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Nikon SDK

Please could someone send me the Nikon SDK or some control commands, I want to write my own Camera control program to control my Nikon D40X.
I need to be able to control the shutter and exposure settings so I only need these two commands. any tips or help would be great.I'm programing in C or C++, thanks for reading

Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:37:35 -0700

Is there such a thing as a D40X SDK, that would be cool!

Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:55:15 +0000

How to get a Nikon Software Developers Kit (SDK): . . .

Mon, 28 Jul 2008 09:40:46 +0000

At least in Europe, Nikon is not capable of following up interested third parties, and is not giving any access to the SDK.
They provide a /dev/nul email adress where not even an autoresponder acknowledges they are going to ignore your mail.
This is a maior sucker as my Camera Control frontend works better and far more extensive with Canon Cameras (which I do not have) than with the D300 and D80.

To get back to the OP's question, the D40x can be controlled via standard PTP commands and the two required parameters (shutter and exposure) are with a Nikon in the standard set (in contrary to the Canons).
So the task is a no-brainer with
- some results of google for 'PTP spec'
- a short look e.g. at libgphoto or gphoto

Wed, 30 Jul 2008 16:55:01 +0000

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