Camera Hacker


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multiple exposure feature on digital cameras

My crazy . . . or not so crazy . . . idea today is multiple exposure on a digital camera.

When are manufacturers going to bring out a digital camera that can capture multiple exposure on one image?

Although doing this in software seems to be relatively easy and powerful, it feels more like computer graphics, special effects, manipulation, or whatever it is called in today's lingo. I have always been leaning more toward finalizing the photo in the camera.

Chieh Cheng
Wed Sep 29 10:27:41 PDT 2004

Fuji has had multiple exposure on their DSLRs for quite some time. It's on S2, which goes back at least 2 years, and I think S1 had it (4 years).

Nikon just added it to their new D2X.

Don't know about the point and shoot cameras.

Jpseph S. Wisniewski
Sat Oct 2 10:16:08 PDT 2004

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Title: Fujifilm FinePix S2 Pro on clearance for $999!
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Normally, I don't recommend purchasing from Ritz Camera, because they are generally over priced compare to places I recommend (see my "Where to buy cameras?" article). However, I noticed that Ritz Camera is having a clearance on Fujifilm - FinePix S2 Digital SLR Pro Camera Body for $999. Comparing t . . .
Tracked: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 13:16:06 -0700

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