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Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM

I was eager to try this lens so took a lot of photos once I finally had the opportunity to use it. I use it inside and outside with and without flash in and many situations as I could to get a real feel for the lens. I have to say this is a good lens for most any situation. It makes a good everyday quick use lens. It is a bit heavy at nearly four pounds and is built well. It feels very solid though is not an overly large lens either. Still with the weight if you need to be handling the camera a lot it will get to feeling very heavy after some time. So you may not want to take it bird watching for example. You may want to try it and see how heavy it feels to you.

It is a bit expensive but it gets good images in most kinds of lighting and the zoom range is great. Photos can become a bit soft when you use the lens open fully at 300MM and some at 28MM but there is almost no distortion to speak of. I am quite pleased with the focus speed though the switch back and forth between manual and auto focus is in an awkward place and can be switched by accident. It is also important to note that using this lens does make the camera battery run down more quickly. You may need and added battery pack or extra batteries on hand.

The images it captures come out with great color. The lens is a push pull zoom. That is good and bad. It is easy to zoom but a bit hard to fine tune and it is easy to change zoom while carrying it around so you need to check the zoom each time. The good thing with this style of zoom is that it is easy to adjust the zoom quickly even changing how far the zoom is drastically. Not an issue for most situations but sometimes it would be nice to have it safely preset. The Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM is quiet and locks in focus on a subject well and without much hunting.

It could really have come with a better lens hood. It is just not sufficient for many shots but that isn't exactly an issue with the lens it's self. It does a great job even inside and in low light conditions though images can be a bit soft in these conditions. I can use a slow shutter and not have issues with any blur from a slight camera shake. You will want to work with the lens a bit to see which shutter speed work best for you with how steady a hand you have.

Over all I would say this is a very good multi situation lens. Like for at the beach to get ships out at sea and your friends close by. Though it is not good for to close a portrait shot. You may need to back up from the subject a bit in some cases.

Wed, 08 Apr 2009 02:54:16 +0000

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