Camera Hacker


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Babying Your Camera

I don't typically baby my camera. After all, it's a tool to help me create photographs. Shielding it with a lens cap or protecting it within a camera bag means I might miss some photographic opportunities. Even leaving it in the trunk of my car, as I did tonight, while visiting some relatives, means I might miss shots of still art, which I did. Tonight, I saw a wonderful still art photographic opportunity in my relatives' restroom. But I'm too afraid of disturbing the peace and too lazy to bear the cold to get my camera.

Nevertheless, before I left for my relatives, I found a really neat way to baby my camera. I had recently bought a SonData Memory Foam Mouse Pad for use with my computer. The foam mouse pad is great for resting my wrist. But it occurred to me that it would be wonderful to use as a camera pad.

It works great as a camera pad. The camera body rested well on the mouse pad portion, while the lens rested perfectly on the wrist pad (see photo below). With the memory foam mouse pad, I'm not afraid that I would bang my camera on the hard surface of the table. The oval shape really enhanced the camera, so I'm consider getting several for display.

Do you baby your camera, too? Let us know how you baby your camera.

Attached Image:

Babying My Camera.JPG

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 31 Dec 2006 04:48:25 -0800

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