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Nikon D80 Won't Snap Photos with Pinhole Lens Cap

I tried making a pinhole out of nikon d80 but the problem is that nikon doesnt seem to take pictures when the cap is on
can you please help me??

Tue, 12 Jan 2010 08:25:09 +0000

It's possible there is a switch by the lens mount that senses when the lens cap is on. Compare the lens cap mount to a regular lens mount and see if there are any differences. The difference will indicate where the switch is. If there is a switch, you can just cut or file down the lens cap to make your camera think there is no lens cap on the camera.

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 08:32:38 +0000

There is no such "cap sensing" device on either the Nikon DSLR bodies or lenses. It is likely that your auto-focusing is enabled, and the camera cannot focus through the pinhole (thus not allowing a shutter release.) The camera will certainly take a picture even without a lens mounted (or in the dark, or with your hand over the lens, or with a pinhole cap mounted.) Try manual exposure and manual focus settings. You will need a relatively long exposure (or high ISO,) but the depth of field at pinhole aperture should be +/- 4 inches through infinity thus negating the need to focus (@ around 18mm, the kit lens' widest... focused to 6 inches)

Here's a good primer on optimum pinhole diameter vs. lens focal length. Any online exposure calculator should help you figure ISO/shutter-speed settings to get you in the ballpark.

Formula: 1/25 the square root of the distance between the pinhole aperture and the film plane (focal length) = Optimal pinhole size

Also, see the f16 rule to help with exposure compensation: . . .

Good luck!

Rip Williams
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:55:31 +0000

It dont work for my D90. I have tried to put it on manual and change it in the meny to manual focus but still nothing.

Any one out there who knows how to do it?

Mon, 15 Mar 2010 19:06:35 +0000

Try playing with your camera without any lens or lens cap on it. Once you figured out how to get it to snap photos without any lens, put your pinhole lens cap on and shoot away.

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:29:50 +0000

I just made pinhole lens for my d80. The key is as mentioned to use the manual/autofocus switch on the camera body, and to put the camera into "M" exposure mode. If you turn on the flash on, you need to set it into Manual mode as well. Remember, with most pinholes you ar looking at aperture of over f88! So you will nedvery long exposures even outside.

Imran k
Mon, 16 Aug 2010 20:53:31 +0000

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