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can you hack the Nikon Coolpix L120 Firmware and add Manual Shutter Priority TAB for us ??
Please contact me if you need details if you want do it. . . .
Sat, 25 Jun 2011 20:58:41 +0000
That would be awesome, or im selling the crap cam.
Tue, 26 Jul 2011 05:50:18 +0000
Dude, please tell me how to hack Nikon coolpix L120 firmware
Pankaj Dhande
Mon, 07 Nov 2011 12:35:04 +0000
To hack the l120 fw you will need first the nikon sdk, or the sdk for the language of the sorce code, simply hacking the .bin update file will result in a break of the security encription, you will need the sdk to resign and package the bin file, depending on the language "code" will depend on how to implement the tab system for your desired purpouses, looking at the code ripped from the l120 fw file the whole system would need modified to allow the usage on the hardware, the problem beaing with this is the l120's hardware may not support the commands you wish to achive, their could be very undesired effects forcing hardware beyond its purpouses.
It might be an easier alternitive submitting your queries to the nikon department in your country, they may or may not be willing to help, their is a v1.1 fw which improves memory cache and problems with latency and formatting issues whe using onboard formatting and copying tools, issues such as these were attended to in the update, if the hardware is capable of achiving your desired functions its a possibility for a hacked fw, looking at the hardware it seems the device is intended to be a simple automated user freindly directed at the novice/beginner photographers in which it was designed for it does a respectable job, leaving the novice photographers frustrated due to lack of customisations in framing and shooting a desired effect, as a point and shoot camera it seems nikon were trying to make taking next to professional shots as automated and as simple as possible, i see in the menu you can adjust some iso settings but without exposure settings its pointless trying to fiddle with iso as it usualy gives undesired effects, blemishes or grain in your shots. best left on auto i guess.
on a budget camera i think it would be pointless adding features like this, as the main people using these cameras probably wont know what to use them for, i think development on camreas are usualy only reserved for high end devices dslr's and such,
custom fws for low end budget cameras usualy exeed the capabilits of the hardware rendering the modifications non functional or unusable. regards pugg's
iain aka puggster
Sat, 09 Jun 2012 21:32:28 +0400
There isn't any encryption on Nikon L120 firmware. It is a pretty simple ARM binary blob. If it is anything like their S230 firmware (and it appears to be) all you really need to do to modify it is to change a checksum in the header part of the blob. The main problem is that there isn't any information on the Sanyo ASIC (or other ASIC, I've only looked into the S230 and it had a Sanyo ASIC), so knowing what parts of the firmware are accessing which parts of the hardware would take quite a bit of time. As to modifying the software to add additional functionality... I suspect you are going to have a hard time adding a menu or feature into the camera, as that would take much more than changing a few bytes here or there. You might be able to do something like adjust some timing or other small change, but adding major functionality into a binary update isn't trivial.
Its probably cheaper just to get yourself a different camera, if not as fun or cool.
Fri, 04 Jan 2013 22:21:24 +0300
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