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Capturing with Video Pass-Through

Hi, i stumbled upon your site, which is my only haven for advice concerning my camera. I have a fustrating question. Hopefully you're still around to answer. Here's the deal:

I'm trying to capture video from my VCR to my computer using my Sony TRV350. I've enabled Video Pass-Through. As of now, I can view the VCR footage on my computer right before I capture. However, when I try to capture, the program always tries to capture from the Hi8 tape, as opposed to the VCR video source. Needless to say, I don't want to capture video from my TRV350.

I'm using Windows Vista. I've tried capturing with the provided Windows Movie Maker and Roxio Media Import.

Any advice?

Daniel Nagrampa
Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:26:13 -0800

How about taking the tape out? Then there would be no question which source you are capturing from.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 25 Jun 2007 17:12:12 -0700

Setup to pass-thru:
First connect the Audio/Video plug to the jack and the other end to the video source and turn it on (I've connected an endoscope, telescope eyepiece, TVtuner/digitalTV converter, DVD/VHS player).

Then connect the DV cable to the camera and computer/DVD/BluRay and turn it on.
Powerup the camera (I like to connect the mains, but battery power will work), Thumb down the mode switch to VCR. And here is the part which stymies most folks because you have everything on and signals present, but the camera only sees blue screen with Digital8 and record speed symbols and dashes or time/time-remaining if a tape is loaded.

The problem isn't indicated on the display, it is the display itself, and sending it out prevents the switch to incoming video signals (S-video/line-video.) You will monitor the incoming video signal when you switch off the indicators with either the DISPLAY key behind the LCD or using the Remote Commander (if it is enabled on the [ETC]OTHERS menu), the step which is easily overlooked and often forgotten. There is a third DISPLAY which is also related here - the menu choice [ETC]OTHERS, DISPLAY, V-OUT/LCD to prevent the display of functions and time which shows on the LCD from sending that overlay signal out the S-video/line-video ports.

I use the TRV350 to pass-thru from a digitalTV converter to a DVD burner with DV iLink. (the camera also works as a mini portable monitor to watch the 12V tuner, the combination became a very versatile TravelTV with screenshot and two modes of record with the option of a computer link.)

When you begin to record from the recorder/computer, it sends a signal to the camera to begin playing, just as when you click the recorder to stop, a bi-directional protocol signals the sending device to halt playback. You are fighting a "feature" of the Microsoft program. BTW MS renames BUGS as Binary-coded Undocumented Gratuitous Services, an "undocumented feature."

Not all "features" are appealing or desirable.

Disney Wizard
Sat, 03 Dec 2011 04:04:18 +0000

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