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I personally own a Nikon D300S, so I feel like I am qualified to post a comment about it. I have owned many cameras in my day, but Nikon has always been my brand of choice. They just have that professional feel to them that I enjoy using. I am sure that most people will agree with me.
First lets get to the main features of the camera. Nikon has included 13.1 megapixels. Nothing to sneeze at. Image sensor cleaning, which I find comes in great handy, 3D Tracking, and 7 frames per second continuous shooting. Most of the things listed here are pretty basic. The things listed above are average for a camera these days. But now lets look at the main differences with this unique camera.
The Nikon D300S has an SD slot as well as a CF slot, an external microphone socket, and a Virtual horizon. These are just a few of course, but I find that these things really add to the overall function of the camera. I especially like the Live View. Its really helpful to be able to use features like this when photography is a big hobby.
One thing I don't like about the Nikon D300S is the grip. It doesn't seem to fit nicely in the hand. Most of the time I detest using a camera strap, but I do use one with this camera because I am seriously concerned that the camera could just slip right out of my hand!
Another thing I don't really enjoy are the buttons. They are kind of small, and I have large fingers, so this gets kind of tricky. The buttons also stick. Whenever I press a command button, it will stay fixed in place, this in turn freezes up the camera and then I get no where. Although this doesn't happen frequently, it is still a big hinderance when it does.
I find that Nikon always stay on top of the game. Although there are some things that they could improve on, I feel like this camera is worth every penny. If you are a beginner, its great for you because you get the versitility of this camera, but with the simple design and nature of it. If you are a more advanced in photography it is great for you also! Just because you are more advanced doesn't mean you can't benefit from an easy to use, yet versitle camera!
Sun, 23 Aug 2009 19:22:22 +0000
Elizabeth, although I respect your point of view, I have a D200 and a D300 (for all intents and purposes the same as a D300S) and don't find the hand grip a problem. Also I have not had problems with the buttons, maybe this is a D300S problem?? Finally I think this camera is not as suitable for a beginner as a camera like the D90. This camera does not have much beginner functionality and although is a very versatile camera and would future proof any user (not withstanding the FX situation), in my opinion requires at least a rudimentary understanding of the fundamentals of photography to get the best out of it. Something like the D90 has all the functionality required by a beginner and I know experienced photographers who use this camera to good effect. The Nikon D300 series camera is also very heavy compared to something like a D90 and a beginner may not want to live with on a day to day basis. I also have the D80 (the predecessor to the D90) and I use this for general snapping and when I do not want to lug the weight of the D200/D300 (much easier to deal with). If a beginner buys this camera they should be prepared for a steep learning curve and quite a technical camera. Regards, Mark
Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:27:04 +0000
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