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Challenge multi headed digital camera

I take alot of "snap shots" as well as some more artistic photography. I have a devilishly usefull Kyocera SL400R that I abosolutly love, but I am always dreaming of different features.

One such feature would be a second corded lense and ccd that would be able to take an image simultaneously to the main body so as benefit from the same flash while giving you a second angle on the same subject. I reallize that the technical obstacles might be insermountable but wondered if anyone else would be interested in this.

Davin White
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 17:19:09 -0800

Davin, I think that is a great idea. Kodak has recently came out with the EASYSHARE V570 Dual Lens Digital Camera. However, I don't believe it does what you wanted to do. This camera has one wide angle lens and one telephoto zoom lens. Each lens has its own sensor. I think you pick the one you want to use and can't use both at the same time. But I think this camera could benefit from your idea as well, which is to allow you to capture the same subject at different focal length for different perspective.

Have you looked into stereo vision cameras? These cameras are basically two identical cameras hooked up to shoot the same scene from two different angles. The result could be merged into a stereo image viewable with 3D glasses.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 8 Feb 2006 14:53:04 -0800

I've thought about this for a different reason..... I've been looking into HDRStore lately and thought it would be cool to get some action shots there were HDR. The only way to do it would be to build a rack of multiple digital cameras that are all identical each configured with a different shutter speed and trigger them all at the same time.

Gypsy Rogers
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:28:16 -0800

What about creating a splitter for a wired remote control? For Canon wired remotes, you could pick up a Y-Adapter for audio headphones at Radio Shack and send it to two identical cameras, which would Autofocus and/or shoot at the same time.

Fri, 26 May 2006 09:38:22 -0700

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