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How to extend the RS60-E3 remote switch?

Dear Chieh,

Your idea for extending the length of the RS-60E3 remote was great. It was very easy to do and now allows me to be anywhere while taking a shot; I bought the 20 foot 1/8" cable.

Just so you know the Radio Shack numbers you have posted for the items are a little off:

274-0373 Accepts 1/8" stereo plug, fits into 3/32" stereo jack

274-0397 Accepts 3/32" stereo plug, fits into 1/8" stereo jack $2.99

I didn't check the cable's numbers

you omitted the zero and that doesn't let you find them on the web site or in the store computer inventory. The guys in my Radio Shack didn't even know they had these 3/32" plugs and jacks so I had to go by the numbers to make them find it in the store. You are lucky to have a well informed Radio Shack near you.

Thanks again. Your site is excellent.

Mon May 28 23:12:48 PDT 2001

Dear colleague

I'm a spanish photographer taht has been reading your web aboutCanon RS-60E3 remote switch. I have one and I would like to extendit, to make it longer, but I have one doubt. How many meterscan I extend it?

Thank you very much and soory for my poor english!

Jordi Domingo Calabuig
Mon May 28 23:15:28 PDT 2001

I'm going to try to make a wireless remote control to use instead of a RS60-E3. I've just ordered a 433MHz Tx/Rx (Transmitter/Receiver) Pair kit from ; their order code "VY48". I've also bought a 2.5mm plug to go into the camera and a switch for the "shutter relase".

The kit was only 8 UK pounds!

I will let you know if it is a success.

Neil Thomas
Thu Apr 25 04:40:51 PDT 2002


I'm currently building an adaptor cable to trigger the camera using a computer. I'll trigger the camera with a relay that closes on triggering for a settable time (200-500 ms should do I guess). To be able to figure out which connections on the 2,5mm plug (3 connections present) are actualy used here I've opened the switch-housing and did some measuring. The cable is a "2 isolated wires plus shielding" cable. The shielding is connected to con1, this is the connection closest to the connector housing, the red wire is the center connection (con2) and the tip of the connector (con3) is the white wire. The switch has two options; trigger once and locked repeating triggering. On the one time triggering the connections 1&2 are closed during pressing the button. Pressing a little harder causes also connection 3 to connect to both 1&2. This is also what happens when the lock is applied; all 3 connections are connected to each other. To trigger only once only the con1&con2 should be switched to each other, to repeatetly trigger the camera all connections should be switched to eachother. About the length of the cable: I'd say that even 100 ft length of cable would do the trick, since a simle on/off switch is used here.

I hope this info comes usefull for some of you.

Good luck,

Wed Mar 26 06:03:23 PST 2003

Err... I've to add something to this; a part af the story above is not compleately correct; the first closure (con1&con2 together) is focusing the camera, not triggering it! In my system I'll have this focussing switch aclosed at all times, and trigger the camera putting all 3 con's together... see also:
Also a nice picture of the connector here.

Wed Mar 26 06:32:02 PST 2003

I'm currently in the process of making a remote cable release for my Canon EOS Elan 7. I have the following questions
1) What sort of switch do I need? could the switch be any 3 way switch or do you have to have specific electronics?
2) any other equipment needed besides 2.5mm sub-min audio head?
3) What is required to make the wireless remote?

Thanks for an excellent website

Sun Jul 20 19:08:07 PDT 2003

Almost any switch will work. The type of switch depends on your personal taste and how you want to use it. See the "Canon RS60-E3 Remote Pin-Out" article.

3-way switch may also work. I guess there are several ways of rigging it. 1) focus, off, shutter; 2) off, focus, shutter.

The first method has the benefit of independent operation of functions, while the second option has the benefit of ease of use.

Chieh Cheng
Tue Jul 22 02:52:42 PDT 2003

Hello Folks,

I'm looking for a RF remote Push-To-Talk switch. Many kits come close but so far, no cigar.

The reason is that the receivers tend to be 110vac or 12vdc--auto or home plug-in units. I need both push button transmitter and the receiver unit to be portable battery operated, preferrably 1.5 to 3vdc.

Distance is short-range, 3 feet is fine. The receiver just has to close a low-amp (milli-amp) circuit as long as the remote switch is closed.

Are there any kits out there?

Thank you for your help.

Sun Dec 19 17:03:48 PST 2004

More plans are at Canon RS60-E3 Remote Pin-Out
I could not find the stereo phone plug at any local store, so I used a mono 2.5mm solder style plug that I had. The Canon camera can't stand having the focus ring grounded, so I filed down an area behind the tip so it would not make contact.

Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:15:33 -0700

I read the reviews on the remote and found the cables I needed from a place called PCH Cables -- they have a website You can purchase a 6 foot cable and a 12 foot cable for less than $5 plus another $5 for shipping - mine cost me $8.90 total with shipping. They were great to deal with -- I got my order in 3 days right during the Christmas rush. Since the cables are male/female you can plug the 2 of them together plus the 2 foot length on the remote and you end up with a 20 foot distance you can cover. These work well and you avoid parts plus time to put it together.

Mike C
Sat, 29 Dec 2007 23:05:30 +0000

I recently purchased a Canon RS60-E3 as an alternative to the Canon RC-1. With the RC-1 you need to be in front of the camera a little to the left, and then there is interference with extraneous light. I found that the short lead on the RS60-E3 also created problems as a result I started to search for a solution and found this web site ( I tried to sort out the Radio Shack information which went pretty much no where and had I gotten the material from Radio Shack, I would still have the hassle of assembling. After some further searching I found ( HILLSBORO OR 97124, a (12 Foot 2.5mm Male / Female Stereo Audio Extension Cable (NOT for PC)) cost of 2.45 each plus $2.74 shipping for the 2 cables. No further hassles I have 2 each 12 foot extensions, not something that I cobbled together. The company is a real asset to the internet community; I can't say enough about the integrity of the company, I highly recommend them.

jerry m
Sat, 18 Apr 2009 16:16:23 +0000

the 3/32" jack will NOT fit the female port on a Digital rebel XS.

Sun, 21 Mar 2010 23:05:18 +0000

I am curious to know if activating autofocus at the same time as the remote shutter would result in an out-of-focus photo? If so, then would autofocus catch up when the camera is configured to take multiple sequential shots, i.e., running in burst mode?

Tue, 05 Oct 2010 20:33:13 +0000

GrayT, it depends on the camera mode. I don't have the manual on hand . . . but if the camera in a mode that has focus priority, then it will focus first (AI Focus), before tripping the shutter. On the other hand, if the camera is in shutter priority (AI Servo mode), then it will trip the shutter immediately.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 06 Oct 2010 05:18:28 +0000

Why can't you just use a 2.5mm extenstion cable.
Such as: . . .

Sat, 15 Jan 2011 01:35:32 +0000

It's a good idea, now that they have one of these.

Chieh Cheng
Sat, 15 Jan 2011 21:26:47 +0000

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Title: Sharing Canon TC-80N3 between Canon and Pentax SLR cameras
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Just found a new Hack for you Hi Ian Tinker Here I just bought a Canon Rebel XTi and wanted to use the TC-80N3 Remote timer on it for some astrophotography and weather shots and could not because of the wrong plug type. I just found this on the Digital SLR Astronomical Imaging site Fo . . .
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