pretty much the same day I bought it. The software provided has never worked as well as Apple iPod stuff. I will say that this shutter button event steered me away from the Alpha camera and right to the Nikon D3000 for my latest camera purchase a few weeks ago. And of course I bought a Canon SX10-IS to replace the Sony H2. The Sony laptop I am using to write this note will be my last Sony product.
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:46:43 +0000
It seems to have a lot of problem with Dsc-H2 Camera.the release button poffed off on my camera while i was taken photos with my children having good time at bowling during their school really pisses me off,i was looking for these little tiny parts on the ground but didn't find it.I will never buy Sony product at all
Fri, 17 Jul 2009 13:49:33 +0000
I love my H5 but low and behold my button has also fallen off. Problem for me and im sure many South Africans, wecannot get the part here. Would anyone be willing to buy me the part and sent it to SA. My e mail is [email protected]. Please help anyone, i am really desperate?? :(
Fri, 17 Jul 2009 22:59:31 +0000
I am in agreement with the entire list that we need to petition Sony to replace or refund for this obvious design flaw. Thank goodness for the list and respondents or there would be another piece of junk, already have a sony vaio that finally rendered itself a piece of crap as well and if anyone needs parts they can have em...waiting on repair part for the hsc-h2, and for what? For the inevitable junkyard....oh well it's a disposable world isn't it.
Fri, 07 Aug 2009 22:01:02 +0000
There are enough of these release button failures that perhpas it is time to initiate a class action against Sony and force them to: 1) admit there is a problem, and 2) Issue a recall to repair the item or reimburse us for any monies spent to correct their design issue.
MC, DSC-H1 owner, 2 1/2 years old
Mon, 10 Aug 2009 16:28:00 +0000
It happened to me as well, I was trying to click and the button was not going down, I found the spring action is lost and the button out of the assembly!!!
On googling I reached here, I am not alone .... hehehe
Sat, 15 Aug 2009 16:55:46 +0000
My shutter release button broke also within a few months. Sony repaired it and later that button broke, but by then it was over a year old and out of warranty. I've since cut an upholstery tack and taped in to place. This metal device works great; it just looks a little cheep on my camera.
Mon, 24 Aug 2009 02:21:17 +0000
I have a DSC-H5 and have had it for 3 1/2 years and now the shutter button has fell off too! What a dissapointment because I love this camera. My friend just bought the new one and I don't like it compared to my older one. I don't have the extra parts that were under the button. So, I am at a standstill about what to do. Should I just get a new camera that is not a sony. People seem to have a lot of problems with the shutter buttons. I will check consumer reports and other sites. Thanks for the info.
Brenda Jackson
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:15:58 +0000
Like countless others, I had my shutter release button fly off my DSC-H5 a few days ago. I also contacted SONY and they were persistent in saying their only support could be in the form of sending it to them for repair work, for $180. I had to inform them they actually sell a part (as listed in these blogs) that could be done without the $180 charge. They also denied having other 'problems' with this component of the camera. I called a local National Camera Exchange and told them of my problem, and the guy told me my camera wasn't worth repairing, and to spend the $250 (estimate) on a new camera. Frustrating these people, and SONY, can't be more honest!
Thanks to EVERYONE for maintaining this blog of comments, advice, etc.
Dave T
Wed, 02 Sep 2009 14:23:16 +0000
I just ordered the part, cost $24 including tax. I asked to have free shipping, and they obliged. It will take 7-10 days, but I can wait that long. I encourage anyone else to do the same.
Dave T
Wed, 02 Sep 2009 15:06:33 +0000
I have had this camera for four years.... pulled the camera out of my bag and also pulled the thingy everyone is talking about OUT. MY PROBLEM: how to get the spring and cap back on and also to know what else is missing. Is the repair using two or three pieces?
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 18:29:40 +0000
Hi guys!
I had the same problem with my DSC-H2.
Thanks to you guys I fixed it myself.
Ordered the part from (it took more than a month for it to get to Brazil...)
Had to use the pliers do get the old par off.
Now it works beautifully, hope it stays like this for a long time!
Thanks a lot your help!
Raul Ribeiro
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:49:37 +0000
Well hello all thank good for thhe internet and many many thanks for this informative page.
I visted my hometown of NYC last week and on the last day of my visit I was running out of time so at 1AM I was heading down town to get so shots of the Freedon Tower Lights and to my surprise my Sony DSC H2 shutter button d to "committed suicide". However thanks to this page I was able to orde my part from sony 5 mins ago 2nd shipping
A question for anyone on here any suggestions fro someone wanting to transition for Sony DSC H2?
Thanks in advance
wayne W0nder
Thu, 17 Sep 2009 01:27:06 +0000
Hi, I am Belgian, this happen to my H5 I'll contact the Belgian Consumer Association Test Achats.
This is unacceptable.
Thanks a lot for all your feedbacks.
Best regards
Mario Verlent
Sat, 19 Sep 2009 22:55:51 +0000
My button popped off last week while in the mountains, found it once-pushed it back on & lost it shortly thereafter for good! Didn't realize there was a spring involved too, that was long gone after the 1st time I would assume...Can't really complain as the camera is 3.5 years old has prob 10,000 shots on it & has had a rough life, exposed to all weather outdoors, India, Tanzania (Kilimanjaro summit) etc. First problem ever with this Sony.
Hard to believe how common this is-I ordered the part from JM Electronics in Surrey BC, for $12 Canadian. It came in a week, but then how to install it? I then found this forum, used pliers to remove the outer ring & clicked the new one into place. Thanks for the instructions Glenn!
Nick Lanfear
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 16:19:50 +0000
I have the same problem with my girlfriends camera, lost not only the shutter button but also the ring under it and I guess also the spring everyone is talking about here. Witch spare parts do I need?
Sat, 03 Oct 2009 12:03:08 +0000
I had the same problem, lost button, I took the silver ring off as described above. there was a little piece of plastic in there, I took a carpet tack , cut it off until I had the right length that fit inside the recess. I then took a small hammer and rounded the tack off while in the hole so the tack would not fall out. I then put the ring with tack back in. It WORKS GREAT
Fri, 16 Oct 2009 00:23:31 +0000
Hi Chuck, have you got a pic of your camera with the "replacement button"? I just had the same issue last week and am now thinking about doing a similar thing...
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 22:12:04 +0000
Okk... I think I fixed it ))) Just a couple of hours of messing around with the drawing pins and it seems to be working.... at least for now.... ))))
Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:30:39 +0000
My shutter release button fell off while the camera was sitting in the minivan, so of course, I was mad at the kids, as I figured one of them broke it. But now, I wonder if it just fell off, as this appears to be a design flaw. I can't find the button, so I ordered a new one from Sony. They advised that it is on back order. There's a shock!
Sat, 07 Nov 2009 15:09:24 +0000
So, Another shutter button issue to add to the list. Just ordered replacement. Does anyone know how to install it?
Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:59:34 +0000
i had a same issue, my shutter button fell off and i didnot even notice it. for first time it happen i had an warranties on that and sony replaced the button for me. i was happy that i had an warranties at that time. Again after 6 months the shutter button fell off and we didnot even notice it and i called sony again but this time they said i am out of warranties and it will cost me $144.00 that is too much they fix it and the part fell off again. that means there must be something major problem with shutter button they should take care of these problem free even we don't have extended warranties. some shutter button fell off 2 times. How can i trust even i fix the camera there is no guarantee it won't fall off again! what do you think should i fix it or not??
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 22:11:33 +0000
trust me i am using toothpick to press the button all you have to do is get one toothpick and insert in hole and press lightly and it works like a shutter release button! LOL
model DSC-h2 year 2006
please let me know does it works or not!!!
Sat, 05 Dec 2009 22:29:03 +0000
The auto focus quit on my H2 and after reading this forum I replaced the shutter button. The old one was in tact and found nothing wrong with it. Installed the new button and still does not focus when pressed half way down. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 14:01:03 +0000
While on vacation the shutter release button fell off our Sony DSC-H2 camera.fortunately i found the shutter button but the spring is missing.what's the best solution for this.can i get spring from anywhere.Thanks....
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 14:48:18 +0000
i have replaced this button 3 times already and wife keeps suggesting to buy a new camera. i like my camera, started pricing other non-sony brands. the delicate plastic piece they have put as a shutter button should be changed, modified to keep the sony reputation in tach. i also gave up a viao laptop and some great features for a toshiba. i did not want to replace buttons!!!!
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 00:11:26 +0000
Hi everyone, I have now the 3 little pieces from the kit, now how can I install them? Do I have to open my dsc h1? Can some show in pictures or video how to do it? thank you and best regards.
yessica garcia
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 08:52:50 +0000
I have a h5 camera and shutter button broke since I dropped it. Ordered part from Sony website and it cost 31$ with tax and shipping.
Just followed your instructions and everything went fine. I used a small cloth to get a grip instead of rubber opener .
Thanks for your suggestion and keep up th good work
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 02:05:23 +0000
In legal terms...My H5 does not meet the warrantee of merchantibilty. It is not suitable for its intended use with the shutter button that came with it...
I filed a claim with BBB. Anyone get results with this action?
Thanks for your response.
Viking Prince
Sat, 19 Dec 2009 23:46:48 +0000
yeahhhh now it works my precios camara!!! i follow the steps as glenn describes and i could not understood how to set the little plastic piece like ¨¨c¨¨¨you have to put the shutter botton then the spring and then the plastic c so that the spring does not go out and stays at place, then the 3 pieces toughter put it to the camara and click it, good luck!! now i can take my christmas pictures, merry christas to all!!
yessica garcia
Thu, 24 Dec 2009 07:58:12 +0000
i had a same issue, my shutter button fell off and i purchased a new part from sony and sony is asking 180 to fix it. can anyone send me detailed instructions with pictures to fix this part?
Fri, 01 Jan 2010 08:54:56 +0000
Mine just fell off. I have no clue when/where. I picked up my camera to take a picture of my kids and it was gone! I freaked out thinking I had whacked it on something! I do feel better knowing it was a flaw in the product, and I think it has been having issues for about a year because I really had to hold the shutter down tight and it didn't want to take pictures lately you had to press the button several times. I am just glad it waited til AFTER Christmas. I ordered the part and got free shipping (they told me not to tell my friends though). Whatever! I am ticked!! I just hope I can get the new one on!
Sun, 03 Jan 2010 17:19:26 +0000
our button has been taped on for close to a year. just got sick of looking at it and decided to look on web about repair places near my home..well found this site and was shocked at how many cameras have this problem and that sony hasn't offered the button as goodwill...what could it really cost sony for that part..50 cents maybe... i just ordered the button from and it cost me $18.61 before tax and shipping..i immediately asked what the shipping cost was to be and they waved shipping right away so always ask.. shame on you sony and shame on me for buying thousands of dollars of sony electronics over many years ...but no more
Sun, 03 Jan 2010 19:20:28 +0000
Just looked down today and noticed the shutter button was missing. Probably would have started beating the children and cats had I not found this web site. Shame on Sony. I too have always bought Sony products and have never had a problem until I purchased my DSC-H2 last year. I have never been particulary impressed with the camera but now I am even less so....
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 04:17:44 +0000
Thank you so much for your post. A really easy fix and it works!
Stuart Clark
Sat, 23 Jan 2010 15:18:49 +0000
For those in the UK I just sourced this from Seme NEDIS for �18.98 including delivery. Used the sitcky side of some insulating tape to get a grip on it.
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 20:29:42 +0000
Shutter button fell out. Fix so far is to stick a paper clip in the hole and press it to take pics. Will try thumbtack and see if that's better.
Mon, 01 Feb 2010 00:14:43 +0000
Unbelievable! :) Thank you!!!!! I bought the $18 part & 5 minutes later. . . my camera & I are back in business!!! I even went out & bought a new camera but didnt get the quality shots I had with my DSC-H2. Wish I could buy you a beer!
Sat, 06 Feb 2010 16:00:40 +0000
Wow, what a wake up call reading all these posts. I'm a total Sony freak, but after reading the posts I may have to reconsider. My shutter release button fell off in my briefcase. Fortunately, I found the spring and button and am considering a local camera store fix. Ooops, local repair was quoted at $251.00 at Wolf Camera---------Fugggetaboutit!! Jack
Sat, 06 Feb 2010 16:16:38 +0000
The parts (button, spring and little clip) are also available from ebay at a very cheap price of just under �5. The vendor I used (judyhk05) is based in Hong Kong and listed the item as "Repair Part Quick Button for Sony DSC H1 H2 H5". The package arrived here in the UK in about a week - all looks fine but I've not yet been brave enough to try the fix!
Mon, 08 Feb 2010 15:42:03 +0000
Just finished my at home repair of my Sony DSC-H2 shutter assembly. I'm mad at myself for not checking this site first as I spent $45 at my local camera shop (Ritz Camera) to have a repair estimate completed. The shop sent the camera out to Sony for the repair estimate. Sit down for this...estimate came in from Sony at $235!!! I found this site and promptly ordered my shutter assembly kit for a few dollars. Received the parts in less than a week and took about 10 minutes out of my morning to complete the repair. Thanks to everyone for your complaints, tips and repair advise.
Sun, 14 Feb 2010 17:14:12 +0000
Just ordered the release assy for the DSC-H2. Was at a spelling bee when, you guessed it, the release button popped off. Luckily i found this thread and was able to find a replacement at Sony online. Whew! was quoted $125-$146 to get it fixed at a Sony authorized dealer. Now I'm only out $27 inluding shipping. Cant wait to get it up and running again.
Mon, 15 Feb 2010 23:52:13 +0000
Received the shutter assembly last night. (ground ship. took 3 days!) The button arrived in a box the size of a ft long Subway sandwhich. (A regular packing envelope would have worked better) i was able to pop it back into place with a couple of tries. Sure beat buying a new camera or getting it repaired at an authorized dealer ($146!?) Too bad Sony couldn't have replaced the button free of charge.
Sat, 20 Feb 2010 15:26:58 +0000
I had this SAME problem happen on my Honeymoon of all times. It popped off into the sand and is somewhere in Cancun. I had to call Sony because their online service wasn't working. This is obviously a problem, otherwise I wouldn't have found a page this LONG with people having the same problem. This will be my last Sony device thanks to this problem, when it dies so does any ties to Sony I will have. I asked them to ship it regular mail as long as they did so a no charge. Good luck to you all, I hope this fixes my issue.
John M
Wed, 24 Feb 2010 23:24:02 +0000
Had this problem too, just ordered the part from ebay. thanks for all the tips everyone.
Liz Galvez
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 19:10:06 +0000
x21490561 is the part number for the Sony DSC-H1 camera shutter button repair, I almost ordered the H2 part so I am sharing so you know!!
(It took my 13 minutes of scrolling to find this info in this post!)
Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:07:14 +0000
Clearly Sony doesn't kick the hell out of its prototype cameras before passing them for production.
Sony should recall its H1, H2 & H3 models. Too many Japanes manufacturers are becoming arrogant about the reliability of their products. Some of their components have slick designs but sre useless when installed. Sony is doing a Toyota. Does NASA use Sony products in space ?
gwyn Jones
Sat, 03 Apr 2010 23:24:27 +0000
Badly designed Shutter button for Sony DSC H1 H2,H5 :
Clearly Sony didn't kick the hell out of their prototypes before giving the OK for their production. Slick but useless shutter button design. Simplicity + quality = Reliability. I agree Sony should have had all the units returned. It has done a Toyota.
Sat, 03 Apr 2010 23:34:08 +0000
I purchased my Sony DSC-H2 in December of 2006.Imagine my surprise when the shutter release button popped off while at my sons first basketball game.Fortunately I had another camera handy but it was not my favorite. I knew it might be costly to repair so I had to get used to using the other camera .This new relationship was not working out so I decided to take DSC-H2 to Geek Squad at Best Buy, where I bought the camera. I paid $350 for this camera and I love it so I do not want to throw it out.Anyway to have the camera shipped to a Best Buy repair store it will cost me $35.00 and then an initial $94.00. Then I will have to pay an additional $35.00 to have the camera shipped back to me. Bear in mind that the labor and part price might be increased.Its sad that this problem is so widespread but I am glad to know that I might be able to fix it myself for far less than Sony and Best Buy.
Sun, 02 May 2010 17:35:22 +0000
Add my H2 to the list of broken buttons. Had my camera on the strap hanging around my neck, taking pictures while on vacation, grabed the camera to take another picture, and WTH? no button..
Just checked the Sony site, using the link and part number at the top of this post, and they still have the repair buttons. This camera is getting long in the tooth now, so I'm going to order 2 kits before they stop making them. I'm really disappointed in Sony over this cheap part.
Sun, 02 May 2010 18:10:23 +0000
I had my Sony H2 for five years before my button popped off today. I was furious!! How can a company charge so much for a camera where there is an obvious flaw, in which the created a repair kit for such a specific reason. This is rediculous, never again will I buy from Sony... If you can't support your product guarantee then don't produce the equipment!
Tue, 04 May 2010 16:45:57 +0000
We are leaving in 2 weeks to do a 3 week trip in the Western states....highlighting the Grand Canyon---------
Low and behold, my shutter button broke! I have the button but no spring, etc.!
I USED to be a Sony lover.........however, let me tell you about why I SWEAR I will no longer buy a Sony..
#1--- Sony Trinitron TV. "Supposedly" the best around, years ago, when we bought it. The picture would just black out and turn the TV off....... we would have to hold the POWER button for a while and see it slowly come back on......then go off again a few days later! Come to find out, it cost us a fortune to buy a repair manual only to find out that in order to fix that problem, you had to change the whole "board"! RIDICULOUS! Not worth it----instead, we bought a 60" (big box) RCA is now May, 2010 and we STILL have the RCA 60" and have NEVER had 1 repair on it to date!
#2 --- Sony DSC-HS Camera. "Supposedly" the best reviews and the best camers, mainly because of the Optical numbers! Well, now, 14 days before I leave for vacation, the button pops off of my camera also! This is pretty #$#$&U$ ! NEVER, EVER again will I buy a Sony Camera----NEVER!
#3 --- EVERY single Panasonic item we have bought is still functioning! We have one of the oldest Panasonic portable phones, Panasonic TV in our bedroom, Panasonic electronics all over our camper-- and EVERY one is still functioning as the day we got it and we have NEVER EVER had to repair anything from Panasonic!
We are now interested in getting a 60" LCD or LED flat screen and put the "Big Momma" RCA in our outside kitchen...........I REFUSE to get a SONY! Absolutely refuse because of the TV and camera problems!
I hope MANY other people who need reviews PRIOR to purchasing an electronic, etc., will hop into this sight and read our reviews before getting screwed like us!
M. Bearb
Sat, 15 May 2010 22:47:50 +0000
Hello from Greece. Same here with an imported from the States Camera.
We fixed it temporary but it is bugging me.
Wed, 19 May 2010 10:08:43 +0000
This is another photo to see how it is inside.
Wed, 19 May 2010 10:09:58 +0000
Add another one to the list, make that two more. I have three Sony H-2's that I use a lot at my newspaper. Within one week, two of the buttons broke. I've had them for years with no problem. This is about the third generation, make that four that I have used for the past 15 years. I'm glad I found this board to learn of the rip-off Best Buy was about to do a job on me. They wanted $300 to repair the button. I lost the $40.00 deposit, but I'm going back to get the deposit refunded with a print out from this board on the number of H-2's that are defective and the simple repair cost and fix. Thanks a bunch, I'm going to order my button fixes today! -Tommy
Mon, 31 May 2010 18:50:18 +0000
same thing happend to my camera. I was ready to throw the camera away because Sony want to charge me over $100 for repairs. I am so glad I found your site. Why are they charging for a repair kit when this is obviously a malfunction on Sony's part. It should be free like other recalls. Not a happy consumer
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 15:59:56 +0000
I tried to fix my Sony when it started acting up and not doing the halfway focus thing.
Finally had to send in all the pieces I could not put back together for repair.
Sent it to and they fixed it just fine, also did a cleaning on it.
Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:16:44 +0000
Has Sony let you down? Are you mad that your $400 Cybershot is now useless due to their design flaw? Well jump on in! We're gonna do something about it.
Steve Guzman
Fri, 23 Jul 2010 19:45:39 +0000
I have lost 3 buttons so far on both my DSCH1 and DSCH2.. The button assemblies are NOT interchangable.
I will have to order it from Sony for the 4th time. But will NOT buy another SOny again.
I wanted to buy from another source mentioned , but they wanted almost twice as much as a factory part... whats up with that?
Tue, 27 Jul 2010 06:14:36 +0000
Thank you SO MUCH for this forum! My Sony DSC-H2's shutter button had popped off and stopped working a few years ago when I was at the Acropolis in Athens - huge bummer. I shelved the camera after hearing it would cost $145 or so for Sony to fix it.
But when cleaning out my closet recently, I decided I would make an honest attempt at getting the camera fixed. I found this forum and decided to act on the tips to buy the shutter button piece (part X21083262 RELEASE ASSY) on the Sony website ( . . .).
After waiting a week for the piece to arrive (I actually ordered two on the advice of another person on this forum), it took me a little while to get the new piece to pop into place properly - but when it did, the camera worked again! Woo hoo!!! And now I've got a backup piece in case it should ever happen again.
Thanks to Glenn (at the top of the page) for the instructions on how to install the shutter button piece!
Wed, 04 Aug 2010 12:19:24 +0000
Does anyone know if that repair kit will fix the DSC-V3, too? Mine popped off the other day. I have the spring and button. I tried to turn the base part off, but it doesn't seem like it wants to twist off.
Mike G
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 07:53:09 +0000
Same story as everyone else. The camera was sitting on the counter by itself and 2 parts popped right off of it...the button and the spring. Going to order the part now. Seems ridiculous that this many people are having the same problem....definately a defect that Sony needs to own up to. We have had our camera 4 or 5 years but haven't used it that much over those years. I'm sure if we had of used it more this would have happened years ago.
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 11:30:46 +0000
Does anyone no how to put the two small little clamps onto the button? I pushed the button through the spring and housing and there's a little notch in the pin on the button, but even with the button fully pushed in the notch was clear enough to push on the washers. When I tried to push them on it broke off the new tip. Doh, $15 down the drain. Thanks to anyone for help.
David P
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 01:33:00 +0000
I have ordered the part from Sony and replaced the old one The replacement was easy. The biggest problem was to remove the old button assembly. After numerous attempts to push and turn I used a small screw driver, I pushed it under the button and broke one of the small tabs that hold the assembly in the body.
Make sure to remove any visible debris once you have removed the old button.
The installation of the new button was surprisingly easy. Insert the new button in the body (watch for the two channels provided in the body) and push and turn the new button at the same time.
Once you get the new part you can see why this part is failing so much. The design is pretty poor.
By the way Sony is not aware of any problem with this part. (I guess they do not use the internet)
Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:14:42 +0000
I had a problem with my PS3 that was common and on every forum you could think of. The American forums said that Sony were charging for a repair that was an obvious design fault. I had the same problem so I just rang Sony UK. They said it was out of warranty but they still replaced it, free of charge the next day.
I bought an H5 for myself and my daughter( second hand on ebay ) because of the service with my PS3. I have noticed that on mine the focus doesn't always work. I will try Sony UK again and see what happens.
I have also found a replacement upgraded button kit available in the US and Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong seller is, sells for �4.98 free postage.
The US seller is $24.77.
Hope this info helps
I will keep you posted about Sony UK
Steve Rogers
Tue, 31 Aug 2010 19:06:53 +0000
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! These posts helped save my lots of money. Instead of shipping my DSC-H1 to Sony for repairs, I ordered the shutter button assembly for $22 plus shipping. It was very easy to replace! Sony really should tell people the button is available for repairs!
Fri, 03 Sep 2010 18:44:08 +0000
Feedback from my contact with Sony.
I contacted Sony via E-mail. I also had the same reply. Although they were sorry that I was having difficulties with my H5.They could only offer me out of warranty repair through their repair central service via the web based repair request process.
Although very polite, I assume this would be the start of a lengthy debate that would still end up with me paying for a repair.
I will go the plastic shim repair root as soon as my shiny new button arrives from Hong Kong
Steve Rogers
Fri, 03 Sep 2010 19:45:38 +0000
Add one more camera to the same problem... Our son was born this week and while taking pictures the button popped off... I've been a big fan of Sony in the past, but reviewing these posts it appears there's a design flaw.
Sean F.
Tue, 07 Sep 2010 01:10:07 +0000
One more camera for this problem... I'll try to fix it by myself but I don't know where to buy a new button in Hungary.
Tue, 07 Sep 2010 18:32:25 +0000
The same here, the shutter button just popped up from the camera, i just received my new button from Hong Kong today! I ordered it from ebay for 5 $.
Alex Antoh
Wed, 08 Sep 2010 18:53:25 +0000
Hi, I haven't read through all the comments so don't know if this has already been suggested?
The shutter button has fallen off my DSC-H2 a couple of times - it's been permanently lost now though on recent trip to France. I fixed it by inserting a drawing pin into the shutter (it's a great match for the button- the pin fits the hole and the head of the pin acts like a button) and taped it secure with Mefix (the medical tape you use to secure bandages). It's perfect fix, works great and cost next to nothing as we used stuff we had with us. Not sure how long it will last but I'm happy for now. Obviously isn't great cosmetically but it's a three year old camera so I don't really care how it looks any more. Give it a try - nothing to lose (even if it's just a temporary fix while you're waiting for official part to be delivered) My initial fix when I discovered it was missing was a tiny twig from a bush - we were out for the day on holiday and didn't want to miss any photo ops. Worked for an hour or two but not very practical!!
J Smith
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 19:39:30 +0000
Hi guys,
I also bought a Sony DSC-H2 and had my shutter button pop up twice. The first time was about 2 years ago. I got the part from Sony, installed with some glue and it remained there for about 1.5 years. Now I've got the same part again but the camera does not shoot anymore for some reason. I will NEVER buy ANY SONY PRODUCT again in my life and will tell all my hundreds of friends about this experience. Sony should be really ashamed of deceiving its customers with a crappy expensive product and having their Customer Service to rip them off, but it does NOT have ANY vestige of shame! I hope some legal lawsuit comes out that I can join to have my $500 ticket price reimbursed.
Luiz Cruz
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 05:02:57 +0000
Hey guys,
I discovered how to make my camera to shoot again: the middle pin was not reaching the shutter below because it was not entirely settled down since Sony had sent my part with one of its two lateral "finger" grips broken. Instead of waiting another 15 days for another replacement part and paying the post office more money to return it, I am so mad at this camera that decided to glue the X21083252 release button in place with SuperBonder! So far it is holding and taking all shots without problems! I hope it stays there until I buy a new camera - a Nikon or Canon probably.
Luiz Cruz
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 05:58:28 +0000
Guess What! I just opened my button repair kit to repair my broken Sony camera and the button on the new button release popped out of its casing. Tiny shards of metal that were supposed to hold it in place shimmied around the shipping bag.
I think I'll go buy a Canon.
Sat, 18 Sep 2010 14:04:43 +0000
This has happened to be twice now with my DSC H5. The first time Sony repaired it. They would not repair it again since it happened over a year ago!!! I will never purchase another Sony product again. Our Sony TV also had green screen issues. Come to find out there was a class action law suit against them for it. They are producing bad quality products and not supporting the issues that are happening because of it. When you call them to complain all they say is you can buys the part to fix it and if you want to see how to install it I will SELL you the service manual for another $20.00.. Ridiculous!!!! Makes me sick they get away with this.
Sat, 18 Sep 2010 14:39:44 +0000
I tried same with my V3, I am guessing the button does not come apart in the same way as the H1. I emailed Sony, they said the grip assembly could be replaced, cost of part $55 US, part # X20235985, "GRIP ASSY". Too much!
It is possible to trigger the camera with a needle inserted in the hole. I am thinking of cutting off a tack and rounding the end, putting a spring under it, and a piece of tape over it to keep it from falling out. Terrible solution, but better than paying that much money and hoping I can disassemble the camera to install it. Or scrapping the camera. :^(
Sun, 19 Sep 2010 15:42:33 +0000
I have owned my Sony DSC-H2 since November of 2006. I have taken literally thousands of photos with it and have been very happy with the quality of the pictures and the camera itself. My high school senior wanted to use the "Burst" feature at a football game and brought it back to me with no shutter button! Took me a week of internet research to find - they are located near Minneapolis, MN and will sell the entire shutter button assembly (spring, button, c-clip and collar) for just $35, or the spring, button and clip for just under $25. They will do the entire replacement for you at under $70, which also includes taking the camera apart to make sure all broken pieces are removed, clean the camera and make sure the autofocus is working properly.
Normally, I would have just sent the camera to them for repair, but we have a trip and Homecoming festivities that I needed a camera for and darntoothysam was not able to assure I would have the camera back in time, so I opted to order the part and fix it myself without taking it apart. You CAN do it yourself without breaking the little feet off the replacement piece if you are careful.... my unit seems to work as well as it did when it was new, with one exception: the autofocus does not seem to work as well when zoomed in to the max on nearby objects -- it will focus in that range, but then readjusts to become fuzzy again. The zoom autofocus appears to work fine on distant subjects, so it is still do-able. It was totally worth the $35 for the replacement piece to me, as opposed to paying upward of $400 for a similar Canon. Btw, I found the DSC-H2 on Amazon for a whopping $699.99. Apparently some still feel this camera is worth selling for a hefty price!!!
Fri, 01 Oct 2010 14:22:08 +0000
Thanks for saving my camera.
For any one in the U.K you can get the replacement button from seme nedis ltd. It will cost you �19.19 inc postage and comes in a couple of days( in my case). item number x21083252 phone 0871 222 9333 or This was the company that sony directed me to and I now have my beloved h2 back up and running.
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:25:29 +0000
After seeing how many people have problems with the Sony shutters on their camera's as I do, I am just going to go out and buy a different brand. The problem is not worth the hassle to keep fixing it. Sony is not very customer friendly.
Stephen Popken
Tue, 02 Nov 2010 11:16:38 +0000
Well 14 months on & my replacement shutter/spring is still OK. However as many above have said, the pre-shooting focus in not working properly-no beep & colour change of the target surround. Pics still seem to come out OK.
Nick Lanfear
Tue, 23 Nov 2010 03:10:58 +0000
I had the same problem, but I guess I was lucky. My H-5 lasted about 24 months before it popped off. It wasn't convenient, since we were hosting friends from abroad at the Grand Canyon. At the urging of my wife, i did some research and found all of these complaints. I followed the urging of one of the comments and sent an email (included below for easy 'cut & pasting') sent to the following link:
In the interim, I have ordered a part from ebay for $5.69. Thanks for the advice!
Model Number: Sony Dsc-H (enter model #)
Part Number: x21083252
I had an issue with this camera. The shutter button popped off for no reason. While I ordered the part I needed, I found a whole lot of other people with the same exact issue.
You must understand, I have had no other problems in the ___ months I have used this camera. In fact, I have enjoyed using this camera. Which is why I ordered the part to replace it. However, with so many other consumers apparently having the SAME issue with the H models, I would imagine that it is time for the company to seriously look into the problem. There are so many others who have become discontent with Sony cameras for this reason. As a consumer of your products myself, it would be wise to consider a recall on these particular models. I was fortunate enough to have 24 months without a glitch, but others were not so fortunate. Not to mention, Spending my money on what I consider an expensive camera, I should get more for my money than just a camera. It should remain in good WORKING condition, sparing any problems that I might have caused. Having said that, I know I did not cause this problem. The part obviously failed internally. That had nothing to do with my operational abilities. I am willing to bet it is the same for many others.
I sincerely hope that this is taken seriously, and not passed off as a one time incedent. From my research, I know there are far to many others having the same exact problem. Which says to me that it is a defect in the part.
Please take notice and do something about the defective part.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Sun, 28 Nov 2010 18:53:25 +0000
I'm so glad I found this information! My shutter button popped off at my daughters college showcase softball tournament and landed on the playing field! I was shooting through a space in the fence behind home plate! So, I've ordered the part from Sony today and got FREE least that's helpful. I followed Glenns directions and easily removed the old assembly, so when the new one gets here I hope it goes on just as smoothly!
Does anyone know of a good book or website that will teach me about all the different settings and shooting techniques? The manual doesn't explain in depth and the terminology is different in books I have checked out so I'm still confused! Thanks!
Tue, 30 Nov 2010 19:16:58 +0000
Wendy, I say start from this page:
Once you've read through to the bottom of that page, there are a lot of categories for various techniques.
Chieh Cheng
Wed, 01 Dec 2010 16:52:46 +0000
hey great site very helpful any1 know where i can get one shiped to ireland the irish site is a load of crap??????
Darren Ryan
Thu, 02 Dec 2010 23:27:25 +0000
Hey Guys Wow first this is a great site, i'm glad there is support for this problem. Ok So i love the H2 however i ran into the problem everyone is going thru. I fixed it with a pin and for 6 months it worked fine, then lent it to a friend and they lost the hole Shutter button the sony part site is only for people in the U.S and i live in Canada. Is their any part sellers that anyone knows about that sell in Canada please leave all Details. I love this Camera and want to fix this problem before the Holidays to give you an idea of what my camera looks like this is a photo..
Guys help me out please and thankyou
Ryan Swayze
Fri, 03 Dec 2010 02:49:50 +0000
I found a parts place in Canada that only sells it for $12 around $25 with shiping
the part number is x21083252
call 1-800-668-8776
Ryan Swayze
Fri, 03 Dec 2010 21:17:17 +0000
Got the same problem. This button costs about $5.49 (+shipping) on e-bay right now.
Tue, 14 Dec 2010 18:52:59 +0000
I bought that crap (DSC-H5) in Texas USA, here in Paris France the authorized reseller ask 35 Euros for the button. The repair is beyond the prize of a new camera.
Somebody wants to sue Sony? I am willing to. I bought this in the USA, it looks to me that we have enough people to claim something.
anaragonique at
Fri, 17 Dec 2010 15:29:44 +0000 . . . photos are no longer displaying.
Does anyone have another link to this repair procedure?
Tue, 04 Jan 2011 23:55:00 +0000
Seems that the page still works, just not the pictures. I bet it's just a mistake. If you contact them, they'll probably fix the page.
Chieh Cheng
Wed, 05 Jan 2011 17:09:15 +0000
We now have a LIFETIME BREAKAGE GUARANTEE for all Sony DSC-H2, H5, H7 and H9 shutter buttons!! We sell only aluminum shutter buttons and you will NEVER have this problem again! Sony does NOT have this part, nor will they admit that it is a problem. . . . . . .
$25 and your shutter button will never break again!
Thomas Drayton
Mon, 10 Jan 2011 22:07:37 +0000
Wife just emailed me from India at the start of her holiday to say the shutter button fell off. How disappointing!
So if I buy just the shutter button only, how does it fit once I get the collar off? How does the button, spring and clip fit in? Thanks.
S. Shah
Sun, 16 Jan 2011 16:08:54 +0000
The same thing happened to me with the DSC-H2. Thanks to everyone for your help!
If you can remove the original collar without breaking off the two feet you can use that collar again. You just need to buy the button, spring and clip (on eBay for around $5). Directions for assembling all the parts is given on: . . .
Mary Dee
Fri, 21 Jan 2011 05:53:31 +0000
To clarify my previous message:
If you break one or two feet off the original collar, you can't reuse that collar. Also, assembling all the parts is quite a chore (the clip is very small and difficult to attach).
Mary Dee
Sat, 22 Jan 2011 15:52:49 +0000
Mine's been broke for years and has been held together by tape and works for now. I looked at this site a couple times hoping a successful law suit or recall would be mentioned as I don't want to take a chance on self repair until it's broken beyond use. Noticed response remain current and go back years so decided to add mine to the list in hopes that sooner or later Sony would have to give in....good luck, I know. Has anyone heard anything more about any options other than repairing it ourselves? Thanks
Sun, 27 Feb 2011 13:26:55 +0000
My DSC-H2 button flew off during our daughter's first recital almost two years ago! We have been looking and looking for a place to repair it but it's way too expensive! So I started looking through the net and low and behold I found this site. I ordered the part and following the directions in the post. It was too easy and we saved over $160 in repair costs and about $300 for replacement. Thanks so much for you guys help.
Mon, 14 Mar 2011 17:59:20 +0000
Same here! I called a local camera store and was told they don't have the part, but could repair it for $25 labor in about 20 minutes. I ordered the button, spring and clip from e-bay. Took it to the store and they told me I needed the entire assembly otherwise they'd have to take the camera apart 2 hours time and $50 labor. Came home, twisted the collar off, shook all the broken pieces out put the spring on the button post, slipped the collar on it, placed this part upside down on the kitchen counter, depressed the collar to extend the button pin and used a pair of tweezers and an exacto knife to slip the "c" clamp on, aligned the collar "legs" with the slots, twisted and PRESTO! I figured it was broken anyway, so what did I have to lose?
Sun, 20 Mar 2011 18:05:47 +0000
MTC in Ontario Canada sells this part for about 12 dollars. They will mail it to Canadian addresses for 2 dollars.
Thu, 24 Mar 2011 19:43:41 +0000
Another one bites the dust. I'm in Ecuador and bought the DSC-H2 in 2007. I loved this camera until the shutter button pop out.
Now in Amazon you can find the part for under $5. I will have to buy a couple.
Thanks for the info.
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 21:19:38 +0000
Sorry, it's on Ebay not Amazon. . . .
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 21:22:23 +0000
My DSC-H2 shutter button popped off while sitting on my shelf. A few weeks after I went to use my camera and discovered the shutter button was no longer attached to my camera. Upon further discovery, I found the shutter button and the spring sitting on the same shelf my camera had been stored for several months. I can't believe Sony would manufacture such a crappy product. Sony customer service is also a waste of time, as I was transferred 5 times to another department then finally to a technician who told me that the repair of this camera would be $180.00 - He further explained that the shutter button detaching is not a common issue and that most detachment is caused by abuse of the product. HUH? Boy, did I give him an ear full....
My next step was purchasing a DSLR Nikon and boy am I happy. Anybody wanna buy a broken camera?
Sat, 16 Apr 2011 10:23:51 +0000
I started with my first DSC H2 in 2005 and love the camera - sony put on 3 buttons (the last one under protest from the service rep and 2 trips to their service center) I told them that this was a common issue with this camera and again they denied it. I told the rep to look on ebay and we found 5 for sale with the same issue. Not a coincidence. I bought a 2nd H2 for 159.00 on ebay brand new to have while the other was in the shop for the first button. This one lasted 3 months (I take about 2000 photos a week) Sony has fixed this one twice under warranty. (after much arguing) ..... and now I have 2 that both have broken buttons. NICE JOB SONY. Deny deny deny. I finally found a fix that I've used before finding this side by accident. I went to the hobby store and purchased thumb tacks. Cut it to the correct length, added a spring (one I found and one that I modified from an ink pen spring). Both cameras work find WITH athletic tape hold in the button in place. I will be either ordering the new metal part at . . . or sending them in one at a time for repair at 69.77 each. Anyone have any experience with performing the replacement at home? that would be appreciated.
Rick H
Sat, 14 May 2011 01:00:14 +0000
Hey gang! With my 'new' SONY CYBER-SHOT 14.1 MP, (purchased new in 12-10), I wish to proclaim that this 'camera' is the WORST! It was bought to replace my lost NIKON COOL-PIX 5400 & there's no comparison. I now realize why, when I went back to replace my NIKON, they were sold out..hum! So, I took the SONY CYBER-SHOT,& THE SAME PRICE POINT) WITH A ZIESS LENS. No match...bad for me!
Guess I should have waited for the next NIKON shipment!
And this fron an 'ole' school REAL PHOTOGRAPHER who's going, (& not trying!) to go digital. I'm willing to admit I made a BIG Mistake by buying this camera.
Sat, 28 May 2011 06:40:04 +0000
what is the part number for the DSC-H2 button AND collar replacement kit and where can I find it?
Laura G
Sat, 09 Jul 2011 22:52:20 +0000
my button fell off too. . .thanks for sharing this info here. . . will try to replace it. . .
Sun, 31 Jul 2011 20:20:38 +0000
Sony is now offering repair, free shipping and handling, for $49.50, Purolater camera back fixed in 3-5 days. Apparently they are now taking this issue seriously!
Fri, 12 Aug 2011 18:52:22 +0000
go to . . .
order it for 2.89 $.
I got it delivered withing 4 days. I fixed it myself and My Camera is ready again!
- Shiva
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 13:18:48 +0000
I ordered two button kits from tmart for a total $5.78 with free shipping (see Shiva's 14 Aug 2011 post), arrived in a week. [BTW All sorts of funky stuff at] Couldn't remove the collar by hand (even with rubber gloves) so used needle-nosed pliers that was successful after ~10 mins total repair but left a dent--a fine trade-off for saving $70-160.
I have used my DSC-H2 camera for years for thousands of shots and was fortunate that the button came off right near the end of a Galapagos Islands trip and had a second camera. I am sure that I would have been much more unhappy if it had been early in the trip and certainly if it was a more recent purchase. I am disappointed and surprised that SONY customer service wasn't better.
On another camera note...on this trip my DSC-H2 started running through (non-rechargeable) batteries very quickly, getting only a dozen or so pictures before power warnings came, whereas normally get >100. It did limp along taken more if not used continuously, turned off LCD, disabled flash etc. but would finally turn itself off. The only usage difference I know of was I replaced a 1 GB with a new 4 GB memory stick pro duo--are those known to use more power?
Bob W.
Bob W.
Sun, 28 Aug 2011 18:18:44 +0000
The shutter button fell off my Sony DSC-H2 the day after I photographed my son's wedding in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. Had it fallen off a day earlier, I would have been gaga. Now I'm looking for a shop to do the repair. Suggestions?
Diane LeBas
Fri, 02 Sep 2011 23:46:01 +0000
The shutter button fell off of my H2 at my daughter's surprise party last month. I taped it back on, which worked at first, but then it didn't want to depress. After reading this I am guessing this is because of debris from the button pin breaking. I have to say for the $175 repair, I was going to try and open her up and wing it with the help of the photos from another web site. I am VERY thankful for the tip from Glen Gorman! I really didn't want to dismantle the whole camera, but I was planning to give it my best shot! I now look forward to the simple repair and am also thankful for the good laugh I have had at a few of the other repair options! I am especially fond of the carpet tack buttons but I think I'll try and add a metal pin to my original button with a teensy bit of JB Weld since I still have it. Wish me luck!
Thu, 15 Sep 2011 05:01:10 +0000
Add me to the list. I have a DSC H-5 and the shutter button popped off when I went to pick the camera up off the table. I bought the replacement button kit off of ebay for $2.99 and its fixed for now. Had to use pliers over a rubber bottle opener to twist. Very thankful for this site!
Sat, 15 Oct 2011 02:06:28 +0000
Had my DSC H2 for about 5 yrs probably - suddenly see the button missing yday. Freaked out big time, since overnight I cant' go buy a camera. Use it for day to day school pics etc. Came up with the short time really cheap - as in cheap looking and cheap money-wise solution of using a twisted all metal paperclip to operate the camera temporarily. Just kept one end straight to about three quarters of an inch, and twisted the rest of the clip into a coil shape or something so as not to hurt my own fingers trying to operate the button :)) Desperate measures, YES!! And now try googling online and surprised to see how common this is! And thanks to Shiva, wow, what a deal !! Sony on this product/part perfectly deserves the 2$ price.
Sun, 30 Oct 2011 06:18:11 +0000
I've had the same problem. Also my sister in law has the same camera and same issue.
I bought the replacement shutter button but it worked maybe a year and comes off too.
Sony Wake up it's a defect.
Fri, 25 Nov 2011 17:26:45 +0000
H2 button popped at the Egyptian Pyramids. Otherwise camera has been excellent.
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 23:15:49 +0000
Thanks for posting the link. It saved me time in searching for the parts for my DSC H2
Vishy Mahadevan
Fri, 09 Dec 2011 03:34:14 +0000
The shutter button fell off my Sony DSC-H2 a week ago. The plastic post in the middle of the button nearly dematerialized. How does this get by quality control?
-Chuck Wilson
Chuck Wilson
Wed, 28 Dec 2011 07:18:58 +0300
Mine fell off on the way to a show found the button but camera does not work right Very glad to find this page.THANK YOU.
James Strub
Tue, 03 Jan 2012 02:43:37 +0300
I have the same experience.I am so disappointed with sony company,why is it that sony never realized this problem even though they already have a lot of
negative responses of this product.they should recall this particular product and give free service warranty to their costumer.But unfortunately they did not.Sucks!!!
I promised myself not to buy sony camera again :( .
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 19:10:52 +0300
You people will never guess what happened to us... Our button popped off!! No Fooling...
I don't wish to purchase a new camera...local (Mpls/St Paul)repair shop said "The button has to be replaced with a new one as the old one is broken off and will not work. Our cost to replace the button assembly is $129. The camera has to be removed from the case to replace the assembly."
I'm really not sure what this guy meant in the last sentence?
I will get the kit and fix on my own.
Grant Bjornberg
Thu, 10 May 2012 04:02:56 +0400
Yes, my button broke off too! While waiting on my replacement button, I cut the tip off an old flat thumb tack. And stuck it in and yes! It works. ( I know I Jerry Rigged it, but it's a temporary fix. May have to put a little scotch tape over it till the new own arrives.
Tina Burden
Tue, 15 May 2012 03:15:13 +0400
I found a DSC-H2 at Goodwill with (guess what?) the shutter button missing! I bought it for $25 and used the thumb tack trick. All one has to do is go to the menu and switch to continuous focus. Works great for a cheap price!
Jay H.
Fri, 01 Jun 2012 05:56:08 +0400
I just completed the installation of a new shutter release assembly for a Sony DSC-H1 camera ( same assembly as on the DSC-H2 ) using the technique described by Glenn Gorman at the beginning of this blog. I marked on the rear of the old assembly prior to removing to keep track of the proper orientation on the new assembly. I used the rubber jar opener pad. I did discover that I had to rotate the old assembly in a clockwise direction to get it to release from the opening in the camera body. Place the new assembly in its proper orientation in the opening and rotate in a counter-clockwise direction. Make sure the locking tabs fit into the notches in the opening prior to rotating. I had to pay apprx. $31 for the new assembly which included shipping and handling. Shame on Sony for not offering to provide the installtion instructions with the part. Since this is obviously a design flaw with this camera, they should have at least offered the part and instructions to its customers at no cost. We will not be buying another Sony camera. Thanks to Glenn Gorman for the original installation instructions.
Sat, 16 Jun 2012 21:00:01 +0400
happend to me 2.
i get the release button and stuff in a package from hongkong won a auction at ebay
for 2,99�.
I am a noob at repairing things, but it worked for me.
fixed it with gleens help, too. THANKS
Sun, 02 Sep 2012 16:56:09 +0400
I can't seem to get the model numbers on this forum to work on the Sony site. . . Has anyone ordered the shutter button and spring kit lately?
Can't believe this camera has been in the box for 2 years until I could find an affordable repair shop. . . only to learn that dozens of others have found an inexpensive fix.
Using the thumb tack is working for now. . . until I can find the part.
Thank you so much! You have no idea how helpful you've been!
Wed, 26 Sep 2012 01:18:15 +0400
Shutter button broke on my granddaughters H2,now she has to wait for a visit so that I can fix it and I will NOT be buying another sub-standard replacement from Sony.Glad I bought my trusty Panasonic!Thanks to all for the tips.
David Bennett
Fri, 05 Oct 2012 19:11:12 +0400
I bought the camera 3 years ago. The shutter broke two months ago. I found the spare part number in Internet and ordered here in Italy, at a Service Point of SONY. After more than 1 month I received the new shutter, price 35�. I replaced it by myself quite easily (thanks to this Site!). I always bought SONY cameras but I don't know, after that. I believe that SONY should replace freely the shutter, as it is a DEFECTIVE part (it should be done in metal, not plastic).
Giorgio Contento
Fri, 16 Nov 2012 13:03:20 +0300
My Sony DSC-H1 shutter release button popped off...anyone know that part number for what I need...I don't have the spring
Sat, 02 Mar 2013 03:20:15 +0300
I stuck a thumbtack in mine and put electrical tape over it.
Mon, 06 May 2013 08:42:10 +0400
This is so funny, I have had my DSC-H2 for 7 years about. Love love this camera, its quick to grab and easier to lug around than the dslr, takes great photos! In 2009 I gave birth to twins, and in the DELIVERY ROOM the button fell off, a nurse quickly taped it back on with medical tape, and I have used it with the taped on button for almost 5 years now. But sadly the medical tape is wearing off so I decided to google and found this. I never knew it was a common problem. Glad it has worked so well all this time taped on. I just refuse to let this camera go!
Sun, 07 Jul 2013 19:29:27 +0400
Just to let everyone know, the same thing happened to my H2. I have found that a thumbtack (As long as the casing around where the shutter button pops off is still in tact) can be used with only a few malfunctions. Malfunctions meaning sometimes you will miss your shot due to having to push the button numerous times. Therefore I carry a package of thumbtacks in my camera case. A lot cheaper than continuous camera repair and parts purchasing.!!!! Crazy I know but works, Give it a try!
Thu, 18 Jul 2013 17:39:46 +0400
Add me to the list. It is nice and disconcerting at the same time to see so many complaints about the SAME defect. I will no longer do business with Sony,
Ronan Colleoc
Thu, 29 Aug 2013 09:02:13 +0400
People, people. Please. eBay sells these button kits for as little as 3 Dollars. I know, cause I've had to buy three for this nice, but flawed camera (hear that Sony?...)FLAWED! . . .
Wed, 02 Oct 2013 01:20:36 +0400
I'm trying to repair my camera. I have ordered the parts from e-bay and they arrived, I have taken the casing off.
I don't understand what to do with the collar. It's so tiny it keeps slipping away from me. I'm getting very frustrated. I don't understand how it all stays in place, where does the spring go?, and doesn't just fall out again. I did love my camera.
Can anyone help? Please.
Sun, 13 Oct 2013 14:53:36 +0400
>Aw same as here .Broke the button but didn't know how.I ask my self how it broke because I handle it with care, now I don't know what to do, my sister will kill me . please tell me what to do .Sony want big money to fix it, and I don't have enough of it. I live in the Philippines. And don't know how to order it.
Rex .
Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:32:49 +0400
Thanks! Ordered Shutter button ubit off ebay. Arrived in 3 days and toke less than 1 minute to install. I love my H2 and was really hoping not to have to give it up. When I do decide to upgrade this one is going to my 10 year old because of how easy it is to use!
Loretta T
Fri, 25 Apr 2014 21:51:32 +0400
I have had this camera since 2006. this is my first problem. I have the assembly for the button but I don't have the old one. I do not know how to put it together. where does that little u shaped clip go? the entire button is missing spring and all. any ideas? really like the camera and has been through quite a bit and still works great. just need the button put on.
Wed, 14 May 2014 05:17:03 +0400
got a H7.. the button came off last month after 6.5 years. I'm still clicking but its uncomfortable pressing the sharp edge.. but i didnt think it is a flaw from H2 that has nit been rectified in H7.. donno about the newer cameras. probably better not buy a Sony. like a comment above.. when theya are good they are very good, when they are bad they are really horrible(like their Spiro phone)
Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:19:33 +0400
Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:50:20 +0400
Greetings from the Middle East,
My "trusty" Sony DSC H5's button broke this week after it was purchased probably around 2006.
I was filming my baby nephew, when suddenly the button came out. I saved the spring and the button. It clicks without the spring but uncomfortably, sometimes only focuses.
With the spring, it just doesn't stay put. How on earth was it assembled? I couldn't find any other ring or part that could have fallen off :(
I think that I may have to invest in 30$ to repair it then! But how and where...?
Ahmad Shumayal
Wed, 22 Jul 2015 10:32:41 +0400
This is not an "easy" fix by any means. I ordered the replacement shutter button from eBay for around $3. Weeks later, upon receiving it, I attempted to twist the shutter assembly counter-clockwise to remove but was unsuccessful. The only way to remove the assembly was to pop it up vertically which in turn broke a tiny plastic piece off underneath. This piece it turns out was an integral part in re-securing the assembly to the camera. The shutter assembly is now unable to be secured rendering the camera inoperable.
Do yourself a favor and buy a new one on Ebay for around $40 (as of 4/17) and save yourself the time and hassle. Best of luck!
Nervous Nellie
Sun, 23 Apr 2017 13:09:04 -0700
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Title: DSC-H2 Focus Button Don't Work
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Hi guys! I've got the H2 since 2006 and I love it! But: All started when the focus button (the pre-shot button) didn't work. So, I read this "DSC-H2 Shutter release button" article here and I decided to take the shutter button off! I think it is broken.. Do you think that the button caused this focu . . .
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