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Samsung SL720

Available in August 2009, Samsung's latest addition to their SL series of digital cameras is the Samsung SL720. So, what exactly sets this digital camera apart from the many others that have come before it? That's for you to decide. I can't tell you whether or not this digital camera is the right one for you, but what I can do is tell you everything you need to know before making a purchase.

One of the most impressive features of this digital camera is its HD movie recording. With its HD movie capture capability, you can easily pause and re-record videos in high definition with a crisp quality not unlike the movies. This is a function not only unique to the SL720, but to Samsung as well. It has been patented, and cannot be found in any other line of digital camera. With its HDMI connectivity, all you need is a big screen to see your videos on the big screen.

While face recognition isn't a new characteristic of the digital camera, Samsung has found a way to improve on this, too. Using Samsung's Perfect Portrait System, the Face Detection feature establishes the face in the frame then makes adjustments to ensure the best quality and composition of your shot.

That's not all the SL720 can do. Have you ever had problems with blinking? The SL720 can handle it. If the camera detects closed eyes, it takes a series of photos to make sure that you get a photo that captures everyone with their eyes opened. In the SL720's Beauty Shot, the camera does all the touching up for you. Facial skin becomes more vibrant and more youthful looking. It's like having your very own portable Photoshop, except you don't have to do any of the work yourself.

Another one of the SL720's unique features is Smart Album, a program that takes all the hard work out of finding all of your favorite photos. This program organizes your photos based on a number of criteria like themes, colors, contents, or the date the photo was taken. Now you'll never have to worry about losing a photo.

If that isn't enough amazing traits, consider the Samsung's Smart Auto feature. Smart Auto is a scene recognition technology that comes with eleven pre-settings. It helps you to capture the perfect photo no matter what the weather conditions are. Night portrait, Portrait, Macro Color, and Macro are but a few of the settings.

The Samsung SL720 comes in a variety of different colors, but it's a great friend to both the fledgling photographer and the simple enthusiast. With all of its helpful features, it takes the hard work out of digital photography.

Nichole Morrow
Thu, 30 Jul 2009 06:49:28 +0000

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