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IN FEB I HAD THE C:31 EROR CODE AND FIXED IT BY HITTING THE BOTTOM A FEW TIMES, NOW I'M GETTING AN ERROR CODE E:61:00, and called up sony. they told me they don't know what's wrong, but i can have it fixed for $311.00. how can they qoute me to fix it if they have now idea what's wrong! from what i see on this forum, it looks like sony is programming these cameras to have these codes after 4-5 years so they can make money off of you.

Mon, 3 Apr 2006 11:36:33 -0700

It's likely they are quoting you what the expected cost is for a refurbished unit even if they choose to refurbish yours. Roughing up ANY electronic device is never a good idea as you will only cause further damage. Large components can break away from their solder points and so on. If you enjoy your recorder frequently, $300 is cheaper than newer ones but you are supporting older technology. The camera you own is great for running the digital video into a computer with firewire and making DVD's from it. Your call.

Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:12:35 -0700

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Title: error code on Sony DSC-P200
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Excerpt: I have the same error code with my digital camera sony DSC-P200. I will appreciate if any have kind suggestion.
Tracked: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:57:12 -0700

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