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Accessing & modifying a camcorder's OS

I've bought a prosio xv11 camcorder and there are several flaws in the OS.For instance, if you import mp3 files, they will be named track0001.mp3 track0002.mp3 etc..and no way to change way to import mp3 inside (album) folders...
no possibility either to import video files to play them directly on the camcorder..etc...
I've been browsing google for a couple of hours trying to find some software to modify the OS but I didn't find anything but BillW's Ops .. which doesn't recognize my camera ...
I've emailed prosio to know wether they were about to update the OS but until now i had no answer..
I can't see any system file in windows explorer, and i can't see any drive from that device in PQmagic.
If anyone has an idea or knows a software that would help me it would be great!
Thanks in advance.

Mon, 28 Nov 2005 05:52:18 -0800

hi i was considering buying a prosio xv11- after readign your comment (Hosckar), im not too sure now- can you advise me?

Sat, 3 Dec 2005 10:41:57 -0800

sorry i did not browse the site for a long time :/
as for the camera:
image is poor in inside places.
no name of file in mp3 player mode,no possibility of inserting mp3 folders,i've still not found a way to import xvid videos to view them on it.
a part from this, in outside, it has a very good quality,the shape is rather well thought though to take photos and videos, if you dont want to have them upside down, you have to hold the camera not as a mobile phone but in horizontal mode..which is rather lamy in my mind...
it's a good gadget but not a real good numeric camera..that's my opinion..

Tue, 17 Jan 2006 23:23:27 -0800

hi to eveybody! I was going to buy a prosio XV11, what about its lack of an optical zoom? someone can tell me if is ther the option "night mode",it cn be a solution to make photos inside when ther's not a lot of light
pleas answer

Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:06:40 -0800

there is a night mode available in photo mode only, it slows much down the screen preview so there are many risks of getting a blurred picture..
the optical zoom would have been a great thing in it zoom sucks a may zoom but it gets a bit blurred

Thu, 9 Feb 2006 07:59:09 -0800

lack of an optical zoom is very boring indeed.
there is a night mode available only in photo makes the screen preview lag so many photos are blurred ...

Sat, 11 Feb 2006 05:54:56 -0800

comment flasher avec un nouveau firmware un xv11.

Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:31:40 -0800

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