Camera Hacker


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How to transfer video/audio to PC?

I have a Sony Model: DCRSR40 Digital Camera. I don't have the docking station. I have only the usb cable. One end goes to camera and other end is rca(male)cable(Yellow:video;White&Red:Audio).

How Do I transfer video without docking stating to pc using that cable?


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Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:16:14 +0000

Just to be clear, that's not the USB cable. That's the composite audio/video cable.

If your computer has a composite audio/video in ports, then you can plug that cable into your computer using that cable and capture the audio/video using the software supplied with your hardware.

However, if your computer doesn't have composite in, then you'll either have to get an external composite capturing device, or use another port/cable that is common between your camcorder and your computer, such as USB or Firewire.

Example composite capturing devices are the Pinnacle Video Capture for Mac and the Pinnacle Video Creator Plus for PC.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:52:37 +0000

5-Pin mini-B cable to usb, and if the computer doesn't automatically pop up a window recognizing it, look in the taskbar for a new little icon, or go to MY COMPUTER and right click and explore and it might show the camera as an external drive, if so you can rename it to you model. Oh, make sure You turn it on so the computer will recognize it(That helps complete the path from device thru cable to computer, if not powered on it might leave the "cicuit" incomplete, so when it's on "It's Alive" and easier to recognize by the PC. Hope I helped, God Bless and do good memories and be careful to not fill up your hard drive to quick (it's easy to get carried away once it's communicating!) maybe get a cheap Maxtor external hard drive for storage. God Bless, share this info to help someone else to not have headaches down the line.(But "Charge" them a good cup of Coffee! Ha!Ha!) Oh, another tip to not overload your computer while transfering video and stuff- Shut down "un-needed" things running in the task bar so it's less activity and a clear highway with nothing else taking up the running memory.
These things work for me, I hope it helps and pass it on if so.

Patrick Paul
Mon, 27 Apr 2009 06:12:37 +0000

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