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Where is your favorite shooting spot?

This week, while driving locally to work, I spotted a group of white egrets on a soccer field at a local school. Typically, the soccer field is void of wildlife, so I was quite surprised and wondered from where they migrated. This morning, I left home a little bit earlier and had planned on shoot some picture if the egrets are still there. They were. I happened to have my Canon EOS Digital Rebel and my Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX. After spending 15 minutes shooting, I decided to come back to this spot with my 300mm lens and teleconverters. So I guess the soccer field is going to be my favorite shooting spot for a while . . . until the egrets migrate.

Where are your favorite shooting spots?

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:47:09 -0800

One of my favorite places to shoot is Thailand (Patong Beach Phucket). The image below was actually taken in January while finishing up a project with a vacation in Phucket Thailand. The first picture is a sunset off Patong Beach and the second image was a photo taken from Coral Island.

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Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:18:06 -0800

One of my favorite places to shoot is Thailand (Patong Beach Phucket). The image below was actually taken in January while finishing up a project with a vacation in Phucket Thailand. The first picture is a sunset off Patong Beach and the second image was a photo taken from Coral Island.

Attached Image:


Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:20:15 -0800

Sorry here is the image I wanted to post.

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Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:22:22 -0800

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