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Powershot Remote Protocol?

Does anyone know the protocol used for the powershot series digital cam? (NEC, RC-5, etc... see:
NEC Protocol

Basically, trying to replace it's remote (It's a WL-DC100) in a custom application.

I've found a couple of things about it.. I know there are CCF files from Remote Central that can control it. I also am pretty sure that the EOS, etc. remotes are not compatible. These solutions are not too much help, because they are "learning" remotes.. They just mimic whatever they have recorded.

So, if anyone has any experience or suggestions, that would be great. Even things like whether some other remote (NEC, Mitsubishi, etc) happens to work with Powershots...


Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:41:26 -0800

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Title: Universal remote with Canon cameras
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Tracked: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:45:48 -0700

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