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My friend and I talked (on IM) a little bit about the new 24p Cinema Mode technology. I fielded his questions with my limited knowledge on why movies continued to be produced in 24p. I hope some of you more knowledgeable folks can correct me and help my friend with his questions.
Sarcast: (16:40:25) i think I might go ahead and get this hv10...I'm thinking about it...still need to think about it.
mothball: (16:46:59) I thought you wanted the HV20 . . .
Sarcast: (16:47:14) about the 24p...i realized that you can create that effect in the post editing. No need to do it right away.
Sarcast: (16:47:27) My problem is that the file becomes huge!
mothball: (16:55:13) The de-interlacing that I told you about is half the equation to 24p. Deinterlacing basically turn your 60i video into 30p.
mothball: (16:55:35) to get your video to 24p from 30p, you just have to drop 6 frames (intelligently).
mothball: (16:56:21) It only takes two steps in most video editing software . . . VirtualDub, Adobe Premiere . . .
mothball: (17:03:42) so does HV20 and HV10 do 24p natively?
Sarcast: (17:03:52) so, what I don't understand is 24p versus 30p. like in canon's camcorder, they mentioned that 24p gives you the movie effect. and 30p doesn't?
mothball: (17:03:53) which one did you want to get again?
Sarcast: (17:03:59) hv20 does, not the hv10.
mothball: (17:04:57) oh... well. . . it's just tradition. Movie has always been shot at 24p because that's what the technology allowed back in the days . . . and it was not a very good technology, because our eyes can see 30p.
Sarcast: (17:05:18) there are softwares out there that covers it to 24p; I also wonder if there is a difference between software rendered and native 24p capture, you know?
mothball: (17:05:33) back then, they couldn't build a film camera that shot fast enough for 30p, so people got used to 24p.
Sarcast: (17:05:56) oh, 30p...i see. i was playing around yesterday and the default was set at 30p but I lowered it to 24p. haha.
mothball: (17:06:31) this means that people are used to slightly jerky motion that film produces. and subconsciously when we see 24p, we associate it with film quality (better quality), even though in reality, 30p is actually BETTER in quality.
Sarcast: (17:06:58) i know you don't get the interlaced effect afterwards but I don't see the "movie effect" they're talking about.
Sarcast: (17:07:23) I don't know what the big deal is. It's like like I can suddenly produce an x-files looking movie.
Sarcast: (17:08:33) well, I know this much...30 > 24. So 30P is better.
mothball: (17:09:29) yah, I can't really see it either . . . it's all subconscious . . . and mental.
mothball: (17:10:36) I guess it's all about the art, the aesthetics. I guess some folks feel 24p is more artsy.
Sarcast: (17:12:12) well, because of it, I nearly bought into it ath would have cost me $300 more!
Sarcast: (17:12:20) I'm thinking the hv10 is good enough.
Sarcast: (17:12:25) what do you think?
mothball: (17:13:08) I'm not sure if the HV20's 24p Cinema Mode is any different than a software render. It's possible the camcorder shoots at 60i and does the de-interlace and conversion to 24p within its algorithms.
Sarcast: (17:16:02) true. I mean it's an extra step to deinterlace...not sure I need it done for me automatically now.
Sarcast: (17:16:20) I'll just have the software do it. I'll plug it into my TV and see the diff.
Sarcast: (17:16:30) TV is diff, right?
Sarcast: (17:17:05) plus, I don't see why today's movies need to be 24p if technology allows 30p easily.
mothball: (17:19:20) It seems to me that the specifications for HV10 and HV20 are exactly the same. The HV10 seems smaller and might fit in your pants pocket. The HV20 has manual focus assist. And HV20 can do 24p for you.
mothball: (17:20:19) It seems to me that unless you really don't want to convert to 24p yourself, there is no strong reason to pick HV20 over HV10 . . . perhaps which you like more physically.
Chieh Cheng
Tue, 06 Feb 2007 17:41:44 -0800
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