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You have very interesting pages. Especially thanks for "Olympus C-2500L Serial Cable Pin-Out". Now spending only 50c for 2.5mm jack + using a 'dead' mouse, I've got a serial cable which costs $30-$40.
By the way, you can add to your page that this Cable Pin-Out works with Olympus 3030 too. Testsd!
Regards, Edward
Edward Goldobin
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 21:02:08 +0100
Your serial cable works whith my Camedia C960!! Thanks a lot!
Wed, 03 Jan 2001 11:43:05 +0100
Hi! I looked at your page and I found your pinout. After some try, I found the pinout for the Samsung Digimax 800k.... The part C of your diagram plugs in the pin #5 (Ground) The part B goes with the pin # 3 then part A goes with pin #2 Thanks a lot! your web site has made me save 80$!
Jean St-Cyr
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 07:30:05 -0500
This is also well working for the C3000 model. It is ... how you say ... magnifique to not be screwed out of $40.
Wed Jun 6 11:06:55 PDT 2001
Your cable works great with my Olympus D-450 Zoom and this freeware software:
Epson PhotoPC Software for Unix/Linux, Windows, and MS-DOS
I use this under GNU/Linux with the D-450
Jim Barlow
Sat Jul 7 16:23:53 PDT 2001
This connector looks similar to what is used with the cheap Kodak digital cameras (320 and 640 models). Do you know if this cable will work with an Olympus C-2100 UZ? Thanks
Fri Aug 3 10:42:33 PDT 2001
Sorry, that should have been the cheap cameras from Polaroid rather than Kodak. Will the cable from the Polaroid PDC-640 work? Thanks
Fri Aug 3 10:46:59 PDT 2001
Please let me know if this setup works with my Camedia D-360L i really need this cable and they don't ship this ouside US and Canada.
Thank you in advance.
Aaron S. Crow
Sat Aug 4 23:11:17 PDT 2001
The serial cable wiring you explain for Olympus C2500 works fine with my C2100 UZ! Thanks!
Vincent Monin
Mon Oct 15 14:28:02 PDT 2001
I have seen someone selling a serial cable that works with the following digital cameras: D-220L, D-320L, D-340L/R, D-360, D-400, D-450, D-460, D-500L, D-600L, D-620L, C-2000,C-2100, C-2020, C 3000, and C-3030Z.
Since some of you are so kind to point out that this serial hack will work with the D-450 and C-2100 UZ. I suspect this hack will work with all of the models mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Oct 22 15:30:13 PDT 2001
Thanks for the info. You saved me some bucks and helped me make points with my girlfriend. It works fine with the D220.
Steve Ogle
Tue Nov 20 07:46:14 PST 2001
This cable will work with the Agfa ePhoto 780c digital camera.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Nov 26 10:18:04 PST 2001
Your cable works with an Olympus C860L (communication using photopc under linux). Thanks a lot for your page: I have forgotten my cable at home and really needed to transfer these images today.
Jean-Michel FRIEDT
Sat Dec 1 06:21:16 PST 2001
Info + question: All parts for this are available from Mouser Electronics, who will supply you a free catalog, 800-346-6873, including the 6' 3-conductor cable with molded 2.5mm 3-conductor plug. (This is much better than adapting a 3.5mm plug to 2.5mm.) You'll have to order all parts for the serial receptor plug separately, including pins. My good cables from Olympus measure shorted across some of the other pins. Is it necessary to short these with jumpers fro proper operation?
Sterling Lawrence
Sat Dec 15 05:45:07 PST 2001
I had not shorted those pins that you were talking about and the cable has worked fine for me.
Chieh Cheng
Mon Dec 17 17:23:55 PST 2001
This cable works with my C-3000 and Macintosh. I used Radio Shack #274-298 for the plug ($1.99). On the Mac serial cable, A goes to Pin 5, B goes to Pin 4, C goes to Pin 3.
Scott Letendre
Sun Jan 13 20:03:04 PST 2002
Thanks for the great site! I bought a refurbished Olympus camera that did not come with any cables, and so had to build a serial transfer cable following the instructions on your site, and it works great!
I purchased the stereo submini phone plug (fits 3/32" jack) at Radio Shack (# 274-244), and took an old 6 foot length of 4 wire telephone cord that I had laying around, and used that as the cable. However, I had to trim down plastic around the phone plug so it would plug snugly down into my camera jack. But having done that, it works great!
I did want to ask if anyone had the specifications (plug type/size and wiring) for each end of the NTSC cable that comes with the Olympus digital cameras (I have the D-460 Zoom). If you wouldn't mind posting it here or emailing it to me, I would appreciate it.
Thanks again for a great site!
Thu Feb 21 14:30:39 PST 2002
That's a good idea, Jkaos. The digital camera to video cable should be fairly straight-forward. Look for an article covering that pin-out on here soon.
Chieh Cheng
Fri Feb 22 17:28:18 PST 2002
This pin out works fine with D-360L cameras. The stereo plug has to be 1,5 mm (not 2,8 mm).
Mon Mar 11 16:47:42 PST 2002
Please see more cables in:
Tue May 14 04:07:34 PDT 2002
Thanks from russia. You saved my money. It works with my camera 2000.
Alexey P
Fri May 31 06:12:09 PDT 2002
Its works on a ephoto c780
erick sanche
Fri Dec 20 13:31:08 PST 2002
2-12-2005 - Thanks much! Your information on the Olympus C-2500L serial pin-outs saved me $50.00 USD.
Jim Walls
Sat Feb 12 10:18:51 PST 2005
I have a Olympus D-620L. How do I make one for myself???
Thx- Las Vegas Pirate
Sun Feb 13 22:53:56 PST 2005
was woundering if this would work for an lmini 350 lamar camera as well
Thu, 14 Jul 2005 19:21:54 -0700
The 2.5 millimeter DB connectors can
be bought just about anyware. I used
the cable off of one of my Syncable
You can go to WALMART and while
you're getting you're getting
your breaks done on you're 88
Toyota you can buy a Swimming
Pool, American Chopper T-shirt,
and last but not least; the 2.5mm
DB male coenectzor.:P
Thu, 11 Aug 2005 06:32:08 -0700
Please could you help me with information how to makeup an serial cable for the Agfa ePhoto 1280 digital
I have lost my serial cable
Best regards
Hubert Fisser
3 Cronje Close
South Africa
Hubert Fisser
Thu, 2 Feb 2006 06:10:46 -0800
Just so you know all these cables and more can be found at
It was our information that was referenced in the Multiply model note above.
Jay Kullmann
Tue, 15 Aug 2006 22:21:23 -0700
Please could you help me with information how to makeup an serial cable for the Olympus C960 Zoom digital camera.
I have lost my serial cable
Best regards
Claudiu Traian Capatina
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 06:28:31 -0700
I believe this serial cabel layout works with all Olympus cameras with serial datatransfere
Thu, 29 Mar 2007 13:27:36 -0800
It works! The cord for the C2500L at work is lost, and I couldn't find a replacement, but I found your web site. A head set that I never use, which came with my cordless phone, an old serial cable from work, my trusty soldering iron, and 5 minutes later that puppy's ready to hunt. Thanks.
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 19:20:29 +0000
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