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free RAW converter for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows

Today, I stumbled upon Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw). UFRaw is an utility to read and manipulate raw images, using Dave Coffin's DCRaw algorithm. This utility can be used on its own or as a Gimp plug-in.

Because DCRaw already works as a stand-alone converter, this utility might have limited use on its own. However, its Gimp functionality is useful and allows you to work with RAW files and conversion on the fly, while you are in the Gimp image editing environment.

Gimp comes pre-installed on most Linux distributions. You'll need to download a copy of Gimp if you run Mac OS or Windows.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:20:40 -0700

Came across your site and this entry when looking for folk thinking about hacking the F30 to get RAW.

You can happily process RAW directly on Linux using CinePaint ( ).

A great advantage is that CinePaint lets you process in 16-bit ( or even 32-bit ) and, if you need it,
handles colour space management ( colour profiles ). CinePaint uses DcRaw ( thanks Dave Coffin ! ).

It's based on Gimp, lacks some of Gimp's niceties, but I find it is ideal for tweaking levels, curves,
etc., then taking the 16-bit TIFF into NeatImage Pro ( which I recommend - cheap at the price and
runs under Wine ).

I use an Fuji F30, S9600, S5200, Canon A710IS and no DSLRs. This is a DSLR free-zone.

AlbumShaper is a really easy tool for building photo webpages. Also allows you to adjust images while
you build the album.

Useful Image Processing software :

Native Linux :



Using Wine on Linux :



A bigish processor, lots of memory and a fast SATA II disk is also useful !


Stephen G

Stephen G
Sun, 27 May 2007 08:20:52 -0700


would like to send a raw image of our system,

wish have a help from you in reading the files

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:57:43 +0000

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Title: RAW converter for linux
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Now that I have a Linux server running (actually been running for a few years), I have been using Linux a lot! A few days ago, I shot some pictures for my web-site with my Canon EOS D30. Normally, I shoot in RAW mode for my fine art pictures and switch to low-res jpeg mode for my technical web pictu . . .
Tracked: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 17:01:59 -0700

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