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So I have been looking at the HP Pavilion zv5000z notebook computers lately and I notice that HP is trying to obsolete the floppy drive. Instead, it want to sell you a notebook with an USB Digital Drive bay and a USB Digital Drive. The USB Digital Drive is basically a USB flash memory drive that comes in 64 MB, 128 MB, or 256 MB.
It's not a bad idea, since every computer sold today have build-in USB ports. So question is, will USB flash memory drives make its way onto digital cameras?
Consider that instead of different flash memory cards, such as SmartMedia, SD cards, Memory Stick, we could simply plug in a USB memory drive. It can be read directly on a computer . . .
Ok, maybe I don't exactly wish for this . . . but it was kinda fun to ponder.
Chieh Cheng
Thu Aug 5 13:28:19 PDT 2004
In a way, this wish kinda came true when SANDISK DEMONSTRATES HIGHLY INNOVATIVE SD MEMORY CARD WITH BUILT-IN USB CONNECTIVITY earlier this year. This innovation builds the bare essential portion of the USB connector into the body of the Secure Digital Card. In the SD card form, it can be inserted into a digital camera for storage. Then simply pop out of the card, snap it into the USB form and plug it into the USB port of your computer. In the end, it's kinda like having the ability of pluging your USB drive into your digital camera. 8-P
Doesn't this also reminds you of the Lexar Media USB-enabled CF cards?
Chieh Cheng
Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:28:07 -0700
re: "Ok, maybe I don't exactly wish for this".
Well here's one I DO wish for. A small external, battery powered, microdrive with a multi-card reader. Enough storage space to transfer many, many, images from the camera's card to the storage drive.
I'm often in the position of having used the available space on my four CF memory cards, i.e.; long ocean-kayak trips. [I'm still using an Olympus E-510 so my choice of cards is limited to 4GB CF or 2GB OlympusXD OEM]
Packing a laptop along is not feasible due to potential water damage and lack of power sources.
Being able to transfer the day's images to an intermediate storage device, say 240 Gb. would see me through several weeks.
Richard Tarzanian
Mon, 03 Dec 2012 05:12:29 +0300
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Title: Hook a Flash Drive to Digital Camera?
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: I was wondering if it is possible to hook my flash drive to my digital camera instead of having to buy an SD or MMC card.
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