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Leica D-Lux 2 RAW image needed

Looking for a RAW sample image from a Leica D-Lux 2 digital camera. If you have this camera, I would appreciate it very much if I could get a RAW sample image from you. Any image in raw format will do. Please contact me. Thanks.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 3 Apr 2006 21:00:07 -0700

I've been asking around for a sample RAW image from a Leica D-Lux 2 digital camera. I figured that any Leica D-Lux 2 digital camera owner would be more than happy to help, since the effort will ultimately benefit the Leica D-Lux 2 owners and users. But I haven't seen any response yet. Perhaps, my original message lacked information like what I will be doing with the sample RAW image, which makes you uneasy to support this effort. Let me try to clear that up and see if any of you would respond.

Dave Coffin's free "dcraw" raw conversion software support Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1 digital camera (see his "Decoding raw digital photos in Linux" web site). The Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1 digital camera is exactly the same camera as the Leica D-Lux 2 digital camera. But his software doesn't support Leica D-Lux 2. The only reason is because he doesn't have a sample RAW image to retrieve the digital camera identity for his software to recognize a RAW file from the Leica D-Lux 2. Your support, by providing a sample RAW image, would help him improve the "dcraw" raw conversion software.

This effort helps you because it would give you an additional raw conversion software to choose from. This effort is especially useful to you if you switch to a future operating system platform that Leica's RAW conversion software doesn't run on. If you are willing to help, please let me know.

The following are conversions between Dave Coffin and I to support my claim, and if you want more excruciating detail about this effort.


I just got the Panasonic DMC-LX1. It has raw mode. So I went to your web site to see if dcraw supported this camera and whether you needed pictures of the ColorChecker charts. And sure enough, your web site listed the DMC-LX1.

But I noticed that your web site didn't list the Leica D-Lux 2. I just wanted to let you know that the Panasonic DMC-LX1 and the Leica D-Lux 2 are the same camera. So your dcraw software should work with the Leica D-Lux 2 as well.

Did you want ColorChecker Chart pictures for this camera?


"Hi Chieh,

Dcraw does support the Leica Digilux 2. Thomas Knoll already calibrated this camera, so I don't need a color chart photo.

Dave Coffin 4/3/2006"

"That's wonderful, Dave.

Just to clear up confusions (if any), Leica Digilux 2 and Leica D-Lux 2 are two completely different cameras. The Leica D-Lux 2 is the exact same camera as the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1.

You have listed the Leica Digilux 2 and Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1 on your web site. But you haven't listed Leica D-Lux 2.


"Hi Chieh,

In that case, the D-Lux 2 should work, but without a color matrix. The DMC-LX1 matrix would work fine, but I'd need to know the name of the D-Lux 2 as it appears in the raw photo. Where might I get a sample from this camera? (the Leica, not the Panasonic)

Dave Coffin 4/3/2006"

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 4 Apr 2006 13:53:56 -0700

Thanks to a fellow Leica D-Lux 2 user, Simon, I was able to get a sample raw file and forwarded to David Coffin. The dcraw software now supports the Leica D-Lux 2 digital camera. See David Coffin's web site:

Decoding raw digital photos in Linux

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 6 Apr 2006 13:19:07 -0700

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Title: Color matrix for the Coolpix 950
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: I just found your website, where you describe using dcraw with a Nikon Coolpix 950. Dcraw has a really bad color matrix for that camera, and you can help me make a better one. You'll need a Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker chart. It costs at least $60, but you don't need to buy it, just borrow it for . . .
Tracked: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 02:01:26 -0700

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