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I'm writing to this forum just to advert of a possible Bad Company

1)Please check also :
2)From an Ebay Seller "YEs, I know him. but he own me money too. He always owns other's money. He is not an honest business man" (I can show emails from EBAY)

Let say my history:

April 2008 I asked to ELEFOTO (Mr.Shimada is the manager)to send me 5 CY-Eos adapter with mounted chips.

Shimada said "Ok, you must pay 650USD (620 Adapters + 30 shipping)"

I paid (unfortunately) and till June nothing happen. I only sent some emails to ask why for the delay.

In June 2008 1 adapter with chip arrived to me.

In September, after a lot of emails, I told Shimada to end this transition and give my money back for the other 4 adapter (496USD).
At the End he said Yes.

2 weeks ago he said me to wait just 4 day for Bank transition..

Money are not arrived.

After that, he never answer to my emails.

So What I would like to ask you all is:

- Is there someone that is (or Know someone) in business with him that can force him to do something (give my money back)? - Do you know some other methods to get my money Back?
- Don't buy nothing from him, or, at least pay after received objects

- Last thing: if any of you can write him asking to give me back 496USD for 4 adapter whith chip mounted (But I don't think it can have some effect)
[email protected]
[email protected]

If someone would like to check I can provide my personal email with Shimada and Paypal detail for my transition.
Thank you

Wed, 19 Nov 2008 08:57:02 +0000

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