Camera Hacker


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PC CD for beginners with digital cameras

Almost everyone knows someone who has purchased a digital camera and has no clue about resolution, compression, digital zoom and so on. John Socha, writer for Shutterbug and other magazines (as John Stewart) has published a comprehensive CD tutorial combining spoken word and visuals that can help. It's called "How To Use The Digital Camera You Just Bought!"

John is a frequent guest on Wisconsin Public Radio, teaches beginner digital camera use at Western Technical College in La Crosse, and is a 25 year radio veteran. He has published about 12 critically praised beginner tutorials since 1991. These include "What is Windows?" "What's a Modem?" and "How To Buy Your First Digital Camera." He has worked with Lexar, IBM and others to explain technology in simple terms. (Google "John Stewart Socha" for a Wiki on him.)

The CD is $12.95 plus shipping from (The CD format was selected, as a minimal degree of PCs is needed to fully use a camera. If a person can't use a CD, they need to get some basic PC help before going digital!)

You will also find some podcasts on the site, if you want to hear a bit of John's style of teaching. Please pass this on to your friends who are struggling with their cameras! TIA!

John Socha
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:35:06 +0000

You'll be happy to know that the latest PC CD is "How To Use The Digital Camera Your Just Bought!" It will soon be out in book form as well. for more info!

John Socha
Mon, 14 Jun 2010 21:31:09 +0000

The 250 page BOOK version is out as of December 2011. Fully reworked, up to date and comprehensive. More at the site!

Attached Image:

Book SM.jpg

Jack Socha
Mon, 19 Mar 2012 00:26:27 +0300

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