After insistng to play with the camera I got the following message: reinsert memory stick and Error C 13:02 afterwards. Solution: I got a wrong speed's memmory ...
Sony cybershot: I push power to turn on camera and get a black screen with the word 'access' and the lens goes in and out continually. Any suggestions? Battery ...
I have a Sony DCR PC5E that keeps displaying the error code C21:00 & showing a yellow symbol in the middle of the screen. Someone told me it was a moisture ...
I turned my camera on this morning and the View Finder, and LCD screen are both black. The "information" part of the camera is working - shows the resolution, ...
The idea is to drill a hole through the cover to expose the LED. You can do this mod with an electric drill and a small drill bit. I used a 1/16" drill bit to ...
My question is; can this setting be changed to "out". Since I cant find it in the menu I wonder if there is a malfunction. I would have tried the USB plug on ...
It works fine and records fine but I have not been able to get it to playback what we record on an external monitor or as an output we can capture. Does the PVV ...
I had problems loading the software for HC46. Tried on and off for a week with no success. But finally came up with a cunning plan! Right click on CD drive and ...
Microdrives are CompactFlash Type II devices that does not fit the Type I PCMCIA adapter. Here is a hack to make it fit.