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My husband and I placed an order for a new digital camera with "". BAD IDEA!!! after placing the order, you are prompted to call the toll free number before they will ship your product. We called, and the man who answers the call, (its the same guy every time!), INSISTED that we buy additional accessories. When we declined, he became IRRATE and aggitated. He told us he was cancelling our order, and that we could not order from them again. (HA! like we would want to!!!) We did a little research, because he refused to answer any of our questions, and found out that their domain name is regestered to fake name and phone number. Stay AWAY!!!!
Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:07:54 -0800
It's the old bait-and-switch routine. Glad to see you declined this sale. This trick happened to me before as well, see my "Where to buy cameras?" article.
Chieh Cheng
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 21:13:36 -0800
The same thing just happened to me this weekend!! I was very disturbed by the fact that he was trying to sell extra batteries, memory cards, etc. Not to mention the fact that the price advertised was for a "REFURBISHED" camera and a brand new one would be an additional $60!!! After all this I told him to cancel the order, so he very angrily told me it was canceled and hung up. I am just worried now about my account being charged... Melissa, did you happen to notice anything unusual with your card??
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:02:40 -0800
TERRIBLE, STAY AWAY NON-EXISTENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. The WORST company by phone numbers...outsourced to replies..
Read the reviews. Don't do it to yourself. My experience seems to be common. Goods claimed in stock, then not in stock once ordered. But site still shows goods in stock for any other poor unsuspecting customers who come along. Seems to be how they make their money. Pathetic customer service department, so don't expect swift resolution when it happens to you.
marisa A
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:16:25 -0800
I also had a similar experience. They told me that I could never purchase from them again, as if I would ever want to. I have NEVER had as bad of an experience with any other company in the past. Quite frankly they sound like a bunch of criminals sitting around in a room, running a shady operation.
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 18:57:57 -0800
Thanks for posting this. I was just about to order from them because they have the cheapest price. I even called to ask if the camera was new or refurbished and the east coast slang talking youth said 'yeah its new'. But I doubted him. Places like this need to be booted from the internet for their lack of business ethics. I won't buy from them because you took the time to post this report.
Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:00:52 -0800
I called to confirm an order, which was cancelled b/c it was "out of stock". I asked "why not?" and he said "what do you mean why not?!" and hung up.
The WORST site ever. Don't ever buy from them.
Fri, 23 Feb 2007 09:18:29 -0800
same tale of woe from this consumer...want to know if anyone got their merchandise or their money back?
Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:56:52 -0800
I ordered a camera thru this outfit and received a phone call to confirm my order and also telling me I needed additional memory cards, batteries, etc. When I informed them that I already had everything I would need he indicated that this item was a refurbished one and that "new" it would cost me an additional $70. I quickly refused and he said the order would be canceled. I'll be watching for activity on my credit card online as a result.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007 15:48:39 -0800 really sucks! Big time bait and switch. Highly disreputable! STAY AWAY!!!!! Advertised prices are not legit. (I never leave comments about anybody--I'm a very nice person, but this company is a super rip-off. I had to wait 15 minutes on hold just to find out what how bad they were. I'm pissed!)
Mon, 26 Feb 2007 17:56:15 -0800
ok folks, dont get mad get evendoes anyone live in the state that thy are answering the phone from?
local DA and the postal inspection service would sure like to hear about this!!
thomas smith
Tue, 27 Feb 2007 22:30:37 -0800
I wished I would have checked out this site before I placed the order. I call to confirm my order and yes the gentleman that I spoke to was very rude. He told me the order was cancelled because the item was not in stock. The website, however, did not reflect that. I'm worried about my credit information now...might just call up my credit card company and let them know, just in case...
Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:14:07 -0800
I sure wish I had seen this post before I "placed" my order. I got a call the next morning and they tried to up-sell me on a bunch of accessories. Wasn't interested and the guy hung up abruptly. I just wrote it off to being a New Yorker (sorry).
Never received anything after 10 days; called for order status and was told, very rapidly: "Camera is out of stock, your order cancelled" and they just hung up the phone!!!!
Thu, 01 Mar 2007 13:53:57 -0800
i also want to thank everyone for clueing me into this site. I also was ready to purchase from them. definitely will not do so now. Thanks again.
Thu, 01 Mar 2007 15:27:36 -0800
This site sounded fishy to me. Prices too good to be true on the main products. Thank God I decided to check up on the site and stumbled upon your reviews. I would never want someone like that having my CC info. I hope no one has trouble in the future. I agree.. this site should be banned.
Wed, 07 Mar 2007 07:26:29 -0800
WOW! OKAY! DON'T BUY FROM! THANK YOU EVERYONE for the great heads-up warning. I googled because of the wording on their return policy. It states that items must be returned seven days after purchase. Not "after" receipt by UPS. Yes, the prices were too good to be true. I have been checking their Canon S3 IS price for over a month, and it keeps going down. Walmart has the same camera, by internet only, for $100 more. It will be worth the extra $100 for a "new" product, from a reputable retailer who accepts internet returns at their store...a store with customer service who doesn't "hang up" the phone on you!
Thanks again, everyone who suffered, for taking the time to warn the rest of us!
Thankful in San Diego
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 05:43:20 -0800
Hats off for all who took time to warn me. I too tried to figure out the address of Hmm No clue other than tool free no. Be aware.
Selva kumar R
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:35:30 -0800
Even I had the same experience. They cancelled my order and hung up on me several times. Just keep away from this site.
Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:37:55 -0800
Thanks to all of you who took the time to warn me... I had this feeling so I searched and found enough dirt on them to last a lifetime. Thanks
Sat, 17 Mar 2007 13:44:45 -0800
I had a similar experierence. Placed an order for a camera, received a call suggesting I required a memory card. I explained I had one. Then I was told I had ordered a refurbished camera and could upgrade to new for another $50. I said no, that I had ordered new equipments, and they said they'd cancel the order. Nothing in the confirmation or order (which I printed) says anthing about refurbished equipment. When I returned to the site to see if I missed "fine print" the camera was no longer posted. Clearly a scam. Wish I had read this site before I ordered.
Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:35:54 -0800
Same thing - I called to confirm and "he" told me that the camrea, though it showed in stock, wasn't available for 16 weeks. Also tried the hard sell on a battery I didn't want. When I then asked to canel my oder (wasn;t about to wait 4 moths!!) he became rude and told me "I guess you're that kind of person"....
Sun, 18 Mar 2007 14:15:09 -0800
One more BAD experience. Placed my order for a Panasonic DMC FZ50 at a price too good to believe. This outfit called to confirm the order within two hours and put on the hard sell for an extra battery and larger storage card, both of which I declined. I asked when the item would ship and was told it was in stock for shipment in 24 - 48 hours. Looking at the website today, three days later, I saw no open order in my account. Calling to question I was told that the item is not in stock and my order had been cancelled. I tried to ask a question, but the guy had already hung up. Now I just hope my credit card doesn't take a hit! STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!! If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't true!
Jim Robbins
Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:11:53 -0800
Thank you guys for the heads-up!
I just ran into the above discussed website that had the best prices, but it was too good to be true, so i googled it and came across this website. I did not place my order yet, so I guess your posts saved me a lot of trouble. Really appreciate the very helpful posts here!
Wed, 21 Mar 2007 19:01:01 -0800
Has anyone purchased a camera from them and been satisfied with the end result?
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:06:14 -0800
THANK YOU! I was so so close to buying a camera and you saved me.
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:51:05 -0800
I was frightfully close to buying a camera from this site. Thanks to you and my savey daughter, I was saved a lot of aggrevation and money. THANK YOU!!!
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:40:52 -0800
Thank you to all who have left comments.... I reflect back on the old adage "you get what you pay for" the extra $100 bucks is not worth the refurbished garbage or the aggravation, I will shop elsewhere.
Scott @ Chicago
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 03:58:19 -0800
I only wish I would have read this post earlier. I purchased a camera on-line with these guys last night. Same thing happened to me... I called to "confirm my order" this morning, and was practically assaulted. When I wouldn't buy the extra accessories, the man on the phone became EXTREMELY rude, compared my logic to buying a car without putting gas in it, and then told me he was cancelling my order. I called the bank right away to put a stop on my credit card, but looks like it wasn't charged. This company (or scam) is TERRIBLE!! DON'T BUY FROM THEM!!!
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 10:31:41 -0800
Thanks to every one who posted their comments. Almost I finalised to buy the camcorderf rom this site. My friend suggested me to go check the reviews about this site. Thank God. I got stunned to see the comments about this site. Thanks again to every one.
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 14:45:18 -0800
Pretty much the same story as everyone else...and I thought I was a careful shopper :/ Ordered the camera and called them back on their 1-800-958-0054 number to confirm and the person on the other end told me that I needed to purchase memory. I responded that the camera came with memory and he just repeated that I needed memory. Went through this three times, then the guy says "What the f*ck you doing." and I immediately get disconnected. Being the open-minded person, I call back thinking that he was talking to someone else, and no answer. Tried to leave customer support a message, and the voice mail said I couldn't leave a message. I then called back again a few minutes later and talked to customer service (same guy), and he knew exactly who I was. I asked him to cancel the order and he declined saying that once it is confirmed I could not cancel the order. I responded with that the charge would be blocked and he replied with threats of reporting me to a credit service stating that he has done this several times. I told him that the order was canceled and he would be reported to the BBB and hung up.
ABSOLUTELY STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!! (I normally wouldn't post anything either, but it it helps someone else, great.)
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:00:14 -0800
THANK GOD I stumbled across this website. I can't imagine actually dealing with all the BS indicated in the horror stories I've read here. I was real close to considering buying a camera from this site, but decided to do a little research on the company. Good thing I did. It's unfortunate a few of you had to find out the hard way -- but I thank you, otherwise I would've been scammed myself.
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 17:06:51 -0800
Oh yeah! Same here. I tried to order a sony dslr a100 due to their 'wonderful' price, and went through all the same bs everyone else has gone through. I just called my bank and cancelled my debit card (used for the purchase). I will call them tommorrow to cancel my order just to cover all the bases.
Don't you just love this kind of business practices, just like you all said, it's in stock when you order it, but then out of stock when you won't buy all the overpriced crap they say you need. Wish I had read all this before ordering, now I will be doing a little more online investigating when the price is the lowest just to be as sure as I can.
Big time scammers, all the way!
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 18:08:08 -0800
the worst online buying choice! I called them after I placed my order and the guy hung up on me 3 times! and in forth time he just picked up the phone and said we are out of stock and hung up again!!
ehsan ranjbar
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:36:29 -0800
I was just about to purchase a brand new Sony DSC T100 from them because they had the cheapest price. I called them to ask some additional questions about the shipping rates, and he displayed a bad attitude. I asked if I got the 2 day air service about what time would my order be in on Friday, and he responded "im not God sir, so I couldnt tell you what time your oder would be in". So I asked him, but my order would be in by Friday right ? Because I needed it by Monday. And he replied " sir I already told you 3 times already ". And then I apologized for irritating him if I did, and he replied " its not that, youre just asking too many questions, you shouldnt ask so many questions" . And Im saying to myself, but didnt I just call customer service? If you have customer service that bad, I dont think they deserve any of your business. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM !
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:54:17 -0800
Everything above describes just what happened to me exactly just a few minutes ago! Lowest price on a camera I wanted, got on the phone w/ the same guy rude b*stard.. got ticked off I was not buying a digital card or anything else - he then cancelled the order and hung up on me..
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:47:58 -0800
I was going to place an order on Digital Superdeals website for a Panasonic FZ50 camera but then I saw all of your comments...I can't imagine what's going to happen after my credit card is charged. Thank you all.
Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:07:23 -0800
I placed an order yesterday and the order was canceled today. Is the credit card information compromised. I should have checked this website before buying from them. and yes the person hung the phone every time i called
Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:16:28 -0800
I just tried to buy a camera from Digital Super Deals, they were the lowest price and when i placed the order they said I had to call them to confirm order. Well, this was just a way to get you to call so they can sell you other stuff. When I told him i didn't want anything else they told me my order was canceled. A true Rip Off...
Thu, 29 Mar 2007 12:05:41 -0800
DIGITALSUPERDEALS.COM and THEDIGITALEXPO.COM are the same outfit ... AVOID THEM BOTH for all of the reasons specified in previous posts.
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:22:24 -0800
I just purchased a camera from this guy yesterday, I don't know why it did not occur to me to check them out before I bought. The guy told me it was a new camera, we will see, and he did the same tried to sell me batteries and memory and a warranty. He wasn't rude to me but he was very street vendorish in his persistance. I got a tracking number and it is supposed to be here thursday. I would not do business again with them based on what I have read here and experienced. Stay Away is good adive. I'll let everyone know what I end up getting from them. In the mean time don't fall for the cheap prices!
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 09:42:31 -0800
Scam artist. Classic bait and switch scheme. When I refused to purchase a memory card for the Canon Powershot SD600, the scam-man said the camera was re-furbished but I could purchase a "new" one for $24.00 more. When I insisted that he honor the original price ($185) for a new camera, he abruptly cancelled the order and hung up. I had printed out the on-line ad and subsequently checked to see if I missed any small print reference to "re-furbished;" as I suspected, no such mentioned of the camera being refurbished...BUYERS BEWARE!
Sun, 01 Apr 2007 17:26:05 -0700
Interesting - I got caught in the same scam. I ordered a camera late last night, and forgot to call them today to "confirm the order". They called me twice and left one message to call their 800 number already posted here. They wanted to sell me things I already have: memory and batteries, and when I told "Eric" I already have these items, he said the camera is refurbished, and for an extra $20 he can get a new one for me. I told him his website doesn't say website, and I've been very careful about that, and I want the new camera I orderded. He says: "Don't you ubderstand English?" I asked for a supervisor. His reply is he's the owner. I continued to ask for a supervisor. He eventually hung up on me. But, I've got their caller id: J&J Digital 718-943-3750. I haven't called the number yet - it's Sunday afternoon and I'm going to wait until mid-day tomorrow. If anyone can suggest something with this information, I would appreciate it.
Sun, 01 Apr 2007 17:47:22 -0700
I ordered a camera. A message said to call to confirm the order. I called right away, I was automatically told "The last one just shipped. Bye bye." I said "What?" He rudely told me "When I say bye bye, you hang up." I told him that I just ordered the camera and the site said it was in stock. He said again "When I say bye bye, you hang up." I was able to get the words "You f*cking ret*rd" before I hung up on him... Now I'll be watching my bank account religiously...
Mon, 02 Apr 2007 10:21:04 -0700
I ordered a Canon camera from DigitalSuperDeals.Com which I had called first. When I spoke to them I was told that the camera was NEW and came with all the ACCESSORIES. I then ordered the camera and was instructed to call to confirm the order. When I did they tried to sell me battires and an upgrade to a NEW camera. When I told him I was told it was a new camera he started yelling ITS NOT NEW....I yelled back CANCELL THE ORDER... Have not seen anything on my bank account yet...this took plave 3/28/2007
Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:19:30 -0700
add me to the list. The camera webpage said $279 and once we put in all the shipping and billing info, the price came up as $299 so I called to ask why - not that $20 was a big deal, its the principal of advertised pricing, "the owner" answered the phone. He said whatever came up that was the price. He said he didn't care about the $279, why would I argue over $20, he didn't need customers like me. He hung up.
Don't walk, RUN away from this site and stay away from anyone that comes up with a low price at either. Talk about shady.
Wed, 04 Apr 2007 21:45:58 -0700
My experience is unfortunately similar. I ordered a camera from them at a great price on 03/23/07. To complete the transaction, I called the indicated phone number, where some guy aggressively tried to sell me vastly overpriced batteries and memeory cards. I declined, and said I only wanted the camera. By 04/05/07, I had not received the camera, any notification that it had shipped, or any other status update. I called them back, and after waiting 20 minutes on hold, was told that my order was cancelled because the camera was not in stock.
Michael Sloan
Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:49:58 -0700
WOW! The negative feed back since i got fooled in early march. I never posted then but checking up on the site nothing has been done to drop that site.
I never called them they called me and said it was confirmed. The guy asked me a rude question so i was rude back then he said ok and said bye. Ok so i thought everything was ok, but then i thought "what kind of Question is that, its none of their business" then i started to smell "fish" in the air. I checked my email(which was a bogus email) didnt recieve anything, checked the website and found that their Policy, Help, Support links on the page lead to the same page which i thought wasn't very professional. Finally got the number called them and they hung up on me. Like many others i found this page to late.
Sat, 07 Apr 2007 19:41:08 -0700
Thanks for the warning. I will definitely stay away.
Wed, 11 Apr 2007 20:07:20 -0700
My story is the same as many of you. Just wanted to add another website they sell under called Same people so avoid at all cost.
Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:56:14 -0700
Here is some information that is readily available on the internet; I list it here merely for the sake of convinience to those who were apparently scammed by this camera shop.
Notice that several of the different websites list the same phone number, and have similar registrant data email addresses.
There are literally hundreds of complaints registered with the Better Business Bureau.
Here we go:
Website phone number: 800-958-0054
Registrant Data
johnny humpher ([email protected])
2596 main st
ny, NY 10002
Website phone number: 800-958-0054
Registrant Data:
frankie humber ([email protected])
2586 main st
edison, NJ 10253
Website phone number: 800-957-6628
Registrant Data:
jeffery ling ([email protected])
1755 ocean pkwy
brooklyn, NY 11223
Website phone number: 877-678-8990
Registrant Data:
(registered through a third party)
Website phone number: (website down)
Registrant Data:
eric anderson ([email protected])
295 ave o
brooklyn, NY 11230
Link to a blog that includes an MP3 of "customer service" threatning the customer
Website phone number: 866-621-1697
Registrant Data:
(registered through a third party)
Website phone number: (website down)
Registrant Data:
6010 20th ave
brooklyn, NY 11204
718-621-5005 [fax]
Other business names associated with Starlight Camera, per the Better Business Bureau:
I.N.S. Digital World
The Camera Whiz
The Better Business Bureau also lists at least 5 different New York addresses, as well as at least 5 different phone numbers.
On another blog, I found the following listed:
"Reported Scams or very poor re-seller rating" (Formerly elsider)
I listed everything here merely for the sake of information.
Buyer Beware
Fri, 13 Apr 2007 19:17:54 -0700
Thanks, I was about to fall into the same trap.
I will spend the extra money now somewhere else. I was a little concerned because there was no address information or contact us link on their website. Glad I searched and found this info.
Sat, 14 Apr 2007 07:07:59 -0700
I am glad I looked up this site, even though after ordering a Canon S3 IS and a Powershot, totaling around $420. Fortunately I had used a disposable credit card number for this, and thanks to Bank of America, they helped me cancel the card before those guys could charge me. Phew!
Sat, 14 Apr 2007 18:56:44 -0700
I found this site when I googled the 800 # 800-958-0054. However, the site wasn't Digital Superdeals, it was The Digital Nerds ( Glad I found this site, I was about to order a camera!
Sun, 15 Apr 2007 13:38:50 -0700
Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:27:22 -0700
thank you everyone for posting this info. I found their site while researching costs for the camera I would like to purchase and something about the site just gave me a funny feeling. No email? No address? No contact other than the 800#? And the camera I am going to buy was close to $80.00 cheaper than anywhere else and the older model (that I currently have) is selling for more than the upgrade? I am glad I trusted my instincts and did a random internet search on this company.
again... thank you!!!
Mon, 16 Apr 2007 18:07:24 -0700
Thanks for the warning! lists thedigitalnerds as lowest price, 5 stars, 2523 reviews and is a featured merchant for a Canon XTi. Looks fishy when you go to the web site, no address information. Where does get their review information?
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:04:49 -0700
I wish I have read about them before. They posted phony ad with low price. After you gave your private info and placed your order, they said the item is not available, even though it is available at a higher price.
The web site I was lured is It it the same thing!
AVOID them!
I want to know where they are located so we can file a complaint on them to the better business beaural. I am worried about my credit information now.
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:57:35 -0700
To Bob above, I have entered my negative review on them to the, and was told that my comments was under review!! And no wonder, it never showed up!!! is also part of the scam!
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 13:02:38 -0700
Called to place an order today before I saw this site. Man said I would need an extra battery. I said I didn't think I would. He said, "You need to go to school to learn english," and hung up. Narrow escape.
Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:25:14 -0700
another narrow escape. I called today to order the sony dsc t100 and the jerk told me I would have to get an extra memory card because the one that come with it only allowed you to take 4 pictures. of course the extra memory was going to cost and extra 100 dollars. I am so glad I stumbled onto this site I was thinking about calling them back
Wed, 18 Apr 2007 21:53:06 -0700
IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Same story..ordered a Panasonic tz3 for $259 retails for $349...Placed order, received upsale call for memory card ($179) and/or extra batttery..told him I would call him back after I did some research,, I called him back and told him just to send me the camera..somehow I got bad vibes so, I called to ask when it was shipped.. no answer, no answer..then I discovered the company name and price had changed...discovered this website and quickly called my crdit card company, they cancelled my card..He won't be doing business with me or ANYTHING with my credit card....thank you, thank you everyone for helping me find out what they were all about before it was too late...
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:36:14 -0700
Man do I wish I had known about this website before I ordered from them! The same thing happened to me, only a bit worse because since I live in Indonesia, my mother had to call to confirm my order and when she did a man, I think it was James, tried to sell her a 2GB memory card for $99.00! She said that sounded a bit expensive and then asked him the price on their universal charger and he told her it was also $99.00. Then he said hold on and she waited awhile before he came back on and said he could offer her both for $99.00. She said, she just wanted to talk to her daughter first (me) and since I was living in Bali it might take another day before she could call him back. He then became very irrate and said, "forget it! you don't want this camera! I'm canceling your order!" She then told him that that wasn't the case, that she did want the camera but just wanted to discuss the extras with me since I would be the one paying her back. He just kept saying that she didn't want it and then hung up on her. Unbelievable! DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS HORRIBLE COMPANY! I feel so bad that my mom was put through this awful ordeal.
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:27:24 -0700
I tried an order with who I'm pretty sure is the same comapany UNDER A DIFFERENT NAME(BEWARE) THE FIRST NAME IS: THE DIGITAL NERDS or
My question would be is there any way to stick it to them or at least shut them down? Anyone?
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:59:21 -0700
Wish I too would have known about this sooner. I literally placed an order about 20 minutes ago and I feel for the whol deal (5 yr warranty, 1 GB memory, and of course the camera itself). I did find it ironic that the price was so low and the guys tone sounded very, sketchy. Anywho, I gave him my CC information and before he hung up..I had to ask for the confirmation number which I found very interesting. Long story short, my gut instinct did not lie and I found this site. I felt stupid and quickly called my credit card company to freeze my account and send me a new credit card. Luckily they didn't charge anything just then, but I was charged $8 fee for sending out a new credit card (hey, better than $600 worth of fraud!). BEWARE!!
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:07:00 -0700
I'm soooooooooo glad that I found this site before buying from I feel bad for everyone that has already had a bad experience... but THANK YOU for the warnings!
Close Call
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 21:50:44 -0700 is the same site - DON'T PURCHASE FROM THEM unless your willing to be talked into a bait-and-switch, sold extra items, hung up on, and worry about your credit card for the rest of your life!
Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:53:54 -0700
Jeeezzzz, I felt these deals looked waaaay too good....
Thought I'll snoop around before I order from DigitalNerds....
Thank you, thank you, thank you, A MILLION THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:16:28 -0700
Thanks to update such kind of sites. If I missed out to see the comments, I might be also listed in the list
Muthu K
Sun, 22 Apr 2007 11:44:13 -0700
These people (or person) are the worst. Same experience as everyone else here. The only way I can think to hurt them is to tell google about them. They probably get more than 50% of their online sales from google adwords. They will probably just re-open under another name but at least that will be a pain in the a__ for them.
Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:24:26 -0700
I was just about to place an order on for a Panasonic VDR D300 (list very cheap $400). I just decided to google it and finally found this site. Thanks everyone for leaving these useful comments. You guys are saving lots of people, lots of pain. I am one of them, THANKS AGAIN
Lucky tips
Sun, 22 Apr 2007 17:28:30 -0700
Thanks, all of you. I were plan to buy the Canon Powershot SD550 from today coz the review on them at the is 5 stars. Now I know it is same as the, hell I will buy from them. Lucky I check the review again.Thanks for all those useful comments, you guys save me. Thank you very much.
Sun, 22 Apr 2007 19:49:52 -0700
You Just saved Me!!!!Thaks a LOTTTT!!
particularly Buyer Beware, Thanks for awesome and helpful research
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:02:16 -0700
I only wish I would have visited this site before I made may order!!, Same thing, called to confirm my order to only be asked to purchase extras!! I declined and then for only $65.00 more I could get a brand new camera! I said to cancel my order, only hope my card does'nt get charged.
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:13:16 -0700
I wished I would have checked out this site before I placed the order. I called to confirm my order and the gentleman that I spoke to tryed to sell me extra stuff (extended life battery), when I declined, he was very rude. I then cancelled my order. I'm worried about my credit information now...I just call up my credit card company and let them know, just in case...
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:56:07 -0700
Hi, i just had the same experience. I ordered a Casio Z1000 Digital camera. After i ordered i got the email saying i needed to call to confirm the order. I thought it was a security thing. NOT!
The guy tried talking me into an extra memory stick. I told him i had a 2 gig already. Then he said that the battery was no good and i would need a new one. I said that the camera comes with the NP40 and should be fine. Then he said that the camera i ordered was a refurbised one and that for another $45.00, i can have a new one.
I asked where on his website it said refurbised and he said "at the bottom". Then he got irate and said, "this was a yes or no question, do you want it or not". I said, "hang on, i'm still looking for the comment about the refurbished". He yelled again, "do you want the camera or not... hurry up, i need to know or i'm going to cancel the order."
I said cancel it.
I then found this site.
My question to you all is... HOW do i file a complaint too, with the Better Business Bureau? I don't know what the name of the company is or where it's located, since it goes by so many different names. The link i had used was:
Any help on that would be appreciated.
Next question is, which others have asked but i didn't see replies is: did they still charge the credit card or really truly cancel the order?
Thanks everyone!
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:22:03 -0700 and are basically the same site. same phone number and everything. i called to ask about a camera and he sounded very rude and unprofessional. i wouldnt order from them.
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 15:05:22 -0700
Oh Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I almost did it. I have agonized about which camera to buy for a month and was just about to call digitalsuperdeals when I found this site. Bestbuy here I come! (canon s3 is) $314.00
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 16:12:37 -0700
How about the scam which tells you that the camera you ordered is the Japanese version and unless you speak Japanese you won't be able to operate it...of course an English version is available for a considerably higher price.....A bunch of New York/Jersey CROOKS....but why are they still in business after all these complaints????
Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:52:54 -0700
The same thing just happened to me (rude individual trying to sell me extra battery, telling me buy somewhere else). Is there any way to file a complaint through the BBB or take action to remove their business license? Absolutely UNACCPETABLE.
Tue, 24 Apr 2007 11:00:32 -0700
This is a rude seller. When I called about a camera that seemed like a very reasonable price and to compare the man told me it was refurbished. When I said that it does not say anything about that on his site he told me that the law is that they don't have to list that it is refurbished. I told him I don't understand...and he stated "are not fricking listing? It is the law." Rude!!!!!!!! Avoid this seller at all costs!
Tue, 24 Apr 2007 13:03:51 -0700
Digital Superdeals F()*&^&*# SUCK!!!! I called them and had a question with a product and i said i have a question about the canon sd800is? and before i said anything else he goes NO AVAILABILITY! what is it with all these people talking to me after i say no availability at first i was like am i listening to a prank message system and then i was like DUDE!? what the fuck is your problem? and i had a fucking question that doesnt pretain to the availability he goes DONT CALL ME DUDE! THIS ISNT A DUDE KIND OF AREA!? i was like yea well im fucking calling you DUDE! and he hangs up ....... THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE I EVER HEARD!!!!
your friend
Tue, 24 Apr 2007 14:46:10 -0700
I called them to order a camera they had advertised on their web site. I was told by the guy who answered that the cameras were sold. So I asked him if there were other, higher priced models available. That is when he got abusive and called me an idit who did not understand English because I was asking him about cameras when he told me it was all sold. So I asked him why they had them advertised on the web with a checkout to cart, etc. He got very abusive - I just hung up. In reading the messages here, it looks like I lucked out by not doing business with them. But why are such miserable companies even permitted to sell on the web ? Beware, stay away from these guys.
Chandra Sekhar
Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:44:35 -0700
Dont also buy from rude. I wanted to make sure that the canon Sd630 is not refurbished. Call customer service to check and then he said it is out of stock. I told him it says available on line, then he said, "Do you understand English?" with a heavy NY accent. I told him I guess he's living up to the NY reputation!!!
Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:57:07 -0700
I had the same bad experience yesterday, since I didn't know this web site before.
I am worrying if this "company" is collecting client's credit card information, it is very danger for every one in the future.
I think we should report it to FTC.
Wed, 25 Apr 2007 13:59:27 -0700
I thought the cheaper price was too good to be true, so I called before I bought and asked if the camera was new or refurbished. I was told brand new in the box - I asked why their prices were so much cheaper - I was told they bought in bulk and could sell cheaper - makes sense! (or so I thought) I had to call to confirm the order, which I did, and the guy tried to sell me a memory card for $200 - said I didn't need one and then he told me the camera didn't come with one and that it was refurbished. I told him I had just called before I placed the order to check - he started talking to me like I was 5 years old - I asked to speak to a supervisor he said there was none - I asked for a fax or email, whether they were registered with BBB and what state they were located in - said none of my business and then hung up on me. Out of an abundance of caution, I cancelled my credit card because I had to include the 3 digit security code on the back - thank god I cancelled before they could charge anything! They need to be reported to someone - was thinking FBI - they have to be violating all kinds of laws! I googled them while I was on the phone with my bank - wish I would have done it sooner, but they didn't get anything charged!
Wed, 25 Apr 2007 14:46:58 -0700
ATTENTION EVERY THAT HAS BEEN SCAMMED: contact the better business beareau, and file a complaint. This is the only way to shut them down and for them to not further use our personal info that they now already have at their disposal.
Wed, 25 Apr 2007 19:05:47 -0700
Reading this thread is comical! I had the exact experience as everyone else- purchased a Sony camcorder online then had to call a phone number to complete the order. Why would I shop online if I wanted to call a phone number? Anyway, this surly idiot on the phone tried 3 or 4 times to sell me an extra battery then cancelled my order when I refused. Plus he had a tone in his voice that made me want to reach through the phone and throttle him. Apparently I'm not entitled to the advertised low price if I don't get roped into overpriced batteries. Oh, and he hung up on me. I've already contacted my credit card company. Someone needs to shut these jerks down.
Thu, 26 Apr 2007 13:31:36 -0700
Same thing happen to me today.Bait and switch. I will check to make sure my credit card does not get charged.
Same as everyone
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:18:49 -0700
well. MAYBE I might be the only *success* -- and I use that word lightly -- story. We will see. So I fell for the low price and ordered a Canon Powershod SD600. After seeing your all comments, I'm like CRAP. I called my credit card company. They said they authorized the charge, but it has not posted yet. I called the digitalsuperstore and got a live person - who SURPRISE was relatively nice. I still had the same story as everyone else - confirm your order with a slimy, pushy pain in the ass trying to push a high-speed memory card. I refused. The order seemed to go through. I got an email from UPS with the tracking code.
when I called and said I wanted to confirm my order - I asked "what did I order?" he have me a wrong camera info. I said "WRONG. that's not what I ordered." It was then he gave the correct camera info. I asked him to confirm the tracking number. The number DOES match the tracking email I got from UPS. I said is this a NEW camera? He said "yes." Well, folks - delivery date is set for May 2. We shall see. I don't have a whole lot of confidence. Maybe I will get lucky & escape the horror story.
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:29:02 -0700
I just ordered a camera from them!! DAMN. I'm nervous. He tried the sales pitch, but i figured whatever....then i decided to look them up and found this website. Hook, line and sinker. Has anyone actually received a camera from them? I asked him if it would refurbished or new and he said new in box never been open... Does anyone have advice as to how to go about this? Should i wait, or should i just try and cancel and notify my bank?
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:50:23 -0700
Just like the rest of these comments, I experienced the same hard sell from a guy claiming his name was William. When I said I would call back on x205, it said the name was Jim.
"Refurbished" camera (Canon SD800is)Tells me this when I just wanted to order the camera and not the pricey add-ons. I cancelled the order immediately.
This place is a total scam!!!!!!!
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 13:14:24 -0700
WOahhh!good thing I did some research on this "company" I was about to buy a camcorder cause it was cheaper than bestbuy but now I see what the deal is.i think we should stick to the old and very wise saying...If its to good to be true ect ect. I would stick to a reliable source bestbuy circuit city tangible stores.
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 13:30:33 -0700
Sat, 28 Apr 2007 08:44:30 -0700
I'm so surprise to see these comments from other customers too! Because I recently placed an order from Digital Superdeal and got a cancellation notice due to the product is out of stock for 6-8 weeks. (But why didn't they post the out of stock sign!!?) Actually, before that I received a confirmation email to call them in order to process my order, but since I did't have time so I didn't call them (This is the first time for me to experience online shopping that need me to CALL THEM in order to process my order!). Then, I checked the site again and realized that the product that I ordered has RAISED the PRICE instead of Out of Stock!! I ordered from Difital Superdeal is because of its good store rating and other buyers' comments. I guess those are fake comments after reading the REAL one from you guys. I think I should cancel my credit card in case they might use my number and I think you guys should do so too. NEVER GONNA SHOP FROM DIGITAL SUPERDEAL AGAIN!
Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:38:33 -0700
I fell for it due to his company's "five star rating " with great prices. I ordered a Canon SD1000 camera and spoke with the most hateful, S.O.B. imagineable. Trying to communicate with him was almost comical he mumbled, spoke fast, NY accent, my hearing loss, my being used to hearing slow TX drawl, my ignorance of digital cameras, my gullibility etc. He asked me a question (what is your zip code).... I had no idea what he said. I asked him to repeat the question. He did repeat it by screaming it into the phone. At that point, I knew I was dealing with a psycho. I cancelled the order then called my credit card company and then warned them not to honor the sale. Thought about it some more, then called and had my card cancelled and requested a new account number. It makes one wonder if his whole scheme is to collect credit card info. Garry
Garry Baccus
Sat, 28 Apr 2007 12:27:53 -0700
I too ordered a camera from this scam dealer. I had to phone them and verify my order. I did not want to order any of their inflated add ons. ($119.00 for an xd card). I was called a few times to verify the order again with the same pitch. I turned down the order and then got an email saying the camera was out of stock and order was canceled. Shop from a known store or dealer you can get good feed back from. Research reviews before going through the head aches of ordering a low priced camera.
Sun, 29 Apr 2007 07:34:24 -0700
I too have had the same problem with this company. They are also known as J and J digital (which showed up on my caller ID) located somewhere in New York. (718)943-3750 Apparently extention 207 is where we will find our rude friend.
What you can do is file a complaint to the Better Business Breau of New York and request that this company ceases it's misleading advertising and harrassing phone calls.
Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York (New York, NY)
257 Park Avenue South
New York , NY 10010-7384
Phone: (212)533-6200
Fax: (212)477-4912
Email: [email protected]
Sun, 29 Apr 2007 15:04:05 -0700
I have ordered a camera online on 4/30/07. The confirmation asked to call to confirm the order. After I called in twice the guy hung up on me both time. Just a few minutes later I got a call from "" to confirm the order and offered me extra memories. I told him I just want the camera and he hung up and right away send me an email to cancel my order.
I am so glad that he cancelled my order. This is the first time I have had such poor customer service. STAY AWAY from them. I got to monitor my credit card closely to make sure they don't put fradulent charges on it.
Tue, 01 May 2007 10:57:57 -0700
OOOPPSS! I just bought a camera today from these jerks at After calling to confirm the order and refusing the battery upgrade, he hung up on me. I only searched and found this site after their lack of customer service surprised me . . .they supposedly have 5/5 stars on some search sites. Luckily, I'm using Citi Bank's Virtual Credit card numbers. It allows me to generate disposable credit card numbers that can only be used by a single vender. I also set $ limits to prevent merchants from over-charging me without my permission. It also allows me to close the number at any time. . . i.e. no need to cancel the real card and wait for a new one to arrive in the mail. The virtual number is now closed and they can't charge me, ever. I'll be expecting the "out of stock" email in the next few days.
K.C. guy
Wed, 02 May 2007 11:57:25 -0700
Thank you all, for this I 've almost purchased camera with them. Something told me go google them before you do: and I've got your postings . Good job
Wed, 02 May 2007 21:02:27 -0700
Hi there,
unfortunatelly i did not see this page before and got scammed, bummer, i've canceled my credit card and ordered new one. wish i did this simply google search earlier "digitalnerds scam"
and just to mention, it was same scenario, cheapest price on, placed order, called to confirm order (already weird), and after refusing to buy accessories they canceled my order and hang up on me !!!
Thu, 03 May 2007 11:01:38 -0700
I too found this page too late. I just ordered a camera and was requested to call to confirm my order - which I found very odd. When I called I was told I needed buy additional stuff (batteries, memory card...) and that the camera was refurbished as soon as I hesitated he began berating me and swearing at me. I told him to cancel my order and he replied that he would charge me a cancellation fee. When I calmly let him know I would not pay anything he proceeded to yell at me that he was going to sue me and ruin my credit!
Thu, 03 May 2007 11:57:58 -0700
Everything that has been said on this board is CORRECT. I called to confirm order, guy gets rude, cancels my order immediately and hangs up on me twice.
Please beware that this person now has your credit card number, with the three digit security code.
I advise any and everyone on this board to immediately shut down this number, and get a new credit card number for the safety of your information.
I work as a police officer and have worked with identity theft and you cannot be too cautious. I had chose this company because it had a high rating on a website about the company, so did not go any further to do an internet search on it. I have now learned my lesson.
Susan McCarver
Thu, 03 May 2007 12:22:19 -0700
Thank you all, for this I 've almost purchased camera with them.
Imagine, i also bad in english.
Leonid L B
Fri, 04 May 2007 17:47:37 -0700
Ironically when I found the greates deal on Canon PowerShot S3 IS digital camera, I just gave a thought to google the seller out and BOOM, here I got the results screaming DON'T BUY FROM THEM! I would consider myself switching to carbage truck business if my company's google search results would look like a war zone!
Thanks everyone a thousands saving my sister's wedding pictures. I'm shopping for a camera just for that. And I'm truly sorry for those who fell in deep. If you get to hitting distance, hit them once for me too...just for fareness sake...
Love you little Peppi, I wish you all the blessings on your wedding!
Sat, 05 May 2007 18:12:35 -0700
I read all your posts . I don't doubt some people get their stuff . However I have had problems before on ebay it gets straighted out .The credit card has protection but G-d never use a debit visa . Anyways to make a long story short I just cancelled my card and didn't wait to talk to them . I am miffed they have my phone number period . I can't wait for their call now that I know who it is . Well now I pay cash for a week while I wait . I read about the virtual number card that is very interesting . Next card I get will be one of those for internet purchases . You just can't live without them nowadays . I will say I have had very good luck and have saved hundreds on items like generators and other things but its best to buy from a dual brick and mortar store with a physical address . G-d Bless all . Hopeing someone is satisfied eventually . At least I can sleep well !!!
Sat, 05 May 2007 19:28:30 -0700
83 Avenue O
Brooklyn, NY 11204
View Location Map
Additional Phone Numbers:
(718) 621-3111 (866) 621-1697 (718) 621-1534
(718) 621-3111
Additional Websites:
Type of Business: Photographic Equipment & Supplies-Retail, Electronic Equipment & Supplies-Dealers
Membership Status: This company is not a member.
The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources.
Nature of Business
Consumers report that cameras purchased from this firm are represented as U.S. models under warranty, but are in fact foreign models not covered by manufacturer warranties. Consumers also report experiencing difficulty contacting customer service, as well as hostile attitudes from representatives after requesting refunds or declining to purchase additional items.
Customer Experience
Based on BBB files, this business has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau, because there is a pattern of complaints, and the business has not corrected the underlying reason for the complaints.
The company's size, volume of business, and number of transactions may have a bearing on the number of complaints received by the BBB. The number of complaints filed against a company may not be as important as the type of complaints, and how the company handled them. The BBB generally does not pass judgment on the validity of complaints filed.
Complaint Outcome Statistics:
Complaint Outcome Last 12 Months Last 12..36 Months Total
Consumer received the requested resolution 13 9 22
Consumer received part of the requested resolution 5 0 5
Administratively Judged Resolved
The Company has responded to the complaint(s) addressing the disputed issues, however, the consumer remains dissatisfied 11 6 17
No Response
The Company has failed to respond to complaints 60 48 108
TOTAL 89 63 152
Complaint Issues:
Please understand that complaints may concern more than one issue
Complaint Issue Last 12 Months Last 12..36 Months Total
Advertising Issues 7 5 12
Contract Disputes 1 1 2
Credit or Billing Disputes 7 4 11
Customer Service 1 0 1
Delivery Issues 5 7 12
Guarantee or Warranty Issues 3 1 4
Product Quality 5 2 7
Refund Practices 7 2 9
Repair Issues 1 0 1
Selling Practices 51 41 92
Service Issues 1 0 1
TOTAL 89 63 152
Additional Business Names
This firm also does business under the following names. This is not necessarily a complete list.
Accessories Land
I.N.S. Digital World
Stargate Photo Inc.
The Camera Whiz
The Digital Expo
The Digital Nerds
Wawa Digital
Additional Locations
This firm also does business at the following locations.
6010 20th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11204
78 Avenue Y
Brooklyn, NY 112235922
295 Avenue O
Brooklyn, NY 11230
1755 Ocean Pkwy
Brooklyn , NY 11223
Report as of: 5/5/2007
Sat, 05 May 2007 20:36:31 -0700
The Digital Nerds are still at it. Not only accessories, but they told me that the price was only for a refurbished camera. Everyone should complain to the FTC at FTC Consumer Complaint Form
Sun, 06 May 2007 11:54:42 -0700
Man, talk about dumb... I went through the bait & switch with and of course the NY accent guy called, pitched me and cancelled the order when I wouldn't 'upgrade' to the non-refurb. So what do I do? Google again, of course, and found an "even better" deal on (duh!) and ordered. THEN I decided to search thedigitalnerds + bait & switch and found this page.....
I haven't gotten a call from Cousin Vinny on the second order (sure he recognized the number) but I cancelled the order via email and called my CC company to block the account and send me a new card.
I'm sending this page to the NY Attorney General along with my experience with these fraudsters. Would love to see them shut down.
Sun, 06 May 2007 14:41:11 -0700
BTW, the link for the NY Attorney General is:
Complaints have to be mailed - mine's going out girst thing Monday morning. Overnighted.
I encourage others to do the same.
Sun, 06 May 2007 14:46:14 -0700
After reading the rest of this thread more carefully I'd like to make a quick note to all here:
The BBB does nothing except track complaints. The BBB does not have the authority to close any business. *ANYONE* can be a member of the BBB if they pay their fees. The only people who can close a fraud-ridden, low-life run "business" is the government (city / state / fed) via legal steps. Bait and switch is an illegal practice. I recommend anyone who wants to see these slimebags shut down contact the NY Attorney General or the NYC Prosectuors office. These may not be the correct venues, but I'm sure they'll point us in the right direction.
Sun, 06 May 2007 16:07:37 -0700
I just had a horrible experience. I ordered a Panasonic Camera (showing as in-stock) from - i called to make sure the camera was new (not refurb) - the guy assured me it was. He got very upset that I didn't want to order other accessories, but I placed the order. AFTER CONFIRMATION I received an email stating that they do not have this camera in-stock!
SO - Then I found the same camera on - it says "available" - I ordered it. Called to confirm (same number as previous company) - and the SAME GUY tells me that this is a refurbished camera, and that if I want a new one it will be $50.00 more - BUT THEY DO HAVE IT IN STOCK. I said "NO, please cancel this order" and he threatened me and said they are going to charge me a cancellation fee and that I had better never order from them again!
I run an internet business - and I cannot believe anyone would run a business like this!
Nancy Lynn
Mon, 07 May 2007 09:22:44 -0700
I had the same experience!!!! They cancelled my order and hung up on me several times. Just keep AWAY from this site.
I canceled my credit card as well...just in case. STAY AWAY from them!
Mon, 07 May 2007 17:15:49 -0700
Having a place to complain and compare notes is great, but it's not going to actually help stop (or at least slow down) these losers unless some direct action's taken:
1) Contact the NY Attorney General. Bait & switch is illegal.
(Link above - fill it out and snail mail it - mine went out today)
2) Contact the NYC Prosecutors Office. Bait & switch is illegal.
If someone can find contact info please post
3) These losers use's software as a Affiliate (or something) to drive traffic to their various scam sites:
There are probably more. is a reputable business so complain about the scammers using their software to rip people off: Contact us
4) Compain to Google for selling Sponsorship to thieves. A good place to start is:
Google Contact Us: Security
Send them your story, links and ask that they drop them from AdWords and their index. Give specific URLS. Do the same with Yahoo. Note - people are also finding them / getting scammed on Yahoo as well.
5) Is there newspaper or TV news show in NY that likes to expose fraud? Point them here :)
Basically, make enough noise and the moron running the whole show will either end up in court (would love to see it) or out of business.
Seriously Annoyed
Mon, 07 May 2007 20:26:25 -0700
If enough people write the NY Times they might get some bad press there, too :)
And it looks like these guys also use products to fill-up their "" sites to make it *look* legit. Complain to Amazon about the scams and I'll bet they lose any affiliate $$$ they're getting from the click-throughs
Mon, 07 May 2007 20:39:05 -0700
1) Do you REALLY think they won't sell the Credit card info they get? What about the poor people who don't know enough to research? Sure, they *should* but we all have friends or family who'd fall for this and not know any better. -And wouldn't cancel their cards.
2) Do you really think they're not selling your email and contact info?
Seriously Annoyed
Mon, 07 May 2007 20:51:26 -0700
I too had this experience, which was very upsetting for me. I have shopped online for years and not worried about it. I have now reported this company to the BBB. I just wanted to note on this site that when I entered the phone number listed above into the BBB site, an address in Michigan came up. So I don't know, perhaps they have changed locations because of heat in New York. At any rate, thanks for sharing your experience, thanks to your advice I have cancelled my credit card and will be on the lookout for other scams!
Grace Deason
Tue, 08 May 2007 10:30:58 -0700
You realize complaining to the BBB does absolutely no good, right? (Please read the above posts... BBB cannot close anyone down. Ever.)
But filing a complaint w/ the Michigan Attorney Generals office might:
AG - File a Complaint
Moreover, because the bait & switch (fraud) is often done by telephone over state lines, that may involve Federal law as well.
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) - File a Complaint
Seriously Annoyed
Tue, 08 May 2007 15:35:53 -0700
when i called to "confirm" he tried asked if i wanted to buy the new or referbished product and quoted me two different prices. when i told him that i was under the impression that i was buying a new product, he told me "Don't argue with me, or i will hang up on your face!" (whatever that means!) so i immideatly canceled my credit card and checked them out on the BBB and this is what they had to say about them...
"The BBB is in the process of researching the company. The BBB is unable to process any complaints that the Bureau receives due to the company not having a valid address. The BBB has contacted the company requesting address information, but the company is uncooperative."
Tue, 08 May 2007 15:44:16 -0700
I put an order in for a camera last friday. The following monday they called me and i returned the call. The same "buy this stuff" blah blah blah. I added the battery and left it at that. Imediately after the phone call i found this site. I canceled my card imediately. No charges were ever put on the card.
Oddly enough, today, i recieved an email with tracking and a notice of delay. Then another phone call, to which i let the answering machine recieve, wanting me to call back about the delay status.
Obviously a bad company. I thank this site for the information.
The email is as follows:
Thank you very much for placing an order with our company.
I would like to inform you that your Order #11252 will be shipped next
week due to a delayed delivery from our vendor. I sincerely apologize
for this inconvenience and would like to offer you a
5% Discount Coupon for your next purchase. Please use the following
code: TR249-0724.
Please let me know if you have any further questions, I will be very
happy to assist you.
HiTech Vendors, Sales Team
Tue, 08 May 2007 17:25:40 -0700
The same thing happened to me. I was told to call their number and confirm the order. Instead, they called me atleast 5-6 times a day to confirm it. They tried selling me other products. After I confirmed the order, they sent me an email saying they did not have the camera I ordered in stock and they should have it within 6-8 weeks, so they cancelled my order which makes that whole transaction pointless!! They claimed on their website that the camera was in stock. My husband called them and it was the same guy that answers everytime. My husband told him to update their website because it is false information and he was very rude. We will NEVER order from them again.
Tue, 08 May 2007 20:03:42 -0700
Bait and Switch, You will be asked to call after ordering on line, and they will try to add product, warranty, say that the price is for a refurbished item and then try to sell for a higher price. DO NOT ORDER FROM DIGITAL SUPER DEALS .COM
E Houff
Wed, 09 May 2007 08:35:09 -0700
Taken from "shedding some light .com"
Digital Superdeals
Website: [online since 1/07]
Address: not on website
Phones: 800-958-0054 [stargatephoto's most recent number; also used by thedigitalnerds]
Note: Two customers report another number, 718-943-3750, which shows up as "J&J Digital" on caller ID.
Domain: registrant: "Johnny Humpher", 9/27/06; [email protected], 212-563-2569
2596 Main St., New York NY 10002 [a phony address]
Note: As of 4/15/07 this dealer has a rare perfect rating of zero, with 16 reviews , on
The Digital Nerds
Website: [online since 4/07]
Address: not on website
Phones: 800-958-0054 [stargatephoto's most recent number; also used by digitalsuperdeals]
Domain: registrant: "Frankie Humber", 10/26/06; [email protected], 732-258-5452
2586 Main St., Edison NJ 10253 [a phony address]
Note: all with the same #
Ben McLaughlin
Wed, 09 May 2007 13:31:49 -0700
They are now doing business as Stay away from them. It's the exact same bait and switch story that all of you have written about. It's amazing that the state of NY hasn't yet prosecuted these rip-off artists. They keep changing their company name and domain names, but their scam is always the same. They're also the rudest people on the planet. See Shedding Some Light -- Some Dealers for more of their history.
Ron Feinberg
Wed, 09 May 2007 13:56:05 -0700
Ordered a Canon S3IS and after confirming the order
was told since I didn't purchase any accessories
the order would be canceled. The ultimate scumbags.
Do not buy from them. Crooks
simon dratler
Thu, 10 May 2007 05:13:09 -0700
Thu, 10 May 2007 11:28:24 -0700
Good that I manage to google this site before buying stuff worth $ 600 .. not that I'd suffer losses, but to be scammed is a miserable feeling ..
Thanks to everyone who posted comments / shared their experience ..
M Nath
Fri, 11 May 2007 05:29:03 -0700
Stay away from the digital nerds. They are rude and dishonest. They totally ripped me off and changed their website and said I ordered a refurbished camera when I had proof that I ordered a new one.
They are awful, awful people.
Website phone number: 800-958-0054
Sun, 13 May 2007 17:47:24 -0700
Thank you! Thank you! Your postings saved me! I almost bought a Canon A630 from them. Will be looking at other sites now. Thanks again!
Sun, 13 May 2007 22:57:15 -0700
I had the most insulting and rude experience of my life talking to the sale repesentative.I don,t know how they are still in business.
Seeing these comments from other people,they never seem to have their advertised products.
My guess is they are into personal info selling business because you can't place an order untill you register by tricking people into giving their information and then they sell this info to advertiser companies for spam.
Naem from fresno,ca
Tue, 15 May 2007 09:52:01 -0700
i made the mistake of ordering without looking this company up.. i went by one 5 star rating i saw...
it then dawned on me to research... and like everyone else i got the phone call and the email... when he asked if i would confirm.. i just told him no... i want to cancel. he asked why and i said i dont want it..
and that was that.
Tue, 15 May 2007 13:46:14 -0700
I normally do a lot of research but this time I ordered a Canon SD 900 from this Digital Super Deals online store as it was the lowest price and it was "in stock"! The rest is the same story, "confirmation call, the rude guy tries to sell additional accessories, after refusing this offer the guy says it is out of stock and they have sent an email already"! Which was a lie, as I just called to confirm the order wondering why you should call and confirm an online purchase.
Please be warned about the "" website, too, as they show the Digital Superdeals as a "Gold Certified" trusted merchant. They have given 5 stars as the store rating but there is no option, even for a member of the site, to rate the stores!!! You can only review products. So I wonder where those 5 stars came from!
Wed, 16 May 2007 08:20:32 -0700
Thank you all for your posts. I'm glad I decided to do a check on them before placing my order.
Wed, 16 May 2007 09:10:54 -0700
I can't believe I let my guard down! I made the BIG mistake of falling for their low prices!
When I refused to add on the extra batteries, carrying case, etc., the guy on the phone hung up on me. I called the next day and calmly inquired about my order and he told me he cancelled it and to STOP BEING SO RUDE TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After I got off the phone the next call I made was to my credit card company to cancel my account number and re-issue another one.
DO NOT, R-E-P-E-A-T...NOT deal with these people EVER!
I can't believe I fell for this!
I should have known better. - - I bet I don't do that again!
Wed, 16 May 2007 09:55:18 -0700
Hi, I used the search engine low price digital to look for the best price on the Canon a710 IS and found it listed at Digital Superdeals. The website stated it was in stock and ready to ship. When I placed the order, the confirmation page said I needed to call to confirm the order. I had to wait until business hours the next day at 11:00 a.m. EST and once I got through I had to wait for over 15 minutes to be connected to a live person. The man I spoke with was incredibly rude. He snapped at me when I said I was calling to confirm an internet order and demanded to know what the order number was. After that, he kept pressuring me to buy a memory stick and battery (which I already have) and I had to tell him 4 times (politely) that I wasn't interested. When I was telling him the 4th time that I really didn't need a battery or memory stick he cut me off mid-sentence and said "Your camera is being shipped out today" and then he HUNG UP on me while I was still speaking. Not 2 minutes later I received an email that said my order had been CANCELLED because the product was out of stock for 6-8 weeks. I have never dealt with such an unreputable company - DO NOT do business with them.
Wed, 16 May 2007 12:16:16 -0700
Thank you very much. I really wondered how their prize are much less compared to trusted merchants like circuit city, and Dell inc. I believe, that nothing in this world is free.
I had a simmilar experience with " Royal Camera", after my order was complete, the so called sales representative, forced me to buy the battery, but I denied to purchase any acceseries, and infact I cancel my order, and inform my bank to stop any transaction in their name.
I believe taht I called immediately to my bank, and they blacklist them, otherwise I would have been charged for the cancelation also.
I strongly recommend not to purchase any such stuff from non trusted merchants. Its better to spend few more dollars and have the peace of mind.
Thank you.
Dr Atul Pandey
Atul Pandey
Wed, 16 May 2007 12:31:38 -0700
same deal with digital superdeals
place an order, you are called on your cell,
if you do not buy accessories, he cancels your order
bad news!
David Kassel
Wed, 16 May 2007 12:45:41 -0700
Do not risk doing business with Digital SuperDeals or DigitalNerds. I have just had a terrible encounter with Digital SuperDeals. I ordered a Canon Powershot G7 (advertised as available) and called to confirm my order (as they directed) only to have the man who answered be uncommonly rude, defiant and verbally aggressive when I told him I was researching batteries and did not want to purchase one in addition to the camera. He wouldn't let me speak and when I tried to ask about the shipping method and time of delivery, he ended the phone call by saying that I had no other questions and that the camera was shipped. I then received an email saying that my order was cancelled since the item was backordered 6-8 weeks and I was told not to try to reorder. When I called customer service I received a message saying that I could leave a message and then, after a pause, was told that no messages would be received and they hung up. When I researched other companies online afterwards I noticed that the same telephone number and hours are listed for a company called DigitalNerds. These companies advertise the lowest prices but there are no actual products. Don't risk the encounter.
Wed, 16 May 2007 13:19:39 -0700
Sad, but I didn't read this before I tried to order a camera from them. They tried the same old add-on pressure and I refused. The saleman became abusive and cancelled my order, telling me not to call again.
By the way, this is the registered name e-mail for the owner:'[email protected]'.
His name is Johnny Humpher, though I don't believe any of it.
Everyone here should send him a special e-mail (they do go to someplace).
Bottom line, they are crooks!
Joe B
Wed, 16 May 2007 14:46:41 -0700
Same thing best price no bad news alert untill i really started checking today. oops, already ordered. did any of you have a credit card problem after you ordered? I am so worried about my credit card and my credit if you have noticed a credit card problem.....
Wed, 16 May 2007 17:04:27 -0700
I had a simular experience from Digital Super Deals, my wife tried to order a camera after she refused to purchase any additional products she received an email stating the camera was out of stock and would not be in stock for 6-8 weeks and not to reorder, after seing the camera (Canon Powershot S3 IS)on the internet again with the words "in stock" next it I decided to reorder it I called to confirm my order, this time when I was asked to purchase additional products before saying if I would order anything else I asked the representive if the camera was in stock he answered yes, he then asked if I needed a memory card I answered no I already have a 2GB SD card, he then asked if I needed batteries because the ones included with the camera are not very good I answered no I already have lithium batteries, by this time I could tell he was becoming irritated, he then asked if I wanted an extended warranty because the camera was refurbished, I asked what the warranty was on a refurbished camera, without answering my question he stated the camera was used and had scratches on it and that the manual was in chinese, when I told him none of that was stated on the website without me even asking he rudely stated he was cancelling my order and hung up, tell as many people as you can to stay away from this company, I'm trying to find the best medium possible to get this information out to as many people I can, feel free to email me with any suggestions
Wed, 16 May 2007 17:27:15 -0700
Well I ordered the Canon Power shot SD 800 at a bargain price. As soon as I pressed buy, this monster calls and tells me that the camera is refurbished. I tell him that I'm not interested in a refurbished camera. He then tells me that a new one would cost more. He pushes for the extra memory. I tell him that I don't want either. He becomes loud and rude and tells me that it's already been ordered and I can't go back. Next day, the charge appears on my debit card. I call him he says that there's no cancelling. I repeat that I want it cancelled, he says he's going to ruin my credit and won't cancel--he hangs up on me. I called again and repeats the same garbage. I called my debit card company and they told me that they won't be able to do anything until it's approved. Then I can file a complaint. I'm lost on what to do. I've been had by some con-artist. How can this man be stopped? PLEASE HELP
Wed, 16 May 2007 17:59:36 -0700
Everyone needs to sent up a bogus new account & order something under that. Then call with the order # & play their own little game with them. And hopefully that will interrupt there I.D. theft operation or at lest confuse them a little
Wed, 16 May 2007 20:26:09 -0700
i just got off the phone from these guys. so rude. because i wouldn't buy an upgrade from them they canceled my order. should i be worried that they have my credit card number? i tried to send a compliant to the better business bureau but i cant find their company listed. how can we shut these jerks down? do we have no recourse?!
Thu, 17 May 2007 09:17:08 -0700
I hope I am the last one to make an order with this scam site 05/17/07. My lesson is that never trust any new online shopping site without checking its credibility (any physical address, any comment like this list, and unusual price or requirement of personal information, etc.)
Thu, 17 May 2007 12:49:55 -0700
I just received a cancellation email about my order of a Canon camera. The CSP is very rude and unprofessional. I called four times and got one guy to answer my phone. His accent is very strong and even came out some rude words without any reason. What I requested is to have all my financial and personal info deleted from its system.
Thu, 17 May 2007 12:52:57 -0700
AGGRAVATION!!! WASTED TIME AND ENERGY! Like I need to say it....but take your business elsewhere. Luckily I was able to stoop to his level and call him a C#@K S@CKER before he hung up. I have learned a valuable lesson, research on-line stores before providing personal information. We often act to quick when a deal is to be had. Thank you all for taking the time to share your experiences.
A. Perham NY,NY
Thu, 17 May 2007 13:03:32 -0700
Like alot of guys I googled after I ordered. Likewise he tried to sell me overpriced accessories and I declined. Unfortunately I confirmed the order and then tried to cancel so he threatened to charge 25% restocking fee. So I figure I'm screwed and try to stop the charge. Bank says it's pending and I have to wait till it's cleared. Great I think I'm f*****. So I call bank today and start fraudulent charge investigation which in turn cancels my card. They tell me it will take 7 to 10 days to send papers I must fill out to start it. Here comes the good part. Are you ready?
I receive the f***ing dvd camcorder in the mail this same day. It appears to be pretty damn close to new (one tiny scratch on casing} and has accessories stated on original box AC Adaptor, Battery Pack, Shoulder strap, A/V cable, IR Remote, PC Connect Cable and DVD-RAM Disc Software (Driver and Editing). Merry Christmas right. Now I'm not saying this guy is'nt rude or unscrupulous or even a crook but I' happy I got my camera, new or refurbished, cause I thought I was getting squat. It looks real nice, a VDR-D300 Palmcorder. Don't mean to be the only ray of sunshine up in here but eh, um gonna make a movie yall. Peace.
Thu, 17 May 2007 16:54:38 -0700
Same here! I tryed to order a camera from these people, once I called he told me that I needed to buy the battery with it as well for an additional $120!!! I asked if the camera was refurbished since the battery didnt come with it, he said it was RETAIL!!! Of course I didnt fall for that crap and asked to just cancel my order...he just hung up. I then called back thinking we might have gotten cut off or something...he finds out its me again and hangs up. I still didnt get an answer so I called him again. He immediately started yelling obscenities at me and hangs up. Ive been watching my credit card status like a hawk ever since!!!
Fri, 18 May 2007 03:24:43 -0700
Same here, I tried to place an order over the internet but they did not except my credit card so I called in. I was put on hold for at least 30 min. Then when "Jeffery", that's what he claimed his name was, answered the phone, I tried to explain what was going on and then I heard a dial tone. I called back and again was put on hold. Once he picked up, I asked to speak with a manager and he asked how could he help me. I told him that I was having trouble placing an order online. He didn't even ask me what I was looking for, he immediately asked for my credit card. I told him that I didn't have a visa. He just hung up on me. I couldn't believe that he didn't even try to suggest another payment option. I am definately going to take my business else where. Also, I will let everyone I know how bad their service is.
Charmaine Jefferson
Fri, 18 May 2007 09:23:29 -0700
OMG! i HAD a feeling the prices were too good to be true and i was JUST about to place an order on a sony cybershot. thank god and thank you all that left comments on this page.
Fri, 18 May 2007 09:39:45 -0700
I have discovered unfortunately that there are businesses intent on misleading anyone who may make a mistake and try to purchase something over the internet. and are one in the same such business. They are infact a front for the same kind of bait and switch tactics. Do not do business with either of these websites - different names but actually same company. I wonder why lists them at all. BE WARNED if you fall for either of these WEBSITEs
Malcolm McLane
Fri, 18 May 2007 15:08:03 -0700
I want to thank everyone who took the time to warn about Digital Super Deals and Digital Nerds. I was ready to order a Canon SD800IS from Digital Super Deals when I looked for their address (not given). Then I used the reverse phone directory (zero results). Then I did a search for Digital Super Deals on Yahoo and found all above comments.
How is it possible that for example is listing the "Store Rating" for Digital Super Deals as "Gold Certified" ?
Must be Fool's gold!
Also, "" is listing 2523 Glowing Reviews for Digital Nerds and lists them as a "Featured Merchant" !!!
How is all this BS possible and how come these operations were not shut down or at least put there were they belong in terms of quality of a Web-based merchant?
One last question: Can anybody tell me how to find a real reliable Web-based merchant.
Thanks again for all your help!
Fri, 18 May 2007 18:44:26 -0700
I found this site to write a complaint called the Internet Crime Complaint that works with the FBI and NW3C.
Pretty much same situation as everyone else, but he didn't cancel my order he charged my card $1,069.99 when I initially was willing to spend $328.89. He called me trying to sell me all of these accessories for the camera that I know I didn't want or need. I told him "I cannot afford it and I'm not a professional photographer, so NO Thanks, and he charged me for this huge camera package anyway without my authority. I called again the following day and spoke to a guy named Ronald (Head Manager) to cancel my order, you had no authority to make those charges. He starts yelling calling me a liar and threatening me that I am messing with the wrong person and that he has 40 million dollars and 70,000 people working for him, and that he has the power to crash my credit by notifying a credit union. He also stated "Don't not to cry when his lawyers are knocking at my door if I don't pay him 20% restock fee when the camera hasn't been packaged and shipped yet. I mean W.T.F.!! 20% of $1,069.99 is $214.00, that is almost how much the camera is worth. I told him to send me the initial order that I placed over the Internet, but he still stood his ground and said "No you have to take the full package, than he hung up the phone on me.. So, I called again. I told him I want the money back and cancel the order would rather do business with a better company. Also, I told him if he charges my card and sends the package I am going to send it back and I will NOT pay him for the restocking fee. But yet, he demands a cashiers check on his desk in 5 days or he is taking me to court and sending a credit union after me, but there is no address to send him a check too. As if I would send him a $214.00 check anyway for nothing but aggravation and assault. I told him to "BRING THEM TO MY HOUSE!!," and alerted him that there is a "No Soliciting Law" in my state of Louisiana, so what he did was illegal from the beginning. But anyway, he charged the card a couple of days later, and now I am going to start bringing him down like he deserves. There is just too many reports here that I have read with similar stories, and letting these people get away with all of this makes me sick. So don't let them take advantage of you either. STAY AWAY PLEASE!! Be a careful buyer when purchasing from the Internet. I tried to notify the BBB but there is no address anywhere, so I couldn't go any further. I wish nothing more but to see their asses behind bars. No one deserves any of this.
Sat, 19 May 2007 15:30:28 -0700
I had added a Canon SD700 to order, entered zip code to get the shipping rate, then looked around at Amazon to see what they had [just to be sure I was getting best price].
When I saw on Amazon the lowest price was about $50 more than these scammers, I started to get suspicious [remember the old saying that if it sounds too good to be true.....].
Then in Google typed in "digital super deals review." Came up on this page [thanks]. Closed the order page I was on, ASAP.
So thanks for this.
By the way, what the other people say is accurate, complain to the Attorney General of YOUR state and the state where these clowns are located. YOUR state's AG also goes after out-of-state scammers who prey on their state's citizens. Some AGs go after these scammers more diligently than others.
Most AGs have online complaint forms and you can send them links to this page and also to the scammers' sites.
Sidenote: I wonder what these "scam boulevard" looks like in Brooklyn. Over the years the general precaution is to NEVER do business with any electronics dealer with a Brooklyn address. As indicated, they all congregate there for some reason.
Sat, 19 May 2007 23:48:13 -0700
well, i wish i saw this before i ordered and gave up all my info. i said "ok" to the memory card, not knowing what the real price of one was...
i then saw this and called back and he insisted is was a BRAND NEW camera....ok....
then i called back b/c i saw a price charged to my card that i didnt remember him telling me of (23 bucks more than i remembered). i complained alot and he said he could cancel it for 60 bucks...he also said he would send me a case and additional battery with it if i did not cancel to say thanks and "that we were going to do alot more business in the future," and that he's "NO HERE TO MAKE MONEY." so as of now he promised he was sending me the camera, card, pack, and batteries for the price already charged to my acct (323.00). i'm also on the phone with the CC company to cancel the card so he cant get away with any more....hopefully i'll come out on top....
Sun, 20 May 2007 16:26:36 -0700
forgot to mention my complaint was from too
Sun, 20 May 2007 17:40:07 -0700
I just read through the reports on Digital SuperDeals. Ditto for me, I ordered a camera, got a return call for a hard sell on batteries, memory etc, and found out he cancelled the order. The only thing that concerns me is he got my credit card info. He's the type that would sell the info. So I'm changing the card.
Patrick Folmar
Mon, 21 May 2007 09:05:10 -0700
I call there to order the Cannon S3 IS. It was the best price. The sales guy took the order then said "next item?" I said that's it and he put me back in the hold loop. After a few minutes a different guy picked up, he asked if I needed any accessories, when I said no he told me the camera was out of stock, and to call back in 3 weeks. Waste of good time.
Mon, 21 May 2007 10:40:58 -0700
DigitalSuperDeals are con artists. I placed an order for a K10D Pentax Camera over the Internet. I then recieved an email that I had to call to "confirm and verify" my order (even though they already have my credit card, address and everything else they needed). As I suspected, they immediately proceeded to try to sell me greatly overpriced accessories. I kept telling them that I didn't want any accessories. They literally screamed at me "how can you buy a camera with memory and batteries!!" They even went so far as to say that the battery that came with the camera was a "sampler" battery, which is a total lie. Since I refused to buy any accessories, they told me I had to wait SEVEN WEEKS for it to be shipped (even though their Web site said it as "in-stock, ships in 1-2 days"). Needless to say, I cancelled the order.
Jay Wegert
Tue, 22 May 2007 15:19:42 -0700
I tried buying a JVC Everio GZ-MG505 camera from yesterday and their website said they had them available. I made all the way through to the confirmation page and invoice where I had to call them to "confirm my purchase". I spoke with a gentlemen named William who insisted I needed to buy additional items, but when I explained that I already had them and that this was actually a second camera for our school, he immediately hung up on me while I was still speaking. Next thing I knew, I received a cancellation notice (not a back order)stating that the item was out of stock for 6-8 weeks. When I tried to call back, they wouldn't answer the phone and put a note on their website saying they were closed for holiday?
Wed, 23 May 2007 10:31:21 -0700
This company is a joke - DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!! I ordered a digital camera from them. I wanted to make sure it was new not refubished before i placed my order online. I called the company number, got in to the phone system and then everytime time someone would answer, I would get three words out of my mouth and they would put me hold again with even saying anything! Finally, I got the answer, was told it was new and that I should ordered online. Went online and ordered my camera on Monday, with 3 day delivery for which I paid extra. By Friday, I still had not received my camera and went to the website to find a tracking form or some way to find status on the order. No luck. If you click on support, you will find a note that says "for faster response, email our customer support staff".....try to find an email address or link on the site. None. No where. So I finally call the company again. Again, I go through the same routine, get answered and "placed" (I use this word loosely, abruptly without warning would be more accurate) on hold everytime I try to talk. When I finally get some guy on the line, he's rude short, interrupts, and tries to upgrade me to more expensive memory to which I finally agree and then he starts saying then my camera will not be delivered until the end of the following week and that shipping will cost me $20!!!. I told them I ordered it with 3 day delivery, he says "no you didn't" and when I said, actually I did.... He says, "I'm not going to like you..." After placing me on hold another several times in this conversation, he finally gets back with me and explains that when we hang up I can NOT cancel the order or they will charge me a 20% restocking fee even if the equipment has not been yet shipped. Finally, I got so tired of this jerk's rudeness and the company's policy, I said "tell you what, let's just cancel this order I'm not comfortable with how this is all coming down." He says, "fine, ordered is cancelled, you fucking loser!" and hangs up the phone. Wow. Oh my, I am sooooo glad I didn't give them my business. I hope if you are considering buying anything, ANYTHING from this joke of a business, after reading this you will for the hills!!! The only thing they deserve is Chapter 7!!
Michael J
Fri, 25 May 2007 16:33:09 -0700
...sorry should read "after reading this, you will RUN for the hills!!!"
Michael J
Fri, 25 May 2007 16:37:59 -0700
These crooks are Midddle-Eastern and other illegals. I contacted Homeland Security and reported their activities. To hell with going through other channels. Homeland Security does not fool around and they will have these guys in jail and deported before we can say "good job."
Think about how bold these guys are. You know they have seen this message board and forum. They probably get a good laugh at all the complaints.
Well, the guys with real authority and badges will be on their backs real soon. I suggest you all call too.
Sat, 26 May 2007 16:14:49 -0700
Same story - different person. Wish I had found this site first. Ended up at through a "discount" website. Placed the order for an "available" camera, got a confirmation. Took 3 calls to "confirm" my order. First red flag! Why do I have to confirm an order they have already told me is confirmed? Wouldn't purchase the extras they tried to sell me. THen I get an email saying the order has been cancelled - out of stock, 6-8 weeks and don't reorder.Rechecked their website - can't find a phone number or address. Guess I should have looked more carefully first. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FROM THIS COMPANY!!!
Sun, 27 May 2007 15:38:58 -0700
I had the same experience today. I called to confirm my order for a Sony Camera and a foreign sounding man switched me to another rough sounding foreigner. He said I will enjoy my camera very much but I ned accessories. He said I would need a battery for it- I happen to know that the package comes with a good battery. And also he tried to sell me memory- He said I would be able to take about 2 pictures with the battery that comes with it!! I told him I already had those things and he rudely said enjoy your camera and hung up abruptly. A minute later I got the email that said it was out of stock for 6-8 weeks and not to try re-ordering!! Classic bait and switch. We should all complain even though chances are these guys are in another country... By the way there website at still says the camera is in stock.
I searched for reviews of the company before I tried to purchase but unfortunately this site was buried a ways down in my google results. After it happened I looked further. Thanks for all your input!!!!
Wed, 30 May 2007 13:18:38 -0700
same story with
Wed, 30 May 2007 14:57:36 -0700
Same Story with - tried to upsell and then cancelled when I wouldn't
Glenn in Texas
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 08:02:22 -0700
I placed a order on and recieved a conformation number to call back to conform my order. I did.. Only to be presured to buy more assesories. I diclined and the man said he was going to charge them and send them anyway. I had to then cancle my card imidietly who knows what else he was going to charge
to my card.. Could he legaly do that??
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 11:05:51 -0700 is a scam!
When you purchase withthem they send you an e mail to call and confirm the order. The guy answering the phone told me they were out of that camera and the order was cancelled. As I called again he cursed over the phone: "F...S....I can't believe it's you again!"
I cancelled my card and bloceked the transaction from happening.
Cheap deals are risky!!!
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 14:01:34 -0700
I also ordered from DigitalNerds. I also had the crazy pressure, but ended up only ordering a memory card with the camera and the price was OK. I was charged the right amount on my credit card. And the camera arrived in a very timely manner. However, I was assured it is a new camera, but it is not in new packaging. Now I am not sure what to do. It looks OK, but I am not sure if it is new or refurbished. I would not order from them again
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 14:16:53 -0700
Thank you everyone for your comments!! Was also getting ready to order "a deal too good to be true" from Appreciate not having to go through that ordeal! BEWARE!! And, yes, when I called, the guy was rude.
Fri, 01 Jun 2007 16:03:00 -0700
DONT PURCHASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
veryvery bad site
Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:31:04 -0700
Well, I guess I got lucky ... I placed an order for an Olympus SP550-UZ and a couple of other things to go with it ... but I saw that noticed that I would have to call them to "confirm" the order and knew in advance that they were going to "run the ticket" on me ... it's an old standard retail trick, but yes, it involves a certain amount of Bait & Switch. If you go into the business knowing that, you can do a little horsetrading, you pick stuff that you KNOW you want to upgrade, etc. etc. and the guy thinks he's scored on you when in fact you come out with what you wanted in the first place.
When the camera and batteries, cards, etc. arrived, everything was perfect, and I'd spent less than if I had gone to Wally World and bought over the counter. In fact, I basically spent what Wally World wanted for the cam, and got all the other stuff for free. So it helps if you know in advance what is going to happen ... it also helps to tell them, when you've hit the limit of what you want to spend, that there's no more money in the account and it's take it or leave it.
Incidentally, the enclosed invoice was from a place called "Camera WIZ", in Brooklyn, NY. It is possible that they stock nothing on their own, but charge off to shop for it when they get an order. Possibly Uncle Lou owns Camera WIZ, and Brother Schlomo gets a good deal from him.
Anyway, I got lucky, but I'm accustomed to dealing with folk like this, and perhaps the BBB ought to be informed if they take advantage of "outsiders".
Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:36:50 -0700
This company, with literally over a hundred different names, has tried to go IPO in the past. Fortunately, the IPO process was withdrawn.
IPO: IPOhome - IPO Company Profile for (IBUY)
However, before it was withdrawn, I was able to read the SEC filing, which was public on the Internet. It described it's large amount of "portal" websites, as a factor of it's success.
From my experience and research, this company and it's other companies are scams.
1. Practice business poorly, unfaithfully, and also have an intention to deceive their customers for financial gain.
2. Create false accounts on review sites (Epinions, etc..) to increase their rating and nullify poor reviews. Just go on Epinions and check out the Five-star reviews; they all have the same writing pattern, are one sentence long, have had their accounts created in the same exact time, and have only written vendor reviews for their own companies.
Reporting this to BBB does more than you think it will, but also don't stop there. Tell your friends, anti-scammer websites (like, write on as many forums as you can, etc.
We'll just have to inform everyone until they shut down each and every one of their "companies".
Sun, 03 Jun 2007 23:58:43 -0700
Thanks everyone for your postings! It has been very enlightening reading. I was just about to order when my husband suggested I do a search on the website. Luckily, after several links I found this website.
Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:14:20 -0700
I got ripped off as well. Was referred to thedigitalnerds through a site called "" Thought it was a reputable lead, but it wasn't. Went through the same rude experience with the salesperson. Got the hard sell, etc.etc. Told him to cancel and was rudely informed there would be a 20 percent cancellation fee (on a purchase I made not 10 minutes beforehand). Wish I had seen this site before I ordered. I contacted the BBB, but have not heard anything back yet. Also contacted EveryPrice.Com to ask that they remove this fraud site, but haven't heard back from them either. I am writing an article on these guys for a consumer publication. Maybe that will do some good. They need to be exposed!
Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:20:52 -0700
almost another sucker... i got the shady deal feeling when i talked to this guy too, so after i confirmed my order i did a quick search and found this site, cancled my order and my credit card as soon as i read this. i did have some fun calling him back to cancel the order though, i messed with him for a bit telling him i found a cheaper deal, he tried to throw in a bunch of extras, price match, threatened to send me to the collection agency if i didn't pay, then i told him i'd rather buy from someone who wasn't a scam artist. He didn't like that too much. Felt pretty good to tell him off though, he hung up after that. Thanks all for saving my impulse buying butt...
Mon, 04 Jun 2007 16:05:21 -0700
Feel really stupid - paid $300 extra bc I didn't have enough knowledge. I was caught in my car when they called to "confirm." Wouldn't put order on hold. I was caught - either get order as I'd ordered (which they indicated was not correct), upgrade to the tune of $300, or if I cancelled order they would charge me 20%. I didn't think they could do that, but again I wasn't in a position to find out. Stinks. I also saw glowing reviews of them on the search page. Obviously the ballot box was stuffed.
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:42:12 -0700
I just ordered a digital camera from them too. I did a Google search for the camera I wanted and came up on top so I clicked on the link. It showed several merchants like Amazon, Beach Camera, etc. and the one with the lowest price was Digital SuperDeals (supposedly with a 5 star, gold certified, featured merchant rating). So I ordered the camera. I thought it was odd, however, when I received an email from them wanting me to call to confirm the order. I then did another Google search for That's when I discovered all these other folks who had been scammed by the various incarnations of this organization. I immediately called my bank and to stop payment and cancel the order. I got no response from DSD so I replied to their confirmation email stating I wanted my order canceled. I have heard nothing back from them nor have I received an acknowledgement receipt from the email I sent.
My question is: Has anyone had their debit/credit card charged for what they ordered, but have never received the merchandise?
As others have stated, I'm concerned that they now have my account information.
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 13:01:31 -0700
OMG...what are some other fraud sites like Digital Superdeals that consumers should be aware of?
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 16:07:49 -0700
I just had the very same bait and switch problem with today. I canceled my order and also my credit card as a result, because you could tell after talking with "John" that this site can not be trusted. His site looks very professional but on closer inspection, there were the warning signs; eg. great prices and the company bio/disclosure was missing. As long as there are people like me who don't constantly do their homework before shopping on the internet, these sites will continue to be internet land mines for thousands of shoppers. And, you'd think the search engines would be sophisticated enough to exclude these rogue sites by now.
Wed, 06 Jun 2007 13:37:03 -0700
WOW... I had no idea how bad these guys are. I had the same experience trying to order a Cannon power 750 camera 6/6/07. They made me call to confirm the order. Once they realized I did not wnat accesories, they cancelled my order.
Thu, 07 Jun 2007 17:59:54 -0700
Thanks for the warnings I almost made a major mistake.
Thu, 07 Jun 2007 18:31:38 -0700
The same people are still out there. They are now using the name "Digitalnerds" or "The" or CAMERAWIZ. The phone numbers are 800-958-0054 and 800-957-6628. Too bad for me that I read these comments after I had "ordered" my camera. Same MO is used; very low price then they call you right up and 'offer' a memory card and/or other accessories, etc. with high pressure sales pitch. I will be on their case as they charged my card under an unauthorized name and phone number. Crooks.
Thu, 07 Jun 2007 18:57:13 -0700
Beware of "THEDIGITALNERDS"!!! Just ordered camera from company and immediately rec'd a call to confirm order. Like everyone else, the man said I needed to order an additional battery that is "required" for the camera to work. When I told him I wanted to look at the camera first(it came with batt. and charger) he became irate and told me I "must not have a brain" and hung up on me. I called back on the customer service line and the same guy answered. I told him I would report him to the BBB he said "Why, because your dumb!" and hung up again!! I am FURIOUS! He has my credit card number. Has anyone experienced a charge after this has happened to them?
Fri, 08 Jun 2007 11:02:45 -0700
Here is a Letter I wrote to their price search engine sponsor:
(PS - update: as of 6/8/07 both companies had Canon TX1 camera listed at sale price of 349.00
I never received a response from AND you cannot even write an email to
the culprit company )
Letter concerning one of your listed "gold certified" merchants on 6-6-07
Hello, to whom it may concern,
I ususally don't write angry emails. And I am aware you don't own the companies that list with you,
however, i wanted to express my VERY bad experience with one of your "gold certified" merchants:
they go by: Digital Superdeals at
I called their 800-958-0054 phone number on Wed 6/6 around 6:45 pm est. Got a "salesperson"
on the phone and said I would like to place an order. This rather rude and rough sounding NY city character gets on the phone with me and immediately says "what da ya want" ? ! I say to myself, "oh God"
Anyway, i took the bite and said " I would like to order a camera please" he goes, "yeah, which one ya want"? I say " a Canon powershot TX1 please" . he goes " ok, but look, ya need ta buy a memory card and a spare battery.... ya just gotta have those man, ya just gotta..." I said well thanks, but i am just wanting to order the camera today." he goes "huh? well we don't have that in stock" and he HUNG UP on me!
I could not believe it, I even thought my phone died for a second but it did not.... Ok, so now I'm on a mission wanting to know why the dude hung up on me and what did I do wrong and what was his deal. I called back. After a minute, it sounds like same mr, rude guy is back on the phone with me.
I say to my self "oh great"..... Anyway, I say "hey some guy hung up on me and all i'm trying to do is buy a camera from, Your company dude. He goes again: " what one ya want?" I go "a Canon TX1"
he goes " well we don't have it in stock for you at all unless you buy memory and an extra battery". Real snotty like...
I say to him "look, I have like 3 memory cards from previous camera already, and i don't want a spare battery, its not required cause it comes with one already." he goes, "don't have it in stock"
and I say to him " well i am on your current web site right now and it says you have it in stock... i am calling cause I like to order from a person" AND also Low Price Digital
says on their current page (which I follow all the time BTW) that yes, you do, have the TX1 in stock at
current price: 339.00 ...... he goes "bye"... and HUNG UP AGAIN !! If I could have reached through the phone I would have "thumped" him ! // I did not call back. why should I, they are insane and crazy.
Now as a price gathering engine/service web page, why are you allowing such underhanded unscrupulous merchants to try and conduct business via your sites recommendation of them?
in case, you give them 5 stars and "gold certified" status...., For what???
so a consumer wanting to spend money with them can be treated rudely, hung up on twice, and be told Without being told:
"IF you want a camera from us, then you have to put up with out bad attitude, and buy our extremely over-priced accessories before we even think about selling a camera to you chump...."
There is NO MENTION anywhere on your site OR theirs, that a customer MUST BUY their accessories
in order to make a purchase of a camera..... They are nothing but "bait and switch" merchants and shame on your company for recommending them on your web site no less. i always heard good things about "lowpricedigital". Not anymore for me thanks.... once bite, twice shy. I am also posting this email to EVERY reputable Photo review service i can find, and a few of the other merchants
that do have "good" and "fair" business practices are going to get copies of this as well, so they can
show their "salespeople" what NOT to do to a customer.
BTW - as of 10.30 pm est on Wed 6/6 their site says they still have camera that I want to buy
in stock at 339.00
and here:
Tampa, FL
Wed 6/6 10:42 pm est
Fri, 08 Jun 2007 20:09:41 -0700
I see many people have experience with scam sites. But question is how to close tese criminal sites?
Fri, 08 Jun 2007 23:10:14 -0700
Well, I consider myself somewhat savy and street smart, but fell for this. Found a camcorder cheap on the digital superdeals, ordered online, get an email that says you have to call to confirm order, first clue of ripoff. I called and guy answered and said you have to order a battery with it, I said "it doesn't come with a battery" he says, it comes with 20 minute sample battery. I said dude, this sounds like a scam...he gets angry and says in broken english "I no sell you this camera anyway" and hangs up...beware
Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:09:33 -0700
Thank you everyone....I just went through this BAIT and SWITCH tactic with "SCOTT" from What A Joke.
It's frustating. I tried to reference on the BBB Site but could not. I see the other posting about the BBB entry. Wish I knew how to search better for it.......
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 13:19:57 -0700
I also ordered an camera with I called and canceled the order right away. I think they will cancel it, but I am worried about them having my credit card information. Has anybody experienced problems regarding them having your credit card info? What should I do?
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 17:23:24 -0700
Thanks for posting this, I was just about to place an order and then decided to double check the site, and im definitley glad i did. Thanks so much again!
rachel Wong
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 21:30:37 -0700
SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just placed an order for a camera. Within 2 minutes, I received a call from the digital nerds...trying to sell additional products of which I declined. They then informed me that my camera I had just purchased was refurbished and did I want a new one for considerable amount more. I cancelled promptly! Nowhere on their website did it say anything about refurbished, I called them back to complain that they falsely advertised(like that was news to them!) And they said they didn't have time to talk and hund up. Stay away, pay alittle more and know from whom you are ordering!....Live and learn.
Gina Miller
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:28:53 -0700
Everything sounds so familiar...unfortunately I found this site too late. This guy runs the same scam on "". I ordered a camera this weekend and within 10 minutes, rec'd a phone call to confirm order. The man on the phone insisted I needed an extra battery that he would "sacrifice" for $99.(they run about $18) I told him I was not interested and he told me I was not using my brain, I would not buy $2 worth of gas for my car so why settle with 20 min worth of battery for my camera. He bame down to $89. I again said I would order later if I needed it and he said he would not let me order from him again, said I was "stupid" and hung up on me!!!!I was SHOCKED!! I tried to can't, and then called cust serv. The same man answered and admitted to hanging up on me...he said he doesn't talk to stupid people. When I told him I did not want his camera, he told me It was already cancelled, he did not sell his products to "people who do not use their brains". I told him I would be reporting him to the BBB. His response was "why, to tell them you are dumb" and hung up on me again!! I have contacted the BBB. The only 2 numbers I have for this loser is cust serv 1-800-958-0054 and the number on my caller ID (718)943-3750. If anyone has more info, please post. By the way, I've also notified with no response and have tried to post a negative review there...unsuccessfully!... Seems strange!
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 21:28:45 -0700
hehehe... This is very funny. I had the same experience as all of you. He told me I sounded like a 15 year old and that I needed to have my parents call. Funny thing is I'm almost 30! Then I called back to talk to a manager he said "NO" and replied with a "what?" then he reply "Do you speak English? I said NO" I as well canceled my order and now I am afraid of them taking the credit card number and using it. This is soo crazy. Please stay away from them!!
Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:52:58 -0700
I have been through this kind of experience in the past with a different company. I learned that if any website asks you to confirm the order by calling their 800 number and when you do they ask you to purchase more. And if you decline, these people can get very rude. Or they can play the bait and switch scam on you. However, if any of these people give you a problem or say they won't cancel your order once it's confirm, just tell them that the phone call is being recorded and they will be reported. Once that happens, they will always cancel it because they are afraid of shutting down their business.
Tue, 12 Jun 2007 16:34:52 -0700
I ordered a camera from "The Digital Nerds" and got an email saying call this number. I did and they tried to sell me a memory card for $79.00 ($29.00 at Wal-Mart) then a camera bag, lenses etc. I said no. He said o.k. we will send you the refurbished camera for $249. I said, wait a minute...nowhere on the website does it say refurbished and I don't want a refurbished camera. He said, ok a new one is $299. we'll send that. I said no, cancel the order it's cheaper on Amazon. He hung up on me. 5 minutes later someone else called asking for my zip code. I said no I cancelled the order. CLICK, he hung up on me too. DON"T BUY FROM THEM
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 19:59:34 -0700
SWEET FANCY MOSES! Add me to the growing list of the frightened and frustrated. I "ordered" a Canon Powershot TX1 earlier tonight from The Digital Nerds, jumping from a too-good-to-be-true price link on I created an account and filled in all my credit card, billing address, phone number and 3-digit security code info. But wait -- I couldn't confirm my purchase. I couldn't email the so-called merchant. Next I did some Googling and found this site. Note to self: GOOGLE FIRST NEXT TIME. I am not waiting for our east-coast crook to wake up and do god knows what with my credit card info. I confirmed that no charges were made yet, and cancelled the card. If he still calls me tomorrow (after all, he has my work and home phone numbers), I will be sure to tell him where to go and how to get there.
Gullible Mark
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 20:01:59 -0700
DAMMIT I wish I would have looked here before I gave these asshats my credit card info for the Canon S3 IS they had advertised for $245. I would bet good money that is run by these guys too, which would explain the eleventy bajillion positive reviews they seem to have. Just proves that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:42:53 -0700
Thank you all!
I was about to buy a camera from Was charmed by their fake reviews. I am wondering if there is any law to prosecute such scammers?
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 18:46:23 -0700
I had a very similar experience. I called to confirm my order and he tried to sell me more stuff: "I'll give you this $180 memory card for $70..., ok, $60 with a camera case..." When I questionned him on why it was better than the one I already had he said, "Do you want it or not?!" I said no THEN he told me the camera was refurbished and that a new one would be $40 more. I stated that it didn't say refurbished on the website and he AGAIN said, "Do you want it or not?!" I said no and he said that my order was cancelled and hung up on me. So far no charges on my card. This was by far the worst customer service experience I have ever had. I also want to know who is writing the reviews on because I find it very hard to believe that over 2500 people love this store.
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:32:05 -0700
Just as a heads up, these fools got another web site called "", with the same toll free number and web lay out. STAY AWAY!!! I just ran into them and am working on pissing them off soon.
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:26:26 -0700
And my thanks to you guys as well! That price unnerved me enough to run a google on 'em and here i find this info! Unbelievable!
Be VERY weary of this site:
This is a portal that leads to all the other above mentioned phony sites (with a couple of legit sites thrown in for posterity!)
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 23:00:44 -0700
Your online website states: availability: yes and so does other websites.
Now you have collected my personal identifiable information including my credit card number for making this order. Now you are telling me that you don't have this order.
Is this really a business to stand up and be TRUTHFUL to its customer or lie in DECEIT with FRAUDULENT information PUBLICIZED.
How can you earn business with FRAUDULENT information PUBLICIZED?
-xxxx x xxxxx-
-xxxx x xxxxx-
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 17:22:24 -0700
THANKS TO ALL of you who have taken the time to post. Your comments haev saved me aggravations and prevented me form ordering from Digital Nerds , I saw an extremely low price on a Fuji FinePix S700 at $179 , too good to be true , I called them first before ordering to make sure it was on stock , They hung up teh phone on me at least 3 times , and that was supposed to be the "customer service" department , At that point I decided not to order and then I found this site, and it sent chills down my spine , You all saved me from going through that ordeal ,,, Thanks a million
Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:26:21 -0700
This happened to me this weekend. I reported them to the BBB as well.
Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:48:20 -0700
Same stuff happened to me. If you don't order the overpriced accessories, you get your order cancelled. I did change my credit card. The New York AG had better get busy on these guys. If you want to deal with someone that I have found reputable, deal with PC Nation. They have free shipping but they also have a deal with DHL that for $9.95 you get overnight shipping. I am impressed with these guys.
Brand new Garmin, brand new Canon S3. $30 more than the Digital Nerds for the Canon.
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:38:38 -0700
Thanks to all of you who went before and learned some valuable lessons for the rest of us. I found a site that offered unbelievable prices on cameras that goes by the name with a toll-free phone #1-888-342-MEGA. I was looking at a loaded Sony which they list at their "Best Price" of $33.56. Interesting. I'd found a review of this camera dated June 2001 with a retail price of $799. Imagine, finding this great camera NEW six years later at such an incredible price! A couple other cameras I checked out were similarly underpriced. I planned to call them tomorrow to ask about the condition of the cameras since they couldn't possibly be new. Then I visited my old friend Google and stumbled onto this site. I'm SO glad I avoided the agony so many of you suffered. I had seen terrific prices on other obscure items at so was glad (not really) to learn they are also bad news. I do business with and will continue to do so. Thanks again for sharing your experiences to keep others from falling for these scams.
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 00:08:15 -0700
just found this site in searching for the sony dcr 30gb hard drive camcorder, saw it for 303 w/ 14.90 shipping!! too good to be true? no cheaper than 515 anywhere else on the web?? Hmm..
called the 800#, guy answered "hello", asked if it was a refurb, he said the product was brand new than hung up, suspicions caused me to search further and i found this site, thanks for the heads up!
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 07:43:32 -0700
Just curious, but has anyone actually had their credit card information stolen from these idiots or had any money taken from these guys? We have the same story from as everyone else, but when I contacted my bank they said I would have to cancel my card in order to stop any kind of possible payment. Before I go through the nuisance of canceling my card, I would like to know if anyone has been financially ripped off or have we all just had to deal with a complete jerk.
Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:39:06 -0500
I ordered a Canon PowerShot SD1000, 7.4 Megapixel, 3x Optical/4x Digital Zoom, Digital Camera from They called me the next day and wanted to sell me an extra battery and a memory card. When I told them I didn't need them. They got ugly and hung up. I asked for two day shipping and I got a recept. I waited two weeks and called and they were very rud and said they don't have any. I asked them why nobody contacted em and they got very nasty and hung up on me
1862B001 1 Canon PowerShot SD1000, 7.4 Megapixel, 3x Optical/4x Digital Zoom, Digital Camera $ 189.00 $ 189.00
Sub Total: $ 189.00
Discount: $ 0.00
Shipping: $ 35.00
Shipping Method: 2 Day
Tax: $ 0.00
Grand Total: $ 224.00
Thank you for shopping with us.
Phone: 800-958-0054
For all support issues please login to our web site with your email and password. Go to, click My Account.
Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:45:17 +0000
The fraudulent pattern continues. Ordered a Panasonic camera online but was told I had to call to confirm. They tried to sell me an accessory kit at inflated prices. I declined. They insisted that the camera comes with a sample battery that will last only 15 minutes. This was totallly false, and numerous reviews of the camera tell otherwise. Then, when I held firm against buying the overpriced accessories, I was told that the camera was refurbished. This was not disclosed on the website. But for only another $40, they would sell me a new camera. I cancelled the order. After reading the posts here, I also cancelled my credit card to be safe, because I did not trust these guys at all.
Sun, 29 Jul 2007 19:55:59 +0000
I had a very similar problem as everyone else. If anyone finds out any info about this single guy. please let me know. i am ready to take a flight out to where ever he is and deal with him personally. [email protected]
thank you
Wed, 08 Aug 2007 06:32:03 +0000 Same thing just happened to me. Order was cancelled when I refused to buy the over priced accessories. Don't Shop Here.
Sat, 11 Aug 2007 01:01:42 +0000
Sat, 11 Aug 2007 08:53:34 +0000
They are jew crooks, why are they still in business, WHY are these types operating?
Why dont they open on Saturday either:-)
Total SCAM
Fri, 17 Aug 2007 04:59:27 +0000
i found an amazing deal canon digital rebel xti on i felt it wat too good to be true, so i made more research about this website and found this place. thanks your guys. you help me out of the big problem.
Fri, 24 Aug 2007 04:09:52 +0000
I had occasions to call these people today. The same person that answers the phone to direct you to different areas of the so called company, also answers� all of the selections you choose. I have never been spoken to like this guy did. He is the rudest person on this earth. I would not trade pennies with him; he would find some way to crook you out of your penny.
I call back several times to try and find any information about the company and he hung up each time I called back.
Justin Thompson
Wed, 05 Sep 2007 00:01:30 +0000 As of September 2007 these are still bait and switch guys. I got taken just like all the other posts. They made a deal for a high capacity battery and they sent a standard one as the high capacity model. I found them through It is a hustle and buyer beware. Do your research and do not believe a thing they tell you on the the phone.
Wed, 05 Sep 2007 03:19:47 +0000
Another post, the same story. - i'm very carefull using cc online, but this time price was too good to make a search for a review. Alas. Order and cc are canceled. Bad thing they have other personal info: address and phone number.
I'm sure this guy(s) does not do this, just becouse or for fun. Something is going on.
3rd post for today?! Wow!
Wed, 05 Sep 2007 16:01:44 +0000
A total fraud........ I received an email saying my order was cancelled for "out of stock". I was shocked and called them up sevarl times and there was no proper answer. Finally a guy spoke to me and he said 'you order is cancelled, bye' and hung up...... how rude these people ! We are working hard to earn money only to giveaway to these frauds .....
I cancelled my credit card just now, luckily before they could do anything on that card. phew !!!!
Tue, 11 Sep 2007 18:43:39 +0000
Well, I just placed an order with because the price was so sweet. A few minutes later, the phone rang. I didn't answer, and they hung up and called back, not leaving a message. Since I was at the computer, and it was an out of the area phone number, I googled it, and found this site. As I read on and on, I felt sick to my stomach. I did receive the email prompting me to call to confirm my order. Of course, what I did was call the credit card company and cancel the card instead. Then, I responded back to their email letting them know how bad their reputation is, and that sooner or later, they will get caught. I told them I wouldn't be calling to subject myself to the verbal abuse they are so famous for. And, of course telling them the card and order are cancelled. There has to be something we can do about them, although I suspect that they would just choose a new domain name, as it appears they've already done once, and continue with their game. It always saddens me to see people use their intellectual and creative forces for evil instead of good :(
Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:26:51 +0000
Super thanks to everyone!
Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:30:21 +0000
Stay away from these scam artists. I wanted to purchase a NEW Canaan SD750 digital camerea. I did my home work and then went to the digatal nerds website. I checked every inch of printing and NO WHERE did it say that it would be a re-furbished unit. The on top of everything else, they call me at my home on a SUNDAY to review my order AND to try and sell me so many other items. Prior to hanging up then their salesmen asks me why I choose A RE-FURBISHED unit. This was the 1st and only time I became aware that it was a re-furbished unit. Now I am fighting like hell to get my money back. DO NOT USE THIS MERCHANT, THEY ARE NOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD
frank briggs
Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:12:47 +0000
Same story. One concern... what happens with all of our credit card information these scam artists are collecting? Are they waiting to pull something big by running hundreds or thousands of charges all at once so that the credit card companies are unable to respond?
Mon, 17 Sep 2007 20:16:02 +0000
I just placed an order for a couple really cheap cameras using a Virtual Account number. I'm not too concerned about the outcome since I'll just cancel the Virtual Credit Card number if they get too crazy, but I'll letcha know what the outcome is.
Tue, 18 Sep 2007 22:58:15 +0000
I tried to order a digital camera from through phone. The guy who picked up the phone was rude to me. He said "Do you understand english? the camera is sold". As a matter of fact i did not tell the model# of the camera that i wanted to order. This clear tells that they donot take phone orders. They are fake. Do not even think of buying from them.
Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:46:55 +0000
Same story as above. Does anyone know where this company is located so we can report them?
Chris B
Wed, 19 Sep 2007 18:24:58 +0000
Boy i'm glad i came across this site...unfortunately i had already placed and order but i'm going to cancel any transactions in the past week and also put a hold on my card so no other transaction can be made...I hope these guys get caught and thrown in jail
Wed, 19 Sep 2007 19:12:19 +0000
"frank briggs
Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:12:47 +0000
Same story. One concern... what happens with all of our credit card information these scam artists are collecting? Are they waiting to pull something big by running hundreds or thousands of charges all at once so that the credit card companies are unable to respond?"
Absolutely agree. This might be a way of financial terror. This company (ies) must be investigated and pulled out from search engines!
Mon, 24 Sep 2007 00:10:32 +0000
Not sure what this guys name is but it's probably:
Frankie Humber or Frank Briggs or Johnny Humpher
I think this is his address and phone:
83 ave o
brooklyn, ny 11204
Someone in NY should pay him a visit!
Same Story Here Too
Tue, 25 Sep 2007 17:40:06 +0000
total scammers, check out the BBB business report on them...
Business Report � STARLIGHT CAMERA � The Better Business Bureau of New York
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 21:03:56 +0000
Derek Lesko
Wed, 03 Oct 2007 20:33:53 +0000
Hi All,
to me and the both looks scam... i was about to place order and thanks to all you people i got this feedback.
Tue, 09 Oct 2007 22:55:27 +0000
A guy named Scott called me after I placed my order and told me that the battery that came with the camera was very poor, and for $99 more I could get a better battery. It sounded fishy to me, so I said I'd call him back. I went online and found this site, so I canceled my order - but not until I went to another site and found that the battery that came with the camera was the one he was describing as an upgrade. When I called him back to cancel he was rude and obnoxious and told me that I could never buy anything from digitalnerds again. (Like I ever would!)
I am worried about them having my credit card information!
My link was from which said that digitalnerds was a "featured merchant".
Kathy W
Wed, 10 Oct 2007 15:15:06 +0000
DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM I asked the guy to confirm the extra items on the website they were selling and he said "I'm not going to tell you anything, order the item from the website". At that point I immediately, I mean immediately HUNG UP THE PHONE on him.
Do not order from these people. I did a search on them because I thought the price was too good to be true. HORRIBLE customer service. I'm glad I didn't order anything from them. He could be selling stuff for $1.00 and I would buy it.
Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:16:04 +0000
I just have a very BAD EXPERIENCE with these guys. Probably the same person taht answer the other clients, phone calls, answered mine and was SOOOO RUDE that I cannot explain. I ordered a digital camera, he tried to seel me a memory stick for $ 179. When I said it was very expesive, he started to add stuff for the same price. when I refused, he got upset and said the order will ship tomorrow and hung up. I called today to track my order and knew my order was cancelled according to them for "backorder". I checked my credit card and it has not been charged, but these guys are the worst site in the entire web. PLEASE DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!!!!
Marcela M
Fri, 12 Oct 2007 19:35:47 +0000
Wow...That was close. I had seen a 5 star rating on these clowns from a previously mentioned review site and I was going to order a camera. I decided to double check and got this site..Thanks a bunch
Boe B
Fri, 12 Oct 2007 20:32:31 +0000
BEWARE of Digital Nerds. DO NOT ORDER FROM THEM. Here is my experience....I ordered a point and shoot camera AND a video camera. Of course, I was expecting a call to upsale. Yes, they called. The guy on the phone tried to sell me everything from batteries to camera bags. He insisted that the camera batteries (both point and shoot and the video camera) lasted only 20 minutes! When I said that is not true, he promptly hung up the phone. Within 30 minutes I received an email that said both cameras were on back order and my order was cancelled!
Kathryn Neeley
Sat, 13 Oct 2007 13:27:01 +0000
Folks I am new to this particular company however not to add insult to injury, here's a couple more for you.
My story: I was looking to purchase a Sony HDR-SR5 camcorder. Two of the companies listed below I actually purchased this camera to only experience the same rude and accessories pushing sales people. The first purchase from eventually landed me a conversation with a "SO CALLED' supervisor who was just tried to sweep the "False Advertising" fact under the carpet. I, of course, canceled my order and then proceeded to contact my credit card company to warn them. The same happened with the second company, minus talking to a supervisor. I called the next day to confirm my order and to my surprise the guy I talked to sounded exactly like the guy from ... HUH! Guess what! No camera in stock and it will be 4 weeks or more before it is.
? Is this the same company with mutable names?
As of 10/14/07 all of the following sites state they have this item in stock. After contacting each of them found not only did they NOT have the item in stock but it was 4-6 weeks from being received and/or shipped out.
People this is "False Advertising". I'm currently contacting the New York Better Business Bureau to see about these companies. My only concern is that they will close shop and open in a new name before anything is done.
So, I proposing that everybody contact and the shopping search engine companies like,, and many others and demand that they investigate the companies they promote before they allow them to advertise on their site.
Beware of these companies - Brooklyn, NY 1800-872-3143 - Brooklyn, NY 1800-958-0054 (Location still unknown) 1800-496-0227
Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:48:28 +0000
Same - EXACTLY THE SAME COMPLAINT as the ones below.
I reported to the BBB, directly to 'Scott, James' (whatever name Deve thinks up this week) and to
I was told $50 for a new camera - that the one purchased was a Re-Furb, etc.
*BUYER BEWARE* Digital Nerds also operates by:
Accessories Land
I.N.S. Digital World
Stargate Photo Inc.
The Camera Whiz
The Digital Expo
Wawa Digital
Here's some further info:
Domain name:
Registrant Contact:
frankie humber ([email protected])
83 ave o
brooklyn, ny 11204
Just in case you'd like to file a complaint along with the rest of us.
Sun, 14 Oct 2007 18:00:03 +0000
Stay away from these digital thieves, they guy was freaking rude.
I found out that these guys were cheaper than Ebay. I had call my
bank to cancel the transaction.
Stay away from these motherfuckers.
Juan Pablo from CHICAGo
Tue, 16 Oct 2007 16:10:55 +0000
i tried to purchase three cameras. awful experience. do yourself a favor and STAY FAR AWAY from this scammer. terrible customer service. hangs up on you if you don't want to purchase his extra accessories. i told him i had all the other items since i was just replacing the camera. he became more and more agitated and then hung up. i called back and then the price had changed in the internet in just a 1 minute span. i asked him to reduce the price to the new internet price and he said no it could not be done. so i asked him to cancel my order. he said "fine" and hung up just like that. i received an email that mention that my order was cancelled. i called up and checked the automated system in my credit card to confirmed that it had not been charged. it had not been charged. it seems that he just accepts the order and then when you call tries to sell you a bunch of stuff and then he will charge the card. so the next day i went back to look over the new price and order three again (i guess i am asking for trouble). i placed the order.... i called again and now the items are not in stock. all colors of that same camera..... lies lies. i felt uncomfortable that my credit card information was still in their system (or maybe "his" system since i think it was the same middle eastern accent guy everytime). so i called up and cancelled my card and asked for a new one. this guy is just a problem/ scammer. i recommend for everyone to stay far away from this terrible scammer. petition him off or locked up. when you close down a crook he just reopens elsewhere.... so lock him up. when something looks too good to be true... then it probably is. just don't deal with these criminals. i don't know where they are from but they give middle eastern people a bad name... they should be ashamed. CROOKS/SCAMMERS/FAKE/FRAUD thats what they are.
Antonio Garcia
Tue, 16 Oct 2007 22:01:48 +0000
Almost bought from digitalnerds but thanks to your postings I cancelled before it got too far. Thanks for the info.
Thu, 18 Oct 2007 02:44:00 +0000
I just called and was going to place an order for a sony dsc-h9 and I had a simple question about the memory card and this guy with a New York accent (nothing against New Yorkers)told me that this was the order department not the answe dept! I was like, "I just have one simple question" and hgis response was "are you going to order or not!!!" This asshole is yelling at me to place an order. So then I try to find an email address to write to someone about this jerk and there's none to be found. So I call back and I swear it sounded like the same guy and I asked him so and he said no. I said "before I place an order I need an email address and do you work for" His reply was "yes, I work for them but I don't know the mail address." Bottom line, if it sounds too good to be true it has to be. Thank you all for posting your thoughts about the so I wasn't sucked in like so many before me. From what everyone else wrote I think these guys need to be tracked down and hung by their balls. I'll gladly pay a little extra to sleep soundly at night knowing that my credit card isn't going to be raped and pillaged.
Sun, 21 Oct 2007 19:33:37 +0000
Same story as the rest. Shop somewhere else!
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 03:46:52 +0000
please do not purchase from this site. ive had a similar experience as many of the other individuals here have. they are scam artists no doubt about it. i had to cancel the card i used to purchase the camera with to ensure they wouldnt have access to my account.
from what ive read, i strongly believe these individuals gather customers credit card numbers and sell them rather than use them.
if you don't believe these stories, or how rude these people are, simply call them up. use extension 207 or 205.. chances are "scott" will answer.
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:34:39 +0000
I ordered a kodak z712is digtal camera. Two minutes after placing the order I got a phone call from to confirm the shipping address. Then ask if I want to buy an overpriced memory card, I declined then moved to trying to selling me a case, I declined, and then moved to trying to sell me a overpriced battery, and I declined. By this time he was getting rude saying he doesn't have time to deal with me. I told him this whole deal sounds shady and I wouldn't give him a penny more. Then he tells me the camera I purchased is a Refurbished model and he needs 20 more dollars to get me the new one, I said the internet description said nothing of a refurb. unit, and he said MAKE A DECISION I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, I didn't say anything for a second and he said "YOUR ORDER IS CANCELLED" AND HUNG UP ON ME. I WAS SO FURIOUS! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BUY FROM THIS SELLER, ITS A BAIT AND SWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:58:34 +0000
I think I'll just start calling these guys every other hour just to see if I can really piss them off.
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 13:35:51 +0000
Everyone watch out for, they use the bait and switch tactics. I got an email telling me to call 18009580054 and this guys will heckle you. They will try to push you into buying memory cards, batt and etc. If you refuse to buy it, then they will cancel your order. Don't do business with This guys on the phone said "I don't know why I cancelled your order, but you pay for twice as much for this camera in other stores, get use to it!", then I questioned where his company was from. He replied, "this conversations is over!" and hangs up. is very very rude and their business models is very fraudulent.
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 16:25:43 +0000
I bought a digital camera from THE DIGITAL NERDS and instantly recieved an email telling me to call to confirm my order. I called and the guy at the other end of the line instantly tried to sell me lots of other accessories at rediculous prices. The guy didn't seem professional and had a pretty nasty attitude. I told him I didn't want any extra stuff. He finally gave up pestering and told me the order was confirmed. A few days later, I recieved another email telling me that the product I ordered was out of stock for 6-8 weeks and that the order was cancelled. I quickly checked the credit card status. I was relieved to find that they didn't charge it.
Tue, 23 Oct 2007 23:43:00 +0000
I wish that I had checked this website sooner, as I just placed an order with THE DIGITAL NERDS for a camera. About two hours later I received a phone call from a guy (at Digital Nerds) saying that I had placed an order with them for a camera & I forgot to order a memory card. I told him that the camera came with a 16mb card & that I didn't need a card. He told me that I could only take two pictures with that card & that I would have to buy a larger memory card from him. I said that I already had a larger memory card & that I only wanted the camera that I had ordered. He was not very pleasant & insisted that I buy the memory card. I told him that the website didn't say that I had to buy anything else, & that if I had to buy other items in order to get the camera, then I would cancel the order & buy the camera from someone else. At that point he became irritated. He told me that I made it sound like I was doing him a favor by buying the camera & that I would have to pay $250 to buy it elsewhere. I told him that I could buy it elsewhere for slightly more than his price. He became angry & told me that I could not, that he had several other websites (including Broadway Photo), that he would make sure that I couldn't buy from other websites, & that my order was canceled. As stated in earlier posts, DON'T BUY FROM THE DIGITAL NERDS!!!
Wed, 24 Oct 2007 20:24:01 +0000
I tried to order a camera from these guy(s) called them on the phone with a couple questions prior to ordering..they respond at first that the item was no longer available however when I told them I had their website open and it clearly stated the item was in stock the reply was "Well go ahead and place the order then"
I recieved a call from them a little later to "confirm" the order.
When I refused to be "upsold" on a considerable amount of way overpriced accesories the guy was rude hung up on me. Called them back three times...When I finally got him to stay on the phone for more than 20 seconds I flat asked him if this order was confirmed ..He said "for the third time I told you yes" in a tone that was not close to nice and very loud.
I have since gone to their website several times to track my order over the past few days and it indicates that there is "no order pending?"
I sent them an email (there is no email contact on their website) this morning as a return from the confirmation email that I recieved asking me to contact them and confirm order. Result ? The host returned the email with a statement that mail box exceeds quota...Gee I wonder why?
Do yourself a favor and don't even think about buying anything from these scammers.
Randall Dennis
Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:13:28 +0000
Same story about digitalnerds. I did read another post about them within minutes of placing my order. So far, I've gotten four emails from them, many phone calls (now into my 4th day of getting calls). I have not responded to the email nor do I answer the phone when 718-943-3750 shows in the caller ID. Maybe this service is not available from all banks, but, Citibank has a computer setup that allows you to secure a "one use only" vitual account number for your credit card account. All I had to do was to go online to Citibank and cancel the virtual number so digitnerds (or anyone else) couldn't use the number. If you don't have this service you might want to look into it. It is the only way to do business on the internet.
Thu, 25 Oct 2007 14:24:56 +0000
Do yourself a favor, Do NOT!!! order from TheDigitalNerds or TheDigitalExpo same company.
Called to confirm order and the salesman tried to pursuade me into buying extra items. When I refused buying anything extra they copped an attitude. Two days after my order was placed I called back because no activity, the 1st person said my item was not in stock anymore an hung up on me. When i called back, 2nd person said exact words, your item is not in stock, it will take up to 6 weeks to come in, Do not call back until then, then hung up on me... What the Hell. I was furious. I ordered with Amazon for 20 bucks more.
Do yourself a favor and dont buy from these guys.
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 13:20:03 +0000
Digital Nerds are still at it as of October 21, 2007. I ordered a Canon S5 IS because they had the best price. I got a message saying I needed to confirm my order by phone. When I called I was told I needed fast memory cards and special batteries. I said that I already had batteries and memory cards and hung up. Today I got a message saying the deal was cancelled because they were out-of-stock and would not have it back in stock for 12 or more weeks. When I went to the site today, I saw that they had the same camera for $50 more, which I was able to put into a cart (although I did not complete the order).
John Cowles
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 18:35:19 +0000
Well Heck! I bough a new camcorder back in May and now it is not working (only used it for 300 minutes). DN said I should have bought this extended warranty and then gets my wife real upset. Stay away from Digital Nerds. Very fishy.
Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:42:10 +0000
I am sorry i did not see this site before. i did not buy the high priced memory card and $139.00 battery so i got an email saying ordr was cancelled. These are crooks.
Sun, 28 Oct 2007 22:25:48 +0000
YES! He is a Scam Artist! Bait and Switch!
I purchased a camera then I called and he tried
to sell me all the accessories at inflated
prices, when I refused he just said OK -
Thank You and hung up.
I canceled my Visa immediately so the number
he had was not valid. Stay Away!
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:22:58 +0000
This is a miracle that I found this site just seconds before I hit the Order button with all my CC information at I found price for a Canon camera at their site was ridiculously low and thought it's my day today - WTF! I am lucky enough not to call them to get angry myself for free. Thank you all a million times!
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:20:11 +0000
Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:34:46 +0000
thanks to all. i have been watching this "company's" pricing on two particular cameras for quite a while. the prices were very low which made me ponder how they were able to sell so cheap, but to be honest, i was seriously thinking of placing the orders. you guys saved me. thank you.
what concerns me is the fact that they are amassing people's financial infro. i think these people are probably part of the jewish mafia out of brooklyn, ny. that would account for the accent that people are thinking is new york or middle eastern.they are obviously not doing this for camera sales as their attitudes belies someone, no matter how big an idiot, is trying to sell something. i would suggest to all who gave up your infro to cancel your credit card and get another one. secondly, beware of any strange or unusal mail, snail or email, that comes your way. these scumbags have a agenda i have no doubt, so take care.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007 19:47:37 +0000
This site has good deals, but uses the same number that most of you complain about. Here is some extra info:
The Digital Nerds
Website: [online since 4/07]
Address: not on website
Phones: 800-958-0054 [stargatephoto's most recent number; also used by digitalsuperdeals]
Domain: registrant: "Frankie Humber", 10/26/06; [email protected], 732-258-5452
2586 Main St., Edison NJ 10253 [a phony address]
Note: Within a week of their debut online, this dealer had 5 stars and 2523 reviews on
Sun, 04 Nov 2007 09:34:29 +0000
Do NOT use TheDigitalNerds!!! Prices are fake. Hung up on me when I wouldn't buy his "extras". January '06 I purchased a Nikon from Wawa Digital. Found out that this is the same rude, foreign bastard! I received my Nikon, then shortly after that my bank called me and asked if I'd tried numerous times to purchase items with my credit card that day. I said, "No." Someone, out of the country was trying to purchase items with my card number. The bank has some sort of software that detects multiple attempts of using a card. Wawa Digital (now Digitalnerds) was the only online purchase I had made. Do NOT give him a card number unless you want to buy a gift for some terrorist.
Pissed Off Customer
Wed, 07 Nov 2007 21:31:54 +0000
thedigitalnerds had a phenomenal price for a camcorder. I ordered one and received a call asking for a return phone call else the order would be cancelled. I called and was given a hard sell for a battery with a super inflated (3x its cost elsewhere) price. When I turned it down, the sell quickly turned to an extended warranty. I turned it down. I was told the order would ship the next day. On the next day I received an e-mail:
"We thank you for your order and appreciate you shopping with us . Due to the product you ordered being out of stock for 6-8 weeks from today's date. We have cancelled the order . when or if we get the product again in stock soon will send you an email to place an order please do not resubmit your order again . sorry again and thanks for your understanding ."
I then visited their website again where it said: "Availability: yes."
This is a scam company.
Gerald A. Wooten
Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:34:44 +0000
These guys are scammers, and they are Jewish men headquarted in Brooklyn. My office is right next to the call center/shipping location in Edison. I have to deal with these jerks every day. DON'T BUY FROM THEM!!! They are under investigation for consumer fraud with the NJ State Atty General as of November 2006, and I believe that American Express has closed their account due to consumer complaints.
The review site that gives them glowing reviews is also run by the same outfit.
They are a bunch of young Jewish kids - quite a bit of turnaround, I might add, with a few older Jewish guys who show up in NY licensed cars every other day. When the kids aren't bullying people around on their cordless headsets from the parking lot, they are sitting on the curb drinking reed bull and smoking joints and crack pipes (no joke - we see it every day)
Sat, 17 Nov 2007 04:46:27 +0000
Use The Federal Internet Fraud Complaint Center, to close down these bozos once and for all. IF Anyone has experienced false advertising, or missing promised items, contact this website:
Fill in the forum and add as much information possible, including the multiple aliases this company goes under:
J&J Digital
wawa digital
Broadway Photo
Starlight Camera
Accessories Land
INS Digital World
Camera Wiz
etc...etc... NO Company needs that many aliases unless they are doing BAD BUSINESS...Listed below are some affiliated phone numbers taken from the BBB N.Y. web search on Starlight Camera
(718) 943-3750
(718) 621-3111
(866) 621-1697
(718) 621-1534
(718) 621-3111
Tom Slick
Sat, 17 Nov 2007 18:02:43 +0000
Ok, It looks like we all have the same story. Did anyone have any luck removing the purchase from their credit card? We sent the junk back once we realized that if we used their battery that THEY INISTED THAT WE NEEDED voided the manufacturer's warranty. I am hoping that our credit card company reads all these horror stories and sides with us.
Has anyone tried to prosecute? I already filed a compalint with the BBB- I used all the names they go under, but I jusdt found at least 5 new ones today! F-in [!@#$%]!
Mon, 26 Nov 2007 21:48:25 +0000
Yes, these guys tried to scam me too at their website After ordering online, then calling to confirm and telling them I didn't need their overpriced accessories, I received an email indicating that the item was out of stock for 6-8 weeks. So, two days later I called to place an order, said I didn't want to purchase until I received confirmation that the camera was actually in stock and received verification that it WAS in stock. But, of course, once I said I didn't want to buy any of the accessories I was put on hold, then the guy returned to the phone line to say that the camera wasn't in stock. Surprise! Surprise! I emailed them and told them I was on to their scam, and that I was going to filed complaints with the Texas and New York Attorneys General.
Thanks to the above info, I will also contact the Federal Internet Fraud Complaint Center.
And, I suggest to anyone who has had dealings with these crooks to lodge a complaint with the FCC. They are using U.S. telephone lines to conduct their illegal activities.
Dee in Texas
Mon, 26 Nov 2007 21:56:42 +0000
Just saw a letter posted on CU (Consumer Report), claiming he got a Panasonic camrea much cheaper than anywhere on the web through Is he working for them? is that their way to promote sales?
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:42:07 +0000
fraud victim
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:34:11 +0000
you are blaming the wrong person. window internet likes to do worse than that. When you run you scanner, ask the history and tell them to give you the information, not windows,not internet, for sure. Im getting another vista but i wish i had not done it. you would not believe what that spyware and virus scanner will tell you, but be there when it is through and get it first, before someone higher up does.
Fri, 12 Jun 2009 23:42:16 +0000
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:27:00 +0000
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Title: Wisetronics...Don't purchase from them!
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Excerpt: Beware after checking out a site called or Wisetronics I believe they are ran by the same criminals. I checked the BBB and the complaints were the same- Bait and Switch. Both websites are apparently based in NY and the registered owner is Shlomi Albaydadi. Hre is the BBB report: Natu . . .
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Excerpt: Hi all! YIKES! I was wondering about this place, as they have some incredible prices!!! I had a strange feeling about the pace I went to, "" & glad I didn't place an order! Geeze! The first clue (kinda) was their prices were SO low and some stuff was free AND their web sit . . .
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