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Infrared Booster or Universal Remote code for Canon S70?

I'm using a Canon S70 with the Canon WL-DC100 infrared remote outdoors in bright light at a distance of about 20 feet. It doesn't work all the time due the distance and ambient light. I'm looking for the code to use a universal remote which should be more powerful. Does anyone know what the code is for the S70? Otherwise, I may have to go the iPod IR transmitter route. Thanks for any info.

Michael Eudenbach
Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:56:46 -0700

I don't know if this device would work for you, but for less than 20 bucks, you can get an Infrared Light Beam Transmitter/Receiver. Sounds like it will be able to repeat the infrared signal up to 30 feet. With a lens, it can go up to 1/4 mile.

Are you shooting wild life?

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 10 Oct 2005 19:24:01 -0700

you can also work with a so called Gentled. it works on a transmitter/reciever for model airplanes. just google on Gentled.

Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:13:50 -0700

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