Camera Hacker


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New Domain Names for Camera Hacker

In order to provide an more interactive information sharing experience for the Hacking Digital Cameras book, we have created this forum. All erratas (if any), pictures, and information that was cut from the book--it is currently 2 pages over the maximum page count--may be posted here to answer questions that may arise. And you can share with other how you mod'ed your own camera.

In addition, we have registered two more domain names:

* registered 6 months ago.

You can see the first two domains in the list come alive within three days. Initially, these two domains will point to information regarding the book. From there, you can gain access to the rest of the Camera Hacker site. The third domain, registered six months ago, is already alive and currently points to our main site.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:57:26 -0700

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