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Creating the Magic Floating Head Illusion

The principle behind this trick can be used for more tricks, and if you do it with a strategic use of lighting and a good material for both the cover and the background you could do it live, in front of viewers watching with their own eye, without you requiring a camera and to do contrast adjustments off-line. I recommend you to use velvet for the black cloth, it's a very matte material and would work well for the purpose of the illusion. And if you have a stage you could have the lights organized in a row on each side of the front of the stage, to create a 'curtain' of light.
You should experiment with different ways to use this principle and different effects you can achieve with it. For example you could have several people on stage with all of them but a few wearing black clothes covering them completely. That way you could, for example, make the person/people visible appear to levitate, by having the hidden people lift them.

Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:49:48 +0400

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