Camera Hacker


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Super Quick Web Production with FolderSync

Android SmartPhones has really change the landscape for article production with photographs. The work flow use to be:

1. Take photos with digital camera.

2. Transfer photos to computer with USB cable or memory card reader.

3. Process photos (resize, colorize, etc.)

4. Post photos into article.

With the Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus and the FolderSync app, we were able to shoot the photos and have the phone directly transfer the photos to our computer using WiFi. With FolderSync and a computer that supports SMB (Windows, Linux, etc), you can pair the SmartPhone's DCIM directory with a remote directory on your computer. FolderSync will automatically upload your photos (and delete them off the phone, if you desire) to your computer.

For a single user account and one folder pair, you can use FolderSync Lite, which is free. It's more than sufficient for most photographers. But for $2.29, you can get the full version of FolderSync, which lets you pair as many remote account and directories as you wish. It's a small investment for a really convenient tool.

We still had to process the photo and post the photos into the article, because we wanted to shoot the photos in full-size (5MP) to archive the original. But if you don't care about keeping the original archive, you an shoot smaller photos, and post directly to a message thread without even using FolderSync. (We have done that before; see the "IMG_20120516_031651.jpg" photo in this "Samsung Intercept Battery Works in Google Galaxy Nexus " thread.)

Thu, 17 May 2012 06:21:24 +0400

Following is a screen shot of the FolderSync main menu... It is always nice to see a picture of the app.

Attached Image:


Camera Hacker
Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:28:07 +0400

Made a thumbnail for the article index.

Attached Image:


Camera Hacker
Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:39:36 +0400

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