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testing the Sony Gun Zoom Microphone ECM-HGZ1


I came across your web site on the emc-hgz1. I bought one of these at an airport recently and I think it is faulty. I plugged it in. Made sure it is home. Run it on zoom, gun and off. Tried it indoors and outside, and I can't hear any difference. If anything it is worse. The sound also doesn't changing when zooming the camera (DCR-HC90) with the mic in zoom mode.

Is there something I am missing? Some setting I have to enable on the camera? Or anyway to check that the camera is seeing the mic and that the mic is working?

Form what I read I should be hearing a difference in the sound pickup (otherwise why buy this mic?).


Malcolm Reeves
Sat, 15 Apr 2006 11:02:31 -0700


You'll need someone to help you test . . . perhaps you can be that someone. Install the Sony Gun Zoom Microphone ECM-HGZ1 on your DCR-HC90 and set it to Gun mode. Turn the camcorder on, place it on one side of the room, point it to the other side of the room, press the record button. Go the the other side of the room and speak at normal voice level for a few seconds.

Now, turn the camcorder off, and uninstall the Sony Gun Zoom Microphone ECM-HGZ1. Turn it back on and press the record button. Go to the same spot at the other side of the room and again speak at normal voice level for a few seconds.

Listen to the two recording. You should hear your voice loud and clear with the Sony Gun Zoom Microphone ECM-HGZ1 version, but a bit muted and muffled with a lot of background noice in the other version.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:17:27 -0700


Thanks for the info. I have tried that more or less. I had my son on one side of the room, ~4m, talking and I recorded him with the different mic settings gun/off/zoom. I could not tell any difference. I also tried it outside recording a road at the end of field and a helicopter in the sky in case it needed distance. I could tell any difference then either. I sure it is broken and I'm sending it back.

Thanks for your help.

Malcolm Reeves
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 02:09:07 -0700

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Title: Sony Gun Zoom Microphone ECM-HGZ1
Weblog: Camera Hacker
Tracked: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:19:16 -0700

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