Camera Hacker


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1 Million Page Views!

Based on the current rate, the Camera Hacker web site will have 1 million pages views in about 14 days--two weeks! I think by January 15th, 2006 there will be 1 million visits to this site since May 14th, 2000. And this number only includes graphical browsers that load images. Also, this web site started in 1998, which means there were two years of visits that weren't logged. Overall, the number of visits to this site since inception will be a lot higher.

I am quite excited to see the growing support for this site. It is fun writing and sharing the content on this site. Looking forward to interact with you guys in the upcoming year. Happy New Year!

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 11:36:10 -0800

Based on our off-site counter statistics, we officially surpassed 1 million page views today. But like I mentioned before, our page view count is significantly higher due to the reasons mentioned in the previous post.

Ironically, our ISP changed our leased line settings, disconnect our Internet connection for several hours today. This is our first outage this year. But everything is now back on-line. Enjoy!

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 17:13:36 -0800

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