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How can I recover deleted photos with my Mac machine?

Hi, my 5 year old kid accidentally pressed delete botton and made a batch of favorite photos gone from my Olympus camera (with plug-in memory stick). I know there are some free photo recovery programs under win, but now I am using my husband's Macbook(far away from homeland). Any mac data recovery program that allows me to push the deleted things back for free? I'll be very much appreciated if you can do some help...

Rose D
Tue, 31 May 2011 11:15:07 +0000

Because it's on a memory card, which is likely formatted with FAT or FAT32 (both Windows format), you'll have better luck with a Windows computer using a freeware like "Restoration":

If your photos are on the Mac hard drive, rather than the memory card, you can try the software I mentioned in the "Data Recovery on Mac OS X" thread.

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 31 May 2011 17:04:10 +0000

There are actually several data recovery freeware for Mac OS. But not sure if Chieh will allow me to share the following link. Bu the link outlines the related truly free programs and steps to rescue files on your mac machine: . . .

There did exist some mac data recovery utilities on the market like FileSalvage, Data Rescue etc. But all just provide free trial or demo to scan freely which means if you want to recover you have to pay, usually price not cheap.

In Rose's case, I recommend she try PhotoRec (if comfortable with command line), or Exif Untrasher (if lost photos are JPG format). Both are totally freeware. Can be find in the link.

John Zhang
Wed, 01 Jun 2011 01:38:42 +0000

As your Olympus camera has plug-in memory stick and it has FAT file system then go for Kernel for FAT and NTFS memory card recovery software, it is an efficient software which preview your data in scan mode and gave you the choice to save that to your location. you can check it here on -
But if you want a mac software then go for Kernel for Macintosh data recovery software which supports HFS & HFS+ partitions and can recover data and files from deleted or corrupted or formatted MAC partitions. go to

Mon, 20 Jun 2011 10:28:34 +0000

: minha maquina apagou todas fotos como recuperar?

Thu, 21 Jul 2011 22:14:28 +0000

thanks for sharing its very helpful

recover photo
Sat, 19 Nov 2011 07:15:01 +0000

I've used "Data Rescue" with great success

Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:01:43 +0400

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