Camera Hacker


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manual digital camera

any ideas on how to hack a digital camera, to make it work manually?
Best would be to drop a manual lens on. I want a manual digital camera
(I'm a traditional rangefinder shooter). I have an old Olympus 3030
which I could use...


David Gross
Thu Feb 10 09:24:16 PST 2005

I've been wanting to do just the same thing. Would like to pick up an old FED rangefinder off of ebay and convert it to digital. Should be possible, right?

fred flintstone
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 10:35:30 -0800

The major problem is that most pocket
point and shoot cameras are higly
automated with all sorts of motors and
position sensors.
Getting at these is to hack the camera
firmware and removing the programs that
commumicate with the moving parts.

Either that or trick the lines that which
the firmware expects.

Some cameras have a firmware back door
which one could update the software by
uncluding a special file in the memory
cartridge and pressing certain buttons
while powering up.

Micheal Kan
Wed, 12 Jul 2006 19:31:30 -0700

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