Camera Hacker

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Related Content is a scam retailer

Enterprise is a same type of company.

Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:10:45 -0700

This business is a scam, I ordered a camcorder a few weeks ago, and when I call back to check on my order they transfer me to another number that no one ever answers.Don't even think of doing business with these thieves!

manny rosa
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:43:27 -0700

I ordered a camera on June 19. They stalled my order for several days so that they could confirm my address and sell me accessories. Still no camera 2 weeks later and no response from two customer service emails. Had any good luck yet??

Thu, 05 Jul 2007 15:23:03 -0700


I had a similar problem with these scam-artists. They delayed my order and when I called to find out why they tried to up-sell an acce$$ory package to me. When I wouldn't bite they cancelled the WHOLE order.

The whole experience was a huge waste of time and I these THIEFS now have my credit card #. I suggest reporting them to the NY BBB and NY Attorney General's office.

Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:52:51 -0500

Absolute horrid experience. SCAM - BAIT and Switch. 2 week delay and we are looking at the website in stock and available. I'm still upset and I got onff the phone an hour ago.
I too suggest, Contact the BBB, and the attorney general office ny and the state you live in This is straight internet fraud.
This place needs to be shut down! These thiefs have my Credit Card number.

Wed, 25 Jul 2007 01:03:52 +0000

Same tactic used with me--- I ordered over the internet after some background checking which must have been rigged.
Never heard back on order and no acknowledgement for a week. Then a caller tried to sell me every accessory under the sun for the order. I declined and never heard back on my original order. Then I thought OK it got lost, so I called sales and they took order over phone. Gave me confirmation tracking number which to this day never worked on their site. Plasma TV was finally shipped two weeks later after they tried to sell me another accessory package again I declined and TV finally came, BUT<<<< They charged me for next day shipping to California. Which I did not order. DHL says the cost is inflated by ENTERPRISE by 200%. BE VERY AWARE OF WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH HERE>>>>>, They will use every trick in the book to charge you more money. Even lies and mistruths........ just part of the culture. Still never received receipt or invoice in box or online or by mail

Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:31:55 +0000

i also had a call back after a week telling me that It would be aqnother 2-3 weeks with regular shipping....did I want this or that extra.........
I cancelled.

Wed, 03 Oct 2007 03:44:29 +0000

Invoice #6553483. After about 10 days and NO word, they responded to my email 4 days later and said they needed a phone call/more info. They had shipping address and American Exp #. Another 4 days they emailed me and advised the camera I ordered was out of stock (in stock on the day of order)

Extremely sorry assed service. Will never order anything from this site again.
Hey Mark @ Enterprise, your service sucks.

mac wooten
Thu, 11 Oct 2007 18:47:03 +0000

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