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i have had this problem twice with my SONY DSC-HX400v ... heres what to do... put camera in zoom... remove battery while still in zoom tap around battery case a few times... replace battery enter time/date and it should be clear... good luck
Sun, 18 Jan 2015 14:46:31 +0300
Just tried your tip. Didn't work for me. E:62:10 still flashing.
There's also a grinding, halting sound when the camera is turned on and the lens extends It doesn't happen when I zoom or when it goes back in when the camera is turned off. I'm sending it to the factory so the pros can fiddle with it.
Fri, 20 Feb 2015 02:08:01 +0300
I got this message a couple of weeks ago, camera was 15 months old, bought from an authourized Sony reseller. Quote to assess the problem was $176.00+ not including parts.
Pretty upset that Sony wants me to pay for a repair for a 15 month old camera for a problem which has been going for at least from 2007 in a variety of cybershot cameras and video cameras - do a Google search and you will see this.
Wonder how many owners of the HX400v and HX300v have had this problem crop up whilst they were under warranty and soon after warranty ran out?
Sony need to address this problem as to me it appears to be an inherent problem.
Wed, 14 Oct 2015 07:25:05 +0400
Would be good to centralize all the reports of this E:62:10 problems in one location where people could note if it happened under warranty or after warranty and how they had the camera/video camera fixed. If you can, please add your experience here:
Thu, 15 Oct 2015 01:14:51 +0400
Thank you a ton, same E:62:10 on my DSC-HX300 after dropping/banging a few times. To get rid of the message I fully extended the zoom, while power was on removed the battery, replaced the battery, hit the power on switch, zoom retracted, no message. I have to do this each time I power on the camera, which is ok considering all the good things about this device. Thanks again.
David Young
Thu, 12 May 2016 21:20:58 +0400
David Young, thank you so much! I can't believe your recommendation worked but it did. How you ever figured out that solution has me scratching my head. I love my HX400V, baby it, and it's only 1 1/2 years old. I was not looking forward to paying for an unnecessary repair. What a relief!
Thu, 02 Jun 2016 00:04:11 +0400
Thanks David. Your recommendation worked. Is there a permanent solution to this issue? My camera hx400 is just 11 months old.
Karma wangda
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 15:14:08 +0300
Same problem on my HX400v. I found an easier way to fix it - when starting the camera extend the zoom immediately and the error doesn't appear. Obvoously the stabilisation function has problem to start when zoom is not extended for some reason...
Wed, 25 Apr 2018 02:56:49 -0700
Yo tengo el mismo problema con mi DSC-HX400V. Pero no consigo arreglarlo retirando la bater�a. No volveré a comprar una c�mara Sony
Adolfo Bautista
Sun, 03 Jun 2018 15:12:26 -0700
Thanks David,
Extending to zoom and battery out worked for me too, nice one! I tried extending immediately on powering on and that didn't work but taking the battery out did. Most appreciated.
Sun, 10 Jun 2018 13:50:21 -0700
Thanks to Sean.
Tried all other things on this error.
Your idea was the best result for me.
Camera in zoom, battery out. Tapped on the camera and it was clear again
Fri, 27 Jul 2018 13:18:36 -0700
i have had this proble with my SONY DSC-HX300, I have given to Sony service centre ,they told the problem with lens and it is " Pictures Flip while Zooming " and told me replace the entire Lens ( $ 170 ), but I didn't do that , frustrated Hammered Camera with a Hammer several times , Some how my Problem was fixed unknowly.
Dr K.V.Seshagiri
Thu, 02 Aug 2018 02:26:56 -0700
I came across the same solution as Delyan.
I start camera and immediately extend zoom the resume normal operation and it seems to be good.
Unfortunately that has to be done each restart....
Oh well, keep working on it
Brian Gilliland
Mon, 17 Sep 2018 07:09:40 -0700
Didn't work on my CYber shot and now my lens won't retract ☹️
Karen S
Sat, 29 Sep 2018 17:19:35 -0700
Sony DSC HX-300 If you hold the lens briefly, until the little bing noise finishes, then immediately release to let the lens come out the E:62:10 message doesn't appear. Not sure if image stabilisation is operational though - suspect not.
Ian B
Mon, 21 Jan 2019 03:55:21 -0800
Hi Ian,
Do you just need to do that once to get the E:62:10 error to go away? Or do you have to do that every time?
Wed, 23 Jan 2019 14:04:18 -0800
Nt W830 doesn'y only have the 62.10 error it also has horizontal lines all down the screen on photos. Absolutely pathetic that any company can completely ignore their loyal customers. All the comments posted here and not one comment from Sony.
I've spent many thousands of dollars in Sony cameras and equipment. I paid $35,000 for my last broadcast camera, but because they're ignoring us in this problem, it's the last time I buy anything else from them.
The future of the other 7 Sony cameras I have isn't looking healthy either.
Steven Devonport
Tue, 19 Feb 2019 19:03:55 -0800
Hi together
NOw it has reached me too. My Sony DSC-HX400V
has the Error 62:10 after 4 years. Sony Support only said you can send it for repair.
The micro Website has gone. I get allways an link the to an forbidden website.
Udo Maus
Wed, 30 Oct 2019 01:59:52 -0700
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Title: E:62:10 on DSC-T9
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: Same problem with my Sony T9 Camera, as it keeps flashing with the E:62:10 Error code. I have no idea what it means though it does not seem to interfere with the camera's functions. Anybody know what I should do?
Tracked: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 01:19:49 +0400
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