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Intervalometer from Canon Command Back?

In the 80s Canon made two 35mm film SLRs,the T70 and the T90, that accepted an optional command back that would substitute for the normal back cover. The T70 and T90 backs were similar with only minor differences. One feature they had in common was an intervalometer function which could fire the shutter repeatedly at intervals between exposures from one second to 23hr 59min 59 sec.

I own a spare T70 back (but won't spare my T90 back!) and would like to hack it for use as an intervalometer with other cameras.

On the inside of the back is aet of electrical contacts that pair up with an opposing set of contacts on the inside of the camera. I'm trying to figure out which set of contacts to use for my purposes.

This is the key to figuring things out: I can get the back to fire the shutter once per second with back properly latched onto the camera body. But when I open the back, the shutter stops firing because the paired sets of contacts no longer touch each other. If I can override this "safety interlock" then I can use my multimeter to figure which contacts will allow me to make use of the intervalometer funcdtion.

Here you can find an overall description of the Canon command backs:

Here is a link to the T70 repair manual which contains a schematic of the T70 command back.

Perhaps someone could assist in doping things out.

Bob Wersan
Mon, 03 Jul 2006 22:22:55 -0700

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