Camera Hacker


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Rule of Thumb for Sharp Photos

I'm trying to learn basic photography such as aperture speed holding a camera

Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:24:47 -0700

I believe you are asking what is the minimum shutter speed for hand-holding a camera for sharp photos. The rule of thumb is to make sure that the shutter speed is at least 1 over the focal length. So if you are using a 100mm lens while hand-holding your camera, you shutter speed should be at least 1/100th of a second or faster.

With that said, everyone is a little different when it comes to holding the camera steady. The minimum shutter speed for you, depends on how shaky your hands are, etc. So if you have really shaky hands, you might have to make sure the shutter speed is a lot faster. Or if you have really steady hands and body, you might be able to get away with slower shutter speed. Do some tests for yourself.

Image stabilization (IS) seems to improve the odds by 2 to 3 stops. It's a worthy technology to invest in, as long as lens quality isn't degraded too much.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:25:52 -0700

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